Imagine being the governor of a state and celebrating the fact that thousands of your own constituents are losing their jobs. That’s exactly what Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin is doing in Virginia, openly cheering on job cuts caused by Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s reckless destruction of the federal workforce. In my interview with former Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger—who’s now running to replace Youngkin as governor—she made one thing clear: Virginia deserves leadership that actually gives a damn about Virginians.
Youngkin had the audacity to say, “I don’t believe that federal government downsizing is wrong… I do expect that some Virginians will lose their jobs.” He’s not just indifferent to people losing their livelihoods—he’s actively rooting for it. And to add insult to injury, he set up a pathetic website called “Virginia Has Jobs,” which doesn’t actually help anyone but instead sends people to LinkedIn and Indeed with a “good luck” message. What kind of leader does this?
Spanberger has traveled across the state, visiting red, blue, and purple areas alike, and the message is the same everywhere: Virginians are terrified. They’re getting blindsided with emails telling them their jobs are gone. They’re watching friends, neighbors, and even military spouses suddenly find themselves without work. And the economic consequences are massive—according to the University of Virginia, just a 10% reduction in the federal workforce would mean 39,000 jobs lost and a staggering $6 billion hit to Virginia’s economy. But Youngkin and his GOP allies don’t care.
Instead of addressing real issues—job security, affordable housing, education, healthcare—the GOP is out here celebrating nonsense like changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the “Gulf of America.” As Spanberger pointed out, not a single Virginian has brought that up to her on the campaign trail. You know what they do bring up? The fact that grocery prices are still too high, that teachers are underpaid, that healthcare costs are crushing families. The Republican Party has become a clown show, focused on performative garbage while real people suffer.
Spanberger is offering Virginians a choice. As governor, she would fight for public schools, work to lower costs, strengthen communities, and protect reproductive rights—something Virginia has uniquely held onto while every other Southern state has moved backward. And beyond Virginia, this race matters for the whole country. As she put it, Virginia is the bellwether. Winning in 2025 will send a message that Democrats are mobilized and ready to win in 2026 and 2028.
To learn more about Spanberger’s campaign, visit Virginia’s election is the first major battle of the next political cycle, and a Spanberger victory would be a massive warning shot to Trump, Musk, and the GOP billionaires trying to destroy our democracy.
Watch the full interview above and consider joining as a paid subscriber today!
Remember to add the MeidasTouch Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Women governors are rocking it!
Go Abigail and Mighty Meidas! Women will save our democracy! Democrats need to elevate more women, especially women of color:
So true. Women get it done while men just talk. (Except for MTG). She just talks word salad.
Bye bye Youngkin. Good fucking riddance
Hear Hear!
Youngkin is trump in a fleece vest. Slimmer, dresses better, but; just as heartless and useless as trump.
Cannot wait for him to be gone. He wants to destroy education in our state. No honor.
Hoping Abigail is our next governor!!!!
Excited to vote for her!!
🙄 Republicans are so far up trumps ass I bet they can taste the McDonald's before trump does..... 🤮
Oh, not a good visual.
gross but it still made me laff..
I NEEDED the laugh 🤣🤣🤣 thank you so much
Youngkin should have been the first one to lose his job
I'm voting for her! Our current governor is allowing utilities companies to rape us in SW VA!🤬 This is an economically depressed area and we can't afford $5-600 power bills and $200 water and sewer. I just moved here and I'm in shock! I've never seen anything like it in any state I've ever lived in. 🤬🤬🤬
She's got my vote. Youngkin has been an out of touch mansion dwelling loser for too long.
I live in a tiny mountain community where most residents believe Elon Musk is awesome, Trump will make lives much better, are not concerned about those losing their jobs, they really believe all is already so much better now. They are waiting for cost of living to go down. Actually are so happy to see federal agents fired, have no care that the firings might cause a problem. They believe that Elon is finding billions in fraud. Have no concerns about agency shutdown. AND say they LOVE DEMOCRACY 😳
Wow! Unbelievable the ignorance among the Trump cult!
So, like fOx nEws watchers.
