The United States is not mediating or brokering a peace deal with Russia over Ukraine, it is simply capitulating:
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The Ambassador said it well.
The Republicans seem to be dismantling the hard-won accomplishments of the post-war international liberal order. This incredible liberal order opened up markets, security, and freedom. Its undoing will be replaced by anarchy or power primacy. These two unfreedoms, allow for the powerful to do what they want upon those with less power; it opens up violence upon those with less power. The U.S. and the international liberal order are built on the incredible ideas and principles of liberalism (restraints on power) and republicanism (mutual restraints on power). Restraints on power is an idea and ethos, an action, much like the actions of the past 75 years that offered so much freedom and security to us. The freedom to speak, to think, to judge and to act on a domestic but also an international level. What a tremendous time it has been. Exceptionalism (the capacity to return oneself back to a state of security and freedom) will hopefully be realized by others to support and defend liberal and republican political orders.
very disturbing....