I'm delighted to welcome back former Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger.
Hi, I'm Jen Rubin, Editor-in-Chief of The Contrarian. I'm delighted to welcome back former Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger. Talk to us a little bit about what a repudiation of American values, of basic facts it was to hear Donald Trump really spilling Russian propaganda about the invasion of Ukraine and being prepared, apparently, to negotiate away their sovereignty.
It's even worse than that. I'm hearing today that French media is reporting that the U.S. is looking at suspending war crime prosecutions or investigations of war crimes by Russia. And there's also rumor out there fairly strong that Trump has been invited and is considering accepting going to the Moscow Victory Day parade.
There's nothing, frankly, more pro-Soviet than doing that. Look, here's the reality of it. We spent, you know, a lot of blood and treasure, obviously, in World War II. And we lost, coincidentally, half as many people as Russia has lost in Ukraine, by the way. So we liberated an entire continent and took down an empire with that.

Jen Rubin and Adam Kinzinger discuss the stark divergence that the Trump administration has taken from previous U.S. Presidents when dealing with Russian foreign relations.

Adam Kinzinger is a former (a word he relishes) member of Congress from Illinois and was one of two Republican members who sat on the January 6th Committee. Make sure to keep up with Adam on his own Substack here.

Discussion about this video

The free world will survive not having a trumpian America as a friend because that is not a friend anyone wants. Americans will be isolated and not trusted anywhere in the world. What the White House is doing regarding Ukraine is, hopefully, a wake up call for Republicans who have been afraid to acknowledge that the emperor not only has no clothes but also has no integrity whatsoever. He lives on Musk's money and pays Musk with power over us.

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Thanks for interviewing Adam. I have always admired him, thank him for his service, and appreciate his willingness to speak out. We need more like him, and as you said, we need to hear more from him and others like him.

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Mr. Kinzinger and Ms. Cheney have stood up for our democracy and against the autocracy. They have spoken truth to power at great personal sacrifice.

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That is true. And I agree that both of them were brave. However, both of them are anti-choice. Therefore, I can't subscribe to Mr. Kinzinger's substack contributions. I cannot give my money to anyone who does not support women as autonomous human beings.

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I was not aware of that. Thanks. I agree with you. I am pro-choice as well. I am not a paid subscriber to either of them.

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Adam Kinzinger is more and more becoming THE spokesman for the anti-muskrat/OFPINO regime. This is especially important in light of the fact that he was a republican member of the House, I think.

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Google doesn't seem to know what OFPINO means, help us out here A. Blue

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Orange felon president in name only. 😀

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To abandon your suffering friends in order to kiss their tormentor on the lips just for a bag of gold or some imaginary influence is the worst betrayal I can imagine. Never in my 70 years did I think I would see this.

America has just entered a darkened hallway of shame and self-degradation it will not be able to exit from quickly or easily.

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I believe the nations of the world must form coalition and take the lead in this new world. US is clearly unqualified to lead on the critical issues we face: climate, hunger, unrest, authoritarianism, the list goes on. As US becomes more isolated, new democratic leaders will emerge, I hope!

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As town halls flourish, some errupting into angry constituents shouting their concerns, a Kansas couple found a way to solve that problem as well as force a reluctant Senator Jerry Moran to give his constituents a way to voice their concerns to him. They invited him to attend a virtual town hall which he declined to attend. They held it anyway and represented the Senator with his picture and name on an empty chair. The 2.5 hr zoom meeting allowed Kansans from all over the state to voice their fears and concerns. It was powerful. It is on Youtube titled, "A Virtual Town Hall for Jerry Moran". It's worth a look and has had well over 10,000 views in 2 days. It could be done anywhere with or without representatives.

Thank you for all you are doing.

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It’s a good idea, because I bet there will be fewer and fewer town halls in the future

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I hope Kinzinger is right. The Democrats or the Independents might just be assembling a revolt group against the Trump/Musk assault on democracy. This is their antidote to raising taxes on billionaires is to completely gut everything else.

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The Devil Went Down to Georgia is the best way I can think of to describe the situation with Ukraine and Russia. With regard to the Charlie Daniels band.

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How can this truthful narrative be louder and more influential in our country?

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Trump is a Russian asset, correct? I understand he has been since 1987.


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Jen - you always ask such excellent questions in your interviews - thank you!