Faux Propaganda Network
Today I am a pissed off Canadian... If people would only do their own homework and learn how their government works, who is running their government....but they don't care...there is no excuse for pure ignorance. They hear something and run with it...Living in a small community in this day and age is no excuse....they are just ignorant to want to know.. This just doesn't happen in small communities throughout the United States of America....which as we all know are not united at all...Maybe that is the name that Trump should try to change instead of the Gulf of Mexico This ignorance is rampant throughout the whole country. I just finished reading a comment from a fellow Canadian who was returning home from a cruise to Antarctica. They said an American on the trip found out they were Canadian and starting chanting "51st State, 51st State". That loudmouthed ignorant American was put under cabin arrest until the next day. The ugly thing to me about this was that this comment did not surprise me at all about how this US citizen treated a complete stranger. The ignorance and uneducated assholes in the United States have always been there it's just that they have been given the greenlight to show the world how really ignorant and disgusting they really are. I just chuckle to myself knowing that this ignorant human being probably couldn't recite the existing 50 states, in fact the majority of Americans probably could not. Some don't even know their own capital. Canada is no pushover and if Americans would actually learn their history they would know that. The evil and corruption in the US government is out there for all to see and the cult following it is here to stay. I do not believe that will ever change...the door has been opened. Yes, there will be lots of pushback from the "normal" people but how is it going to continue.....with bloodshed? Honestly the way I feel right now with all the ignorant hate coming from the US towards Canada for NO REASON I say if any country should be building a wall between countries it should be Canada building a wall between Canada and the United States. There is a wall being built right now....tariffs or no the Canadian people against the US. It may not be made of stone but it is building and it will continue to build. When Trump started with the tariffs against my country for NO REASON that hurt...considering he signed the deal between Mexico and Canada it was actually laughable but when he continued to call our Prime Minister "Governor" and Canada to be the 51st State, that was a slap in the face which will NEVER be Forgotten or Forgiven by the people of Canada. The only good thing that came out of this was it showed everyone the LOVE OF COUNTRY Canada has and that it is time to wake up and realize that the US never really respected or gave a shit about Canada or Canadians in the first place. We may be "nice", "polite" and it may take awhile to really get angry but our history has proven how strong we really are.....we just don't feel the need to shout it from the rooftops.....our self esteem is in tact.
"I'm not into politics" well they are now. I didn't do 1988(first) I thought I was too young. 1992 first and until 2016 I voted split ballot.
Not anymore.
They still think he's doing great 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Thank you for the support we are not alone in this 💙
Hope you know there are millions of pissed off Americans rooting for Canadians who thumb their noses at our fascist politicians and were thrilled you beat us in ice hockey ... and believe being "nice" and "polite" are admirable while we cringe with embarrassment at arrogant, ignorant, lazy, thoughtless Americans.
However, there IS a reason and a plan behind the nonsensical madness of King Musk and his assistant Cap'n Bone Spurs. You can read about it here:
It's crucially important we understand the enemy and what they are planning. Too many are still distracted with red herrings the regime keeps throwing out to divert your attention while they further erode our constitution and the balance of power.
p.s. When you click the link above, be sure to click "no thanks" in the first dialog box that comes up; that will take you directly to the article.
I am very embarrassed of our country right now! Please know the American people love our Canadian neighbors! Anyone saying 51st state should be kicked out of your country!
Canadian here as well. I too am offended to my core by this 51st state business, which offers up war and violence as a funny and fun thing to do to your friends and trading partners. And the merch that has appeared on Amazon....don't get me started.
Trump is sneering at us because a) he hates our very beautiful Prime Minister. Justin has everything Donald lacks: old money, good looks, an earnest desire for the best for everyone, good looks. Has he made some mistakes, sure. One of them was mocking Donald, not that Donald did not deserve it.
And then there is 2. Donald, like the cruise ship fool, is that Gr. 4 bully who likes taking lunch money off the kindergarten kids. Because he is weak and vicious and it feeds his damaged psyche. He thinks we are incapable of hitting back. He is wrong.
You got it right: he is your typical school yard bully. It is SO FRUSTRATING that far too many of our elected officials have never figured that out.
Now I am to understand that Trudeau feels it "irresponsible" to disinvite Trump to the G7 Summit. I don't quite agree.
Trump is a CONVICTED FELON and RAPIST and he wants to do great harm to our beautiful country and people.
In Canada, you cannot enter the country if you are a CONVICTED FELON unless specially authorized to do so.....Trudeau is saying yes?
