Jared Moskowitz Helps Republicans Accept That James Comer Might Not Never Find Hunter Biden's Dang-A-Lang
We’ve told you a few fun things about yesterday’s hilarious failure of a hearing in the House Oversight Committee. Shockingly, heavy breathing yapmouth Tony Bobulinski did not reveal the smoking gun, nor did Jason Cow Anus or whatever the one who was in jail’s name is.
Reformed Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas was pretty great, as he explained how committee chair James Comer’s entire investigation is part of a Russian intelligence plot to hurt America that’s been running for almost 10 years.
For comedic value, the whole hearing was fuckin’ great.
Now we want to show you another couple moments from Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz, who clearly lives for this shit.
In the first clip, via Acyn, Moskowitz explained that if these expired dildoes in the Republican caucus actually had any evidence against the Bidens, they’d call an impeachment vote. They do not.
Throughout, he openly fucked with Tony Bobulinski, a moron. “Are you asking me a question?” Bobulinski asked, like it was his hearing. “No, I’m just lookin’ at ya. But if you wanna talk, we can talk,” replied Moskowitz. Bobulinski made the most flaccid attempt at a “gotcha” we’ve ever seen, saying Moskowitz must not be familiar with “recent data that shows American people are well aware of the Bidens’ corruption.”
Which was the exact trap Moskowitz had set for Bobulinski, a moron. Please, he said! Please ask Chairman Comer why he hasn’t called for that vote! At which point Moskowitz did his best impression of Bobulinski, a moron, asking Comer that very question.
“Hi, I’m Tony. Hey Chairman? How come you haven’t called for impeachment? When are we gonna have the hearing? When is the vote gonna happen? I mean, you believe it, he believes it, he says it every day on TV. I just don’t know when we’re gonna have the vote!”
“Are you asking ME to hold the vote?” asked Bobulinski, a moron, confused.
“No, I just like looking at ya,” replied Moskowitz, who was literally at that point just using Bobulinski, a moron, as a prop.
Below is more video from Moskowitz’s time, via MeidasTouch, where he actually tried to make the motion to impeach Joe Biden, so that James Comer could second it. This made Jamie Raskin LOL, as you can see in this screengrab. It even seemed to amuse Jim Jordan.
But it did not amuse James Comer.
In fact, when Moskowitz made the motion, Comer hesitated, then appeared to reply, “YIIIIH?” Then he stuck his thumbs up, but not like “thumbs up,” more like he is just bad at thumbs. And Jim Jordan was still grinning.
Moskowitz explained:
“They’re never going to impeach Joe Biden! It’s never going to happen! Because they don’t have the evidence. OK? This is a show. It’s all fake. They just want to do these hearings. It’s not leading to impeachment. They’re lying to their base, on Newsmax and Fox, leading these people to believe that they’re gonna eventually impeach the president. It’s not gonna happen! At all! Ever! Period!
“They don’t even have the votes, even if they had it in committee, they don’t have the votes on the floor. They know that. They got members resigning rather than taking a vote on the fake faux impeachment. Just ask Ken Buck, who said the Speaker ain’t gonna get me to take an unconstitutional impeachment vote. I mean, boy!”
Boy, indeed!
And that’s when he started fucking with Bobulinski. (We did this blog post out of order, kind of like how James Comer did his impeachment investigation of Joe Biden out of order. You gotta find some evidence first, pigfuck! Of something!)
By the end of last night, Fox News creeper Jesse Watters was openly working through his grief feelings about the fact that the Republicans are absolutely not going to impeach Joe Biden. Still lots of denial and LOTS of bargaining, obviously.
We all come to the realization that James Comer doesn’t have any evidence against Joe Biden — and that he is stupider than a bag of decomposing dog dicks — differently.
We must let Jesse Watters have his space.
Anyway, great job, Jared Moskowitz, we like lookin’ at ya.
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It was GLORIOUS. And hey - here's something that ought to be played prominently somewhere:
At the end of her rant, Rep. Boobert tried to get in a dig at the Democrats. She said something like, "The people to my left have no interest in justice". Something like that, I forgot exactly what. But it was a slam against the Democrats.
Or so she thought. But she made one little mistake.
The people to her left were her fellow Republicans.
I just read that Jared Moskowitz is a graduate of Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school. I'd love to see him grill Wayne LaPierre's bloodthirsty, grifting ass on gun control some day in the future.