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Here's the letter I just sent to congress. I also called Representative Brian Mast Chairman of foreign affairs committee, and Representative Gregory Meeks, Ranking Member of the same committee to let them know my feelings. "We the People" will have to do the work of congress and hold the Executive office in check and accountable for their horrific words and deeds.

I am a proud American, outraged by the actions of Donald J. Trump, his band of sycophantic, wholly unqualified advisors, and the spineless members of the Executive Branch who are too greedy or too afraid to challenge his horrific actions and statements. The current Executive Branch of the U.S. government does NOT represent me or my interests. I am confident that hundreds of millions of adult U.S. citizens who are NOT among the 800+ billionaires agree with me. Trump was elected based on lies, threats, and manufactured outrage.

The true "enemy within" is Trump and his advisors—both appointed and self-anointed, such as Elon Musk. The most urgent governmental reform must begin with the Executive Branch, starting with the impeachment of Trump and the removal of all unqualified, unconfirmed advisors. While eliminating waste and fraud from the government is a noble endeavor, Trump himself embodies fraudulence and moral decay. As the saying goes, "A fish rots from the head down." The current Executive Branch is a noxious, putrid entity with gangrenous flesh that must be swiftly and completely excised.

My greatest fear regarding Trump’s re-election was his potential abandonment of NATO and the destruction of our international relationships. We do NOT need a Europe that merely "defends itself"—we need strong, interdependent alliances with our democratic allies worldwide. Who came to our aid after the 9/11 attacks? Our NATO allies. We MUST continue to support Ukraine in its fight against Putin’s unjust invasion. Ukraine is entitled to its sovereignty and original borders.

Congress’s failure to act as a co-equal branch of government, meant to provide checks and balances to the Executive Branch, is a grave concern. Wake up, Legislative Branch. Hold the Executive accountable for its actions and statements. Do NOT allow 80+ years of carefully built international alliances, rooted in democratic principles and self-governance, to be recklessly dismantled. My father fought in WWII, and I am relieved he is not alive to witness the willful abandonment of everything he and his generation fought to protect.

As long as Putin continues his assault on Ukraine, he must be shunned, and his country sanctioned. Trump’s dangerous alignment with Putin, demonstrated by his repeated parroting of Russian rhetoric, is a bridge too far. He has crossed the line and must be stopped.

Can we count on you to fulfill your elected duties, or must the American people seek alternative solutions to this crisis? I hope you will respond with actions, not just empty words.


Lonnise H. Gilley

Retired Public School Teacher

Gravely Concerned Senior Citizen

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Jen, please try to get this comment to Adam Kinsinger. I have a major problem with him. On one hand, I admired his backbone on the January committee. I admire his intelligence and knowledge. And I'm particularly proud he's from Illinois where I live. However, Mr. Kinsinger does not support choice. He does not believe women have the right or wit to make their own decisions about their reproductive health. I cannot put money in the pocket of a person who does not support women as autonomous human beings. As a Republican, how can he support government interference in a person's private life?

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Regarding Ukraine and Trump being so subservient to Putin, I have a question: What if an emboldened Putin says he wants Alaska back because he was not paid enough for it, or he was somehow forced into giving it up, or whatever. What would Trump do then?

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He would give Alaska to Putin and blame it on Joe Biden.

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I agree

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If it's the top 5% of income earners that get the biggest benefits from all this slash and burn, then maybe this new tea party should be called the 95% party?

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I sent this to our Senators and my Representative.

I think it is time for a press conference held by:

Joe Biden

Barak Obama

Bill Clinton

George Bush

Kamala Harris

Al Gore

Mike Pence

Dick Cheney

With the Democratic Senate and Representatives behind them.

Together!!! Against the weakening and dismantling of our government and throwing away our allies. We can’t wait for two years.

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As always, great interviewing, Jen. And, as always, great job of informing us, Adam.

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He has ‘hard core’ maga friends? Why?

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It's important to maintain lines of communication. They get to hear from someone with similar views, but based in truth, not trump's lies.

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Maybe that group of politicians that sulkiest will be bipartisan!

I am so tired of this great divide that this administration has created !!

We shall see !!

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Weird that the WWII generation is largely responsible for foisting Trump on the rest of us. What were they thinking???

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Sign me up for this grassroots party!

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Get Trump and Musk out of American politics now.

Enough is enough.

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Good for Adam Kinzinger to remind everyone of the absolute turnabout of Trump and the U.S government on certain issues without any reasoning.

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