I truly hope that there are so many boos and protests against Trump in Quebec, Alberta and all across the country if he shows up that he shits his pants more than he usually does. I pity the Leader that ends up having to sit beside him if he does attend....I would advise masks would be appropriate.
I hope that any Canadian who is against Trump putting one of his orange toes in our country lets our Government know about it.
Trump may be above the law in his country but he shouldn't be above the law in ours. I am sure that Musk can show him how to go on ZOOM.
Trump DOES NOT belong in Canada!!!!!!! He is NOT WELCOME!!!!
I hear you, but we need to play the long game here. Unfortunately the Gr. 4 bully is the president. Let him come to strut, preen and bully. We may learn much as when he feels victorious he shoots his mouth off. Ditto his cabinet.
And regrettably, when it comes to provoking him, the juice is not worth the squeeze. He is jonesin' for an easy fight to buff his image. Let's not hand one to him on a silver platter.
What we should do is quietly turn to NATO allies and cement our relationships there. We should join them in beefing up our military and our trade partnerships and (quickly) move toward a future where none of us are dependent on the USA.
I'd love to see his entrance denied but he is so thin-skinned and vindictive it might backfire in ways that are not worth it, and in ways that may not be initiated until some time later. If he IS granted a 'waiver', I hope all you Canadians show up with huge banners claiming "no felons allowed" and so on.. HE should be encouraged to zoom.
The MAJORITY of us find the "ugly American" behavior on that ship deplorable and embarrassing. I'm sorry it happened. And I hope you know that the MAJORITY of us VERY STRONGLY value our long-term relationship with Canada, and support everything your govt AND you citizens are doing in reaction to the ridiculous tariffs and rude behavior coming from the imposter/s in our presidency. Your boycotting of American products and your cancellation of travel plans down here are painful BUT TOTALLY NECESSARY AND THEY ARE WORKING. Almost as soon as you implemented those things, the owners of affected businesses were SCREAMING at their federal senators and representatives and I'm pretty sure they have not let up. We continue to be highly grateful for all your support, no matter the form it comes in.
I'm wanting to travel to Canada but afraid to see if I'll be hated. It is truly f'kt up right now. Be glad you live in Canada!
Where abouts? We are still kind people just quite pissed off at the moment. Anyone who actually loves Canada and its people are always welcome.
I'd go!!! They deserve the economic support coming from our direction for a change. And unless you unleash loud bellows of "Great to be in the 51st state!" I think you'll be just fine.
Trickle down bankruptcy! Bye bye American Dream! Slavery is now policy! Two/Three jobs for everyone. No minimum wage. Competition - who gets to bottom fastest.
Sad. I see it too.
that's called ignorance and that's exactly what they want people to be. Stupid and uneducated!
Sounds like brainwashed. Ask for an example.
I know. They aren’t informed and really don’t want to be. Some of my family members still love Trump no matter what he does.
I asked them if they’ve read about Project 2025. Musk and Trump are saying Musk is cutting waste, cost and fraud, but it’s just a RUSE for slashing and destroying the government. They don’t care about fixing anything.
It’s part of Project 2025 to end democracy and replace it with a white supremacist techno autocracy and extreme oppressive “Christian” ideology. Once again they fool their cult. And there’s no reasoning with them.
Well there’s a saying “ Ignorance is bliss. “ ain’t that the truth…
One of my brother’s and his wife are like that - still love love Trump. They said what about the millions of condoms Biden sent (I forget where). But Trump’s admin sent them too.
Condoms went to a region with the name Gaza in it. Not sure where but condoms were sent to help prevent the spread of aids..
My comment got sent before I was done. Yes it wasn’t for them to just fool around!!
I also told my relatives to learn about Project 2025 as that’s what’s playing out now.
Florida was first to enact the policies related to Project 2025
Then she needs to go door to door in those communities and be ready to hear and answer their fears.
These people are morons..... They hate the "feds" They see these people as the enemy...
A disgusting display in the Oval Office this morning. tRUMP and his sidekick showing their true colors…these clowns have got to go !
Sorry for you. At this point they're being purposely ignorant.
I'm starting to believe that these folks think everything that the double headed president is saying is true, and that these people are going to inherit those billions of dollars because that's what these great president's are, they're just going to give it to the poor people, because oligharchs are so benevolent.
