Dr Alexander, I want to thank you so much for you enthusiastic and selfless sharing of information which is lifesaving on Substack. You have made me feel supported as a physician who has been bullied for my stance in this plandemic and against these bioweapons. You are in my prayers 🙏

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Thank you for sharing all your information and tireless efforts. Hopefully DeSantis & Ladapo will get huge traction. Just wish we had some strong politicians here in New Zealand - we have none! Our Govt is out of control.

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Finally, some serious talk about suing the criminal scum at Pfizer.

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Hold him to it. And not just show trials. Accountability means huge fines, imprisonment and death penalties for some.

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You know, this really is a big deal.

I mean, some people are still living in sunshine-and-lolly-pop land on this. As the pile of bodies grows to knee height.

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DeSantis is fantastic! Appointing Dr. Ladapo was a specular show of independent and true public service!

He’s much smarter than Trump and has exposed the WEF, Fauci, BlackRock,Disney, doesn’t shill for Zelenskyy The Tyrant, this insane war

Trump keeps ranting , blaming everybody but himself for his poor judgement, lousy appointments and losing Georgia and the Senate in 2018. Loeffler would have won handily. But he decided to have a public fight with Kemp and pushing Collins into the mix. Enough to shave enough points from her lead and then quitting, costing a House seat as well.

DeSantis should run with Gabbard and tear down the entire system of divide, corruption and the garbage left, right and the UniParty. The GOP is doing NOTHING to take on the UN/WEF and NWO. They don’t care about the toxic vaccines, but for DeSantis and Ron Johnson and nobody has even touched upon the fact that thePentagon sent 39M to Daszak for Wuhan , Biden’s Transhumist Exective Order or Biden funding the migrant invasion with taxpayer dollars funneled to the UN. Or the deal he’s cutting with Canada and Mexico to create a single governing entity by uniting the America’s as a single borderless entity. How is it possible they don’t know?

The Soros-Schwab Dem fascists and GOP neocons are celebrating the Nazi tyrant Zelensky as our dollars keep disappearing. Fuck them all!

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Encouraging to see DeSantis continue to push back against pharma's control of politicians, FDA, CDC, NIH, HHS, WHO, MSM - you name it.

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Please get the ball rolling and others will koi!!

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I applaud him. Finally someone calling out these killers!

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Wonderful news!

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This is encouraging news! It probably will be criticized in the MSM, but that's fine. Finally, one state -- and, hopefully, there will be more -- is striking back at this evil cabal that sold the public on a crisis one of their minions (Fauci) apparently created with our tax money. Thanks, Dr. Alexander, for heralding this necessary move by Gov. DeSantis and Florida's Surgeon General, Dr. Joe Ladapo! Bring the guilty to justice, stop the insanity of continued promotion of the harmful jabs, and ideally remind the public that a healthier diet, lifestyle, and quality regimen of vitamins and minerals are better "insurance" for public health than masks, lockdowns, and nefarious experimental injections!

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As I understand it the gene therapy roll out took place under the auspices of the US military (DARPA) with Pfizer, Moderna, etc only acted as front men so they can't reasonably be held accountable. The injectables are the property of the US Government until administered.

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> hold these vaccine manufacturers responsible

This. As we have witnessed how fast BASIC human rights have been abolished, lots of voters are eager to witness how fast (il)legal immunity of pharma will be abolished...

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