How is this not obvious? When my wife was pregnant with our now 9 year old, she was not to take any vaccines and most medications until after delivery. But suddenly, this shot is okay? Why would anyone believe this?

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This was clear from December 2020, when I went online to check the EUA submissions, and read that pregnant and breastfeeding women were excluded from the trials, along with all CoVid-recovered people. It was absurd that the CDC and many (most?) doctors so emphatically recommended their patients get these injections. Women were told that if they didn’t get injected, their OBs would not take them as patients. Criminal dereliction of duty to do no harm.

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Well duh .... Ever read the warning label on most over the counter medications, including vitamins? For the most part, nothing is recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers,,, er berthing people.

How in the heck did these experimental gene therapy products get unanimous approval from drug oversight groups unless corruption was a leading factor.

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Women are told: no drinking, no raw fish, no caffeine, no OTCs, no DRUGS when pregnant. But suddenly an EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY shot is OK? One that might impact your GENES. While you are gestating (developing) a NEW PERSON??? and this same 'new person' genes??? Yeah, Safe and effective? At what pray tell? Making you abort? Causing damage to the fetus? Permanently impacting your on going fertility and your partner's? Hun. Even I knew there was something seriously wrong...and these poor brainwashed women gleefully took the jab. Now they may be mad down stream, confused, upset... had a miscarrage ... too late damage is done and THERE IS NO CURE. We cannot REVERSE the jab!!

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Limit all the testing on pregnant women to California.

They just voted for full term abortion.

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We will point to this debacle for decades to debunk any appeals to the authority of alleged experts.

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Doctors can't say anything about the vaccine to anybody in California.

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This is by design. Gates hs said vaccines could be used to reduce the world's population. What better way than to prevent reproduction?

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My daughter in law asked me about her friend getting the Covid shots while she was pregnant. I told her she must never get them and she didn’t. Apparently her doctor was pushing them on her. Disgusting.

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For historical context, watch this beautifully filmed 30-minute documentary about vaccine deceptions in Kenyan women injected in the 2010s without informed consent by the WHO with "tetanus" shots, in an unusual five-dose series over three years, that caused infertility from tetanus toxoid conjugated with HCG causing women to make antibodies against HCG, stealing their fertility. Closing words: "when they are finished with Africa, they are coming for you." https://rumble.com/v184bw8-infertility-a-diabolical-agenda-2022-wakefield-kennedy-chd-documentary.html

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My pregnant neighbor is carrying a baby that has a heart defeat. When she told me the doctor wanted to give her a booster (did not) I suspected she was vaxxed. They don’t know if the baby will make it. My heart breaks for them.

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