Yes and they really believe Musk is “fixing” the waste and fraud. Musk, Trump, Vance, Vought, Thiel, Yarvin etc. are playing out Project 2025 and don’t care about fixing anything. It’s just a RUSE to pacify us while they destroy our democracy right under our noses. They are laughing.
Yes they really do believe him…I think a lot of what I sense is that MAGA s are very angry …about what I’m not sure. Seems they feel have been in a one down position for a very long time.
I am grateful to have worked in a professional setting.
Some may have unfortunately lived in poverty for decades and are angry about that; some were brought up to hate the government and feel suppressed (not wanting to understand that we need rules and checks and balances because people don’t behave on their own!).
Trump just riled them up more with his lies and anti govt rhetoric and fueled their anger. He knows how to suck people in by promising to fix everything and make their lives better. Sadly he could care less.
Very well expressed Deb 🙏
Thank you Jaclyn!
They love democracy.... hmm....... have they seen the MANY photos of elon's Heil Hitler salute?
Magas aren’t talking about the Nazi salute ?🤔
Don’t think MAGAS pay attention to that stuff 🤨
Women are fighting governors.
Fight, even rage against the dying of the light 🕯️
We love Abigail here in VA! She’s amazing. Can’t wait to get the Trump loving Youngkin out of office. He’s crushing our public health system and proclaiming victory as a result. Double minded and full of ****.
This race matters in a HUGE WAY -- a win will give DEMS a breath of fresh air and signal country IS moving in wrong direction. Support this race!
Donated from CA the minute I heard her announce her candidacy, a few days ago. She is awesome!
As a resident of nova, I hope she succeeds! We are being hit incredibly hard by all things mentioned above.
Youngkin is a sycophant who often kisses the ring and don’t care about the people in his state.
Abigail has our vote! Thank you Meidas Touch for interviewing her.
Has the governor considered that if a large number of Virginians lose their government jobs, it might affect his state's bottom line? I am not a Virginian, but I am pretty sure that they pay some sort of state income tax. Maybe the residents of VA can find employment in other neighboring states where they will be better appreciated. Or even better, the residents of VA will elect a new governor who cares about them.
And make no mistake—the income being purloined from hardworking federal workers is going straight in to the bank accounts of Musk, Trump, Theil, Bezos, etc. Families left without incomes so Musk can get closer to his Trillion Dollar net wortyh goal.
Thanks for the post. Love this! But I worry that there will be no more elections if we don’t remove Trump from office soon before his authoritarian reign is entrenched completely. Nevertheless, keep up the good work!
I think you would see the judiciary get very exercised over that....and possibly the military as well. I can't see the electorate taking it well either, but I agree that is the plan.
Thanks Janet. I have no idea how the removal would work. If Trump is treasonous, perhaps the military would remove him to another location. But only if it’s decided that democracy is on the line and it’s now or never. Are we at that place? I don’t know. I hope not. I keep thinking of George Washington and the obstacles he faced with such courage. I’m almost 84. I’ve traveled extensively and worked on Capitol Hill. I worked for the Gore campaign in Florida. I championed women’s rights in the 70’s. I’ve just never experienced anything like this.
I am 67 and echo your sentiments. I earnestly hope that the courts can hold the line, and that judges do not pull their punches, and rule fearlessly. It is not yet "now or never". And there is much hope that by the end of the year, the House will again be ruled by Democratic representatives. I feel hopeful but also grieved that we are even in this place.
Head over to Act Blue to donate what you can on recurring monthly. We’ve been doing this for months.
I was soooo excited seeing the three brothers from the Meidastouch on Stephanie Ruhle show on MSNBC. Congratulations 👏👏👏
It was a great interview! Way to go, Ben, Brett and Jordy! 🎯
Watched your interview on MSNBC and thankl you for your work. I am in rehab for a bun hip replacement and when I get out, I will contribute what I can. I live in VA and watched her interview too.
Maybe Trump has always been in the Russian Mafia? Does anyone know his past relationship with them? He and Vance need to be removed from office.
Thank you Meidas Touch
I call for testimony under oath and certified cost and pricing data to underpin Republican’s promised budget cuts in the $ trillions. This is a reasonable request to a convicted felon. We either get that, or all rural hospitals will soon be gone, lost due to $833 billion in Medicaid cuts. Farmers are going to lose $230 billion. Rural America dozes. Democrat leaders are not asking for testimony or certified data. They must subpoena dodging Musk and DOGE. That is as we all watch the lies day after day.
