It was even more delicious when the majority of that audience of Covidian New Yorkers reacted with awkward silence, haha.

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Woody Harrelson captured it.

If you frame it like a movie, you can see how transparent the scam is. Sometimes you need analogies to break through the hold the current messaging has.

I had similar thoughts and coalesced them here: https://infogame.substack.com/p/my-lessons-from-the-pandemic

In summary

1. People's identity as an educated and 'good citizen' must be protected above all else, including the truth

2. Some people would rather see their own kids die than admit they were wrong

3. Fear shuts off your intelligence

4. The job of the intelligentsia is to act as the ideological enforcer of power

5. People only speak in a language they understand. It may be a crude language but that's what they have.

6. No honor among coronamaniacs.

7. Marketing dictates the techniques used to manipulate people. Interpret everything in a crisis in that light. It is basically actions to manipulate you to ensure your loyalty to a desired outcome (or product).

8. If you survived this, you are a special person. Don't forget what you embody.

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Listen. He was deep in NYC liberal land and he dropped a nugget. That is huge. It’s food for thought coming from one of their own. Baby steps. ❤️🙏🏼

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Hopefully, he is a new warrior in the battle to rescue & save humanity!🙏🏻👏🏼🥂

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I’m grateful that I saw Woody do his last hosting gig on SNL.

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Simplistic view of the coordinated efforts of the CIA/DOD/CDC consortium, Big Pharma and the Gates eugenicists and the WEF globalists!

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Woody is a friend of RFK Jr and Woody's dad was a subcontractor of sorts for the CIA. The CIA part is from an interview he gave Barbara Walter's decades ago. I'm glad he spoke out. It's a start

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Does that qualify as BRILLIANT! ???

Yeah, I think it does - 🔥 - positively inspired. And ...... BRILLIANT !

Good Call-Out, Paul !

- wonder if the idiots running things picked up on it 🤔

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They already blocked in Australia bro. lol

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Keep it coming Woody !! 👏👏👏

Take out that wooden bat and break the truth out like a piñata!! Wham !!! 💥💥💥💥💥

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I wasted 6.2 minutes waiting for him to say anything like the words used to describe this clip. This is not anything to get excited about.

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Having shared this with someone needing an awakening boost, i realize he will find it too shocking to bear. And eventually digest it. Mark Twain was right. Its easier to fool someone than to convince them they’ve been fooled.

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Does everyone love Woody Harrelson so much that they think this SNL sketch was Woody trying to take down pharma?

(Full disclosure I always have admired him, and once played an extra in a scene in a movie down in the Bahamas "After the Sunset" with Woody, he was amazingly gracious and spoke to all the extras on the scene with him - and at the time it confirmed my admiration for him.)

But isn't it possible that Woody Harrelson was gaslighting the public?

I think the stunned silence was that the public believes it is all true and they didn't think it was a joke at all - because there would have been plenty of people in that audience who were feeling attacked over the last 3 years!

Hollywood is owned and controlled by the same gigantic investment companies that own big pharma, own big tech, own the mainstream media, and own our politicians. And this is why Hollywood is so often using predictive programming and trotting out future scenarios - hell, East Palestine's toxic terrorist attack was a Hollywood film in East Palestine only a couple of years ago.

Personally I think that Woody Harrelson was used for gaslighting the public - the Covid-cartel is trying to paint anyone talking about their existence as being conspiracy theorists. That's what they call everyone that points towards their agenda.

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Not lunatics, FREEMASONS following orders under threat of losing their easy jobs, easy money, livelyhoods or lives.

It’s the masons, dummy!

In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was founded, to infiltrate and control democracy, by freemasons David Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Allen Dulles, Walter Lippmann and Edward M. House. The impressive 10-thousand members list proves the power grab was successful.1 Since 1921, the CFR has chosen every single Secretary of State. Similar mason institutions, most with similar names, were founded in over 100 countries, including Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs and the European Council on Foreign Relations2: practically, there’s no war where the CFR isn’t involved on both sides. 3 Their magazine Foreign Affairs is one way they send orders to all members.

In 2018, Wikileaks proved the CFR controlled all mainstream media.4

Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush father and son, Carter, Clinton, Obama 5 ... some argue that, with few exceptions like JFK and Trump, at least since WWII, all US presidents were freemasons and many CFR,. All administrations were filled with thousands of CFR members. 6 The Trump administration was no exception. 7 It’s not a coincidence that Neil M. Gorsuch, CFR Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump, betrayed conservatives by ruling in favour of homosexual marriage and other New World Order “progressive” agenda.

Another proof of grooming for infiltration: 28 Jun 2019 Democrat Tulsi Gabbard wasn’t renewed 5 CFR year membership. 8 Because she wouldn’t obey all orders? In 2020, she was still pro-homo-marriage9 and pro-abortion (a basic CFR request) and pro-Biden, but wanted paper ballots, Electoral College, supported Trump in breaking up Big Tech and removing their censorship through section 23010, Glass-Steagall, pro-natalism paid family and medical leave plans up to 12 weeks, less public and defense spending, drug patent breaking, no war.11 That’s probably why she was defamed by Kamala12, Hillary Clinton and mason Mitt Romney.13 In 2021, she questioned Fauci on COVID origin and masks.14 Tulsi was groomed by WEF in the "Forum of Young Global Leaders" but suddenly was disappeared, and not because she turned 38 (41 in 2023), the WEF cut-off limit for “young”, freemason Macron (45) is still in the search results. Fremason Trudeau, 51, isn’t, but is listed in weforum.org15, while Tulsi has been erased from there, in Apr 2022 (she independized from the Democratic party in Oct 2022).16 Maybe this was the drop that filled the cup: she’s against CBDCs and social scoring.17


9/11: 2 planes, 3 towers

more here: http://scientificprogress.substack.com

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This was sheer brilliance, he went far off script. This is why I think somehow getting those "in the club" to turn to our side, much as with Kanye, Scott Adams, is vital. These people get 1-2 shots at a vast audience we are precluded from reaching!

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Woody is just another court jester.

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