I testified in front of the Gove Oversight & Reform Committee in 2004 re new developments in treating children with autism. I was pulled aside by a Congressional aide and told that everyone in the upper tier of government who wanted to know whether vaccines were causing autism already knew that vaccine did cause autism and they weren't going to do anything about it.

I was told the the vaccine induced encephalitis we call autism would never have a piece of legislation that mentioned treatment and autism together because it would eventually lead to blaming the vaccines - not allowed when the government has been bled out from the inside by Big Pharma.

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In 2000-2003 I was in an autistic classroom kindergarten age, as a teacher assistant. 2 kids were “ crack babies”, the rest autistic. One in 148 back then. The parents had no doubt about the correlation to vaccines. Ironically I went on disability from a booster shot injury & got Lyme disease during my most rewarding job ever. I remember when dr Bradstreet and a dozen other researchers and doctors all passed under questionable conditions, they had proof & were helping children heal. Years later I found out that my primary care doctor was bullied into submission, he’d been treating Lyme successfully before I met him. Threaten with defending every Medicare bill he ever submitted if he didn’t stop. ( I have an integrative medicine doctor for actual help)

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Besides Big Pharma, I suggest we also look at the issues caused Big Farma: bogus food pyramids, "healthy whole grains", sugar and HFCS, seed oils, veganism...

If everyone ate a proper diet for humans, there would be so much less mental and physical illness.

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Nah! It’s caused by Tylenol given to pregnant women during her pregnancy! Latest bit of miss direction to side track RFK Jr. Who knows the truth!

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Could it be not just the Covid jab, but the far too many vaccines pushed on children. Recent friends who moved here from Belgium said the most shocking thing was the number of vaccines. In their experience most Belgium kids received about 12 vaccines. When they immigrated they had to get about 8 vaccines, which they did and they were not happy about this. I would like to see somebody create a spread sheet comparing required vaccines in various countries. Just curious.

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My autistic son is unvaccinated.

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You better believe it’s the fecking vaccines.

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The well-documented increases in autism spectrum disorder have been multiple times significantly correlated with the increases in the vaccines on the child vaccine schedule.

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You can't just say its vaccines.... there are a lot of industrial chemicals being used now that didn't exist in 1970 too. Glysophates (ie roundup weed killer) seem to have a connection with autism, dementia, and Alzheimer's.

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Maybe some if it is over diagnosis?

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One of my son’s teachers had a suspicion it was the toxic-laden toys and a multitude of other products imported into our country that damaged kids brains.

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We allowed our kids to be injected with poisons like mercury and aluminum all in the name of protecting them with endless vaccines they don't even need. This is the result. No doubt in my mind.

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