Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5
The fourth episode of Young David is now playing on the Minno and Angel streaming services. Like the first three, it’s only about six minutes with credits.
This episode doesn’t have much of a plot; it’s called ‘Poet’, and it’s basically all about David composing what appears to be one of his first songs.
A few quick thoughts:
Are these episodes being released out of chronological order? This one begins with David saying he “finally” got a lyre from his dad, and then he tries to come up with a good subject for a song as though he’s never written one before. But we’ve seen him sing and play his lyre before, so… what’s up with that?
The song that David ultimately sings in this episode is based on Psalm 23, but the song omits some key lines from that psalm, and it adds some lines as well.
The song comes to David after he falls into a large crack in the ground and is startled by some animal bones at the bottom, including a skull. He starts to sing about walking through “the valley” and being lost in “the shadows”, and if you know your psalms, you might assume he’s going to sing about “the valley of the shadow of death”. But, curiously, even though his song is partly inspired by the bones of dead animals, it makes no explicit reference to “death”.
Admittedly, some modern translations of Psalm 23 also avoid the word “death” and have replaced “the valley of the shadow of death” with simpler—and, I would argue, less evocative—phrases like “the darkest valley”. So it’s possible the song in this episode is taking its cue from those translations. But its use of “shadows” harks back to the more traditional versions of this passage, and I am not aware of any translation of Psalm 23 that uses “shadow” without also using “death”.
The song in this episode also includes a line about an eagle’s strength being renewed, which is reminiscent of a line from Psalm 103:5.
The other lines that have been added to the song are more generic in their sentiments, and sound almost like the sort of thing you’d hear in a modern praise-and-worship chorus (e.g. “You are good, and your heart is for me”).
We actually heard David sing a few lines from Psalm 23 in Hebrew in Episode 2, so the fact that this episode presents the song as a new composition is another reason to wonder if the episodes are being released in chronological order. Then again, I think the melody is completely different this time, so it could be that David already knew a version of this song in Episode 2, and the song he sings in this episode is a new variation of sorts on that other song’s theme.
I do like the orchestration on this song.
That’s about it for general comments. But if you want a more detailed look at how the song in the episode compares to Psalm 23, see below for the lyrics to both.
First, here is the NIV translation of Psalm 23, minus some of the indentations, with the parts that are reflected in the episode’s song in bold:
¹ The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
² He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
³ he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.
⁴ Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
⁵ You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
⁶ Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
And here are the lyrics to the episode’s song, with an asterisk (*) next to the lines that repeat earlier lines, and with the parts derived from Psalm 23 in bold:
Even if I walk through the valley / Even if I’m lost in the shadows
I will not fear for / I know you are with me
The Lord is my Shepherd / I have everything I need / I lack nothing at all
He leads me beside quiet waters / to a place I can lie down / and find rest for my soul
He restores and revives my life / Never leaves my side
* Even if I walk through the valley / Even if I’m lost in the shadows
* I will not fear for I know / You are with me
Surely goodness and mercy will follow / follow me wherever I go
* I will not fear / for the Lord is my Shepherd
You are / You are my best friend
Like an eagle, you renew my strength / For all of my days
You are good! / and your heart is for me / and will guide me in the path of righteousness / for the honour of your name
* Even if I walk through the valley / Even if I’m lost in the shadows
* I will not fear / for I know you are with me
* Surely goodness and mercy will follow / You will follow me wherever I go
* I will not fear / for the Lord is my Shepherd
Infer what you will from the parts that were added and the parts that were left out.
And that about covers it for now, I think.
You can watch a teaser for this episode here:
There is just one more mini-episode coming out next month:
March 8 — “Worshiper”
This will then be followed by a feature film, called simply David, in 2025.
February 23 update: Angel Studios has now released a clip with the entire song:
Past posts on David and Young David:
‘Three — maybe four — Bible-themed projects look for crowd-funding’ (October 24, 2021)
‘Young David animated series coming in 2023’ (June 8, 2022)
‘Livestream news: The Chosen, Testament, The Shift, and more’ (July 6, 2022)
‘Young David series to start streaming next month’ (October 25, 2023)
‘Young David – episode one’ (November 18, 2023)
‘Young David – episode two’ (December 13, 2023)
‘Young David – episode three’ (January 27, 2024)