I have hope! Thanks Ben.
The current war is technology and monetary. Muskolini took control using both for election interference!
As much as the MAGAts want "small government", they're entirely BLIND AND IGNORANT to the fact that they're "killing off" their own voters and economy all out of greed and power!
She will win!! Best of luck!
Good interview. Great candidate!
It’s like a coach saying, oh well….injuries are expected. Face masking is all part of the game…injury and death is possible.
Youngkin is so tone deaf and shows no empathy. She’s a shoe in.
great pod
Any elected official cheering on the federal downsizing should be asked if they noticed that DOGE confused eight million dollars for eight billion dollars. That is one of several errors in their accounting for waste cutting that they were forced to remove from their site. Is this what the GOP is celebrating? The people they fired (Inspectors General) were accounting for waste. The people who replaced them have screwed up the math in the most basic way.
I live in Stanley Virginia and will be voting for her, Glenn Yonkin won't talk to his constituents
I can't wait to vote for her! Thanks for interviewing her today, glad I got to catch it!
Women for Human Rights!
I can’t wait for Youngkin to leave and for Governor Spanberger to move into the Governor’s Mansion in VA! I am sick to death of MAGA Republicans. I hope everyone in VA votes for her and not the useless remnants of Youngkin’s administration!
So excited to help the campaign!
They’re all inept when it comes to criticizing this criminal MAGA regime! It’s obvious that what Musk is doing is utterly criminal un American!
Crush the traitorous MAGAts and their sleazy little fascist MUSKrat.
Are any of these states starting impeachment processes on these GOP officials?
Federal workers being fired will lead to federal contracts being ended which will lead to local jobs being lost and thus more people being laid off. Dominoes buy burger king trump and the drug addles freak bot.being
This was such a good interview. Really liked the energy and comments from the future Virginia governor.
This would make a great clip for her campaign
Thank you, Ben, for having her on her show! She is a very competent leader, and will be good for Virginia. I've lived here for over 20 years now, and we have always been better with Dem governors. Abigail Spanberger has common sense, and is a MUCH better choice for the Commonwealth than the current Lt. Gov running on the Republican ticket.
You'd think they would, love our KY Gov, Andy Beshear!
Thanks for making us aware of what is going on nationally Mighty Meidas. We need more and more truth, bravery and candidates like this. Period!
Wishing every good thing to Ms. Spanberger. She needs to take a page out of the Ken Martin (DNC chair) playbook and show up to listen in every nook and cranny of the state where folks still think Trump is the Second Coming. They need to hear her answers their fears, and how she can keep them safe and improve their lives. Trump leveraged their fears into votes, then abused that trust. Ms. Spanberger needs to do the same, while inspiring and earning trust.
Glen Yonkin dont know we have federal workers in the Naval Base in Virginia
Thank you💙
🙏🏾👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿I like her Virginia 💯make that change ✨
More importantly, plastic straws will be back soon. smh😒
There's no assurance that Elon and his young thugs are firing the worst, least trained, least competent government employees.
It could very well be the case with this hack-and-slash job destruction activity that they're just firing 'people' without selecting who is the best-trained, most competent, most essential to the particular agency and making sure that the most critical employees are protected from arbitrary firing.
So once a lot of randomly-selected people are kicked out, are the ones remaining sufficiently competent to run the agency and do a good job of it?
The randomness of what the Muskies are doing, how they're destroying agencies of our government, amount to Putin's wet dream: taking apart the government of the United States and thereby making it weaker, less effective, less successful and with less national security. Are we going to be safer once this destructive process is over or will we be living in a third-world country"
What if the real goal of all the Trump and Musk chaos isn't efficiency but chaos intended to drive people into the streets in protest knowing that at some point it will turn violent and spread to every state and every major city and Washington DC? This would give Trump the justification to declare martial law so he can deny civil liberties and shut down any media that would defy him.
Thanks for Abigail! She has my vote in VA
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. What a f'ing cult.
We are so excited as Virginians to vote her in!!
