We gave them a vaccine, we gave it to eight mice. It sure did get them clean, it rid them of their life!

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Not that I can follow your every word but you do give us a picture and I do thank you for pushing out the truth. The vaccine believers are being shoved into a corner; as is the human race.

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The FDA has lost ALL credibility. Presented with eight dead mice, likely with three eyes and five ears each, approval is issued to jack up the human population.

We are living an absurdity.

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No Suprise it's to be expected

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Dolly Parton should be singing "Graphene, graphene, graphene, I’m begging of you, please don’t hesitate. Graphene, graphene, graphene, because once you’re dead, then that’s a bit too late.”

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Not fully understood with bivalent mRNA vaccines is the immunological properties of 'mixed trimers' ?

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The cabal reminds me of Hitler in his bunker, ordering the crops to be burned because the German people didn't deserve to eat.

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The only way this will ever end is if people start saying NO to any new shots and all the existing ones. Then doctor's need to start waking up and being brave enough to also say NO to the shots.

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Everything that we've learned from you and the other great Front Line Dr's, I cant't help thinking this is all intentional. Malfeasance at the highest levels.

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More and more these boosters seem to be Deliberately formulated to terminate the patient.. 8 mice and the FDA says the booster is good to go!!??? We need to understand clearly that this is WAR now, the evidence is completely overwhelming.. We can WIN this WAR... Legally and Relentlessly we proceed... Lets ripe this Wide Open.. contact every leader we can.. look daily for Creative ways to expand our effectiveness.... WE GOT THIS!!

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Thank you Dr. Paul, I very much appreciate you and hope you are feeling better!

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With the exact same symptoms as any other flu or cold. What do they do? Change the PCR test to read for some variant? This is all faked. Show me the standardization of a PCR test to read covid to begin with. Those standards do not exist nor do the standards (such as exact cycles) exist to run a PCR test. The inventor (Mullins) of PCR stated emphatically that is can not be used to detect disease or viruses. That is good enough for me.

The entire hypothesis for the pandemic is down the drain because cases can not be proven, where it should have been after the first few months. They may be seeing varying degrees of flu or some other infliction and relabeling it as a variant. Nobody even questions this so that is how they get away with it. Most doctors are dumber than door nails and accept whatever the AMA and big pharma tell them.

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Excellent! Thank you!

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Seeing our Government wants us to take that very long trip of no return, these actions make perfect sense.

Killing millions of people takes a lot of out of the box thinking, after all.

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This is simply a continuation of the existing Covid scam and a confirmation for anyone with eyes that nearly the entire world's regulatory and drug approval system (and our governments) has been COMPLETELY captured by the drug industry and their owners and masters. Surely it is clear by now that it is not JUST money that is driving this? How many people have to die before we wake up and stop them? This war is being lost to those who would enslave us.

I truly hope that the ownership of the Drug Industry becomes a topic for consideration and a discussion of their motives in trying to jab the whole world, shut down the middle class in all western countries, and dumb down the education system for those country's kids to increase their doctrination all the while pretending that "green energy" is going to "save the planet", when fossil fuels produce the most incredible food for plants (CO2) that is in incredibly short supply (0.04%). We need a LOT more in the atmosphere. Crushing the energy grids of countries and their farm sectors is another aspect of the SAME plan. If jabbing the whole world can be blamed entirely on greedy drug companies, who is to blame for shutting down the farm sector in Sri Lanka and the Netherlands, etc.? These are simply other aspects of the SAME plan by the SAME PEOPLE. It is LOT MORE than greedy drug company executives!!! We are at war and we are losing.

Pray for guidance and to be spared from this plan of the Devil and help your neighbor and your family to get through this vast evil spreading throughout the world and also ask for Peace in the face of persecution because you will experience it (if you haven't already).

May God Bless you and your families,

Ian in Vancouver

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