I just can’t call him my governor worse one I’ve seen since I got out of USMC in 88 and became a Virginia resident
What I worry about in races like this, is they (Musk, Trump and Vance) want to hold onto that seat for sure so how much money will Musk throw into that campaign? Also I believe he totally manipulated the numbers in some of those voting machines with his little band of coders. I worry about the ability to really trust elections after the 24 election. Of course people still need to get out and vote but what I worry about is the trust that people have lost in the election process.
What a terrible governor and person to cheer about Virginians unfairly being fired from their jobs. I’m with Abigail all the way!!!!
What a dope.
You go Abigail!! Keep being a leader and stay as focused as I heard from you in this video!!!
Let’s all pray for Abigail S that she can win in Virginia. When Youngkin won I knew the poor state was in big trouble. He’s just another lapdog of Trump.
I’m a transplant to MA from PA I left Shapiro to Healy two strong people that I admire for their leadership and convictions. They are leaders who stand up for their people because they don’t bend a knee to dictators.
Keep fighting Abigail. You got this. The mighty Meidas will “tush push” over the finish line.
Why do people like Youngkin believe that there is efficiency going on? It is not efficient to cut off your right leg in order to lose weight.
Please stop saying “We” applying to government bad decisions. Half USA are NAZIs and half are not. Please say “They” when referring to MAGA/Project 2025!!!
USA is being invaded by BRICS via Project 2025. All three branches of government are held hostage! Media and Military are next. What recourse is there! Public protests to take back country?
Yeah well, we'll see how you feel after SHE takes your job, you prick !!!
Please, in the name of government efficiency, look at bloated government contracts.
How many of you are participating in the Economic Blackout against Walmart , Amazon and others across the United States?
Im afraid Musk will be rigging all future elections to stay in power. He uses his money to get what he wants through bribes or threats
Have already donated from CA for this totally capable Virginia candidate who is completely tuned IN to Virginia constituents. Let's position her to win over the dastardly gop onslaught that's sure to hit.
We need to press forward and get rid of this clown.
Lol awesome!
1. Kudos to Meidas Touch. The cadence of your intervews are pitch perfect. Bravo!
2. Spanberger rocks!!!
I have friends in Virginia who are so excited to see Abigail running for office. I honestly think that people are waking up and seeing that the Oligharcy is only out for themselves, and that they have been lied to by Trump and his Republican loyalists.
Please, people. Go out and protest. Every hour. Every day. Every week. Can't wait til November elections.
Love the boycotts, love the rallies. But can we start a social movement where everyone posts the same message on all platforms all day for one day?
Something along the lines of “Arrest Elon”?
The news is not covering rallies properly, but we know social gets heard.
Did you know that egg prices haven't gone up in Canada?
and hes up for reelection???? good luck with that
I can’t believe the Republican Party has become the reason why our country is now bowing down to this tyrannical regime that is in the White House
Trump voters unjustly hate civil service workers and are low info; firing Feds makes them happy.
Their minds will change after they can't get government services.
Maybe we need to get more efficient and downsize his job.
These guys are so spineless it is crazy. Not one more fiber among the group.
That's my next governor and former congresswoman ✊️💪
All these GOP fks just eat trump and musk's 💩
Please Virginians vote this magat out of office. It's clear he doesn't care about it's citizens, so sad!
The only thing that made losing Abigail Spanberger as my congresswoman palatable was the possibility that all of Virginia could have her as our next governor.
Please Virginians, give her a chance! Listen to her and look at her record and I think you'll see she'd be great- far better then Youngkin and far better than his MAGA extremist lieutenant governor (Spanberger's likely opponent)
Abigail Spanberger for Virginia Governor 2025
Youngkin is carrying out the Tramp's scorched earth agenda. He truly wants to destroy this country and those who will not kowtow to him. He would rather rule over a bunch of obsequious morons than deal with the challenges to his cruelty and vast litany of misdeeds represented by those with a conscience and more than half a brain.
I am changing the subject here. The regime has just opened a new DEI reporting portal through the Department of Education. "The U.S. Department of Education is committed to ensuring all students have access to meaningful learning free of divisive ideologies and indoctrination. This submission form is an outlet for students, parents, teachers, and the broader community to report illegal discriminatory practices at institutions of learning. The Department of Education will utilize community submissions to identify potential areas for investigation."
They are encouraging students, visiting parents, faculty and staff to spy on each other. This is not the kind of learning environment our students and teachers deserve. If I had children in public school, I would start packing up to move out of this country.
Youngkin is an idiot. We can't be rid of him soon enough.
This woman has no concept of history. What the US has done worldwide in the last 75 years is fucking sick and twisted. Get your head out of the propaganda ass and do some research.
What an asshole!
. Filling the Town Hall Void
With Republican officials increasingly avoiding public forums, Democratic officials should be pressed to host local hearings, town halls, and community discussions. If current officials won't step up, engage prospective 2025-2026 candidates to host "listening sessions" specifically documenting how policy changes hurt constituents. This strategy is gaining traction in our state and could help this governor candidate in Virginia.
Well trump said he doesn't need their votes anymore and youngkin is now acting as fan boy for trump who ALSO does not believe he will need voters to keep him in government. We might not vote again, but lets keep staying in our homes and being complicit. There is a HUGE vacuum for a leader right now!!
I do not mind efficiency what I mind is taking everyone's jobs, SLASHING these jobs bringing in DOGE that are doing nothing real. When 21 civil servants quit because what they are seeing is illegal it is time for oversite and the Republican party has lost their spine! Another thing is the MIND games, they are SLASHING the Budget that these people will need, the SNAP and MEDICAID help with Groceries and they are SLASHING to give the rich HUGE tax breaks, will the little man get a tax break no last time my taxes went up. ALSO if they were serious about this slashing the budget they would ROLL BACK all these Tax breaks for the rich and increase their taxes to help bring the deficit down, so the only thing they're serious about is appeasing The Emperor with NOI CLOSE on! I am sick, livid that this reverse Robin Hood happens every time a Republican is in office and all you hear from them is how BIDEN Drove up the debt. Someone needs to tell them TRUMP ran it up 8 Trillion last time! He also put people in the cabinet that are worthless, not to mention how he is treating our ALLIES, as well him saying Ukraine started the war and we need to be paid back or they wont get help them sucking up to Putin so WHAT does Putin have on Trump!
Siding with our enemies is TREASON!!!!
Great to see a thoughtful politician
Yes my comment got sent before I was done!
I wanted to also say that people should be aware of Project 2025. Musk and Stump aren’t trying to fix the government. They are trying to destroy it under the RUSE of fixing cost, fraud and waste. It’s all mapped out in P2025, which no one seems to be addressing.
Don't forget about the cuts to funding that goes to healthcare, farm subsidies, National Parks, etc.
Abigail Spanberger is experienced, talented and plugged into the lives of regular people. I hope she wins -- VA needs her!
My wife is from The Daughters of the Mayflower ancestors historical society in Massachusetts
Thanks, Ben!! Go Abigail!! Our next Governor! Remember- Economic Blackout tomorrow! Boycott!!!!
What arrogance Governor Youngkin displays!! Where is the integrity?
So shocking that the Regime is so heartless.
Everyone should ready Timothy Synder book Tyranny and then you will understand what is happening in our country
Just seen 500,000 plp in South Africa are get HIV drugs taken away. Isn't that Elnaos home country? GO LETS DO IT!!
I love Spanberger. She is intelligent and honest. Cannot wait for elections.
I love you guys!! News I can count on, that’s comprehensive, and accurate! WOW!!
Thank you
And yet still these fools will still vote for him.
You always look so fucking pained , and puzzled… Does you assole burn?
Benny just shut the fuck up please… You are always reporting the news 23 hours after happened… Go the fuck away
Let's just make sure these people do put their vote in the right direction. I'm worried though that Mushrat will be messing with voting machines. Is it fair to ask for hand counting?
Time to downsize the current Governor 👋🌊
I had to stop watching after she called it the Gulf of America...
Any update on what Democratic Party leadership is doing? Any idea WHO the Democratic leadership IS? I see Kamala signed with CAA so the self-enrichment would decrease without a hitch.
You mean the CAA. It is normal for persons of her statue to do speaking engagements and this is an agency that does all the grunt work getting that set up. She has to earn a living now, and I find it odd that anyone would object to that.
“CAA will work closely with Harris on her post-White House initiatives, creating strategic opportunities that expand her platform in support of the issues she has championed throughout decades-long career in public service,” the agency announced.