Enough despair at everyone who isn’t doing enough to stop Donald Trump.
Enough fatalism. Enough waiting for somebody else.
The brilliant political strategist Anat Shenker-Osorio just joined us with a clarion call for you, the people, taking matters into your own hands. It’s the only thing that has ever worked in times like this, she says.
Here are her marching orders for you: build people power, starting by creating social proof of how many people feel as you do, and cultivate pressure from the ground up.
Her ideas involve a brilliant new catch-all slogan (Free America!), suggestions of symbols and badges (“I’m in the KNOW”), thoughts about a general strike, and more.
Share this far and wide. Let’s keep going. Let’s keep growing. Thank you one and all.
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And some programming notes: More Lives!
Mark your calendars for next Tuesday, March 11, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern, when we’ll be joined by Indivisible co-founder Ezra Levin, and next Thursday, March 13, at 12:30 p.m. Eastern, when we’ll be speaking with writer and activist Rebecca Solnit!
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Thank you for being critical of democrats. They need to be criticized. They need to do something! They should have boycotted Trump's speech/babble but if not, they should have walked out or been thrown out like Al Green. Make a fucking statement! Show some resistance. Demonstrate some courage! The dems who voted to censure Al Green for challenging Trump's lies should be primaried. Green didn't do anything the republicans didn't do to Biden. They are clueless in this moment, like deer in the headlights.
Although I agree with most of your points, I challenge the last one. The Democrats are not "clueless" – they know EXACTLY what they *should* be doing; they are not "like deer in the headlights" — they're disorganized and, in some cases, willfully inactive. There are some standout, courageous role models — AOC, Bernie Sanders, Adam Schiff, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Elizabeth Warren among them. But can you imagine Chuck Schumer getting arrested for leading a protest against Trump? Never.
You are so right!
Ready to just say NO!!!!!! To this craziness!!!!!!!! Who’s with me????
Just watched Indivisible’s reaction to the “popsicle sticks” and Mr. Green’s ouster. I felt a bit of outrage about the limp wristed posters but more of an outrage as to why 10 democrats voted to censure Mr. Green! The take away as how to understand this and channel some positive action by calling those democrats who voted NOT to censure him and thanking them for voting the right way. By doing that, when these Democrats are in their caucus, they can say well, this constituent called to say Thank you!!!
Why did they censure him???
Something, something, decorum, decency, something
You have been telling people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered…
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for your leader.
Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, “This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.
And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word ’struggle’ from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
--Hopi Elders' Prophecy, June 8,
Kathleen Sullivan, Freeport, Maine...feeling much more grounded by all the energized people in our community who are far more afire and fierce than the puppies in our Congress. Your point Anand that these leaders don't have the character dispostion to lead in the way we need...but there are many of us who haven't had our souls tamed by the politics of this moment and are ready to be fierce! To use the word fight!
I think students should boycott school until gun laws change.
Highest impact?? Everything falling down around people in their OWN lives, as during the Depression. People gave themselves to the social changes that Roosevelt et al laid out…they knew something serious had to be done, trusted his path, and stayed with him long enough to facilitate the changes that still support people today. We’re spoiled, and not civically engaged as a regular part of our daily lives: the insidious undermining of Social Studies, History, and Government in our public schools. Heritage Foundation aiming lethal blows to Department of Education.
It was fun to hear and watch Anand get excited and fired up about a few of the things that Anat said. I am going to continue attending the weekly TakeDownTesla rally here in Boston. Lots of horn honking from cars and thumbs up from pedestrians walking past last Saturday.
FREE America!
Is it possible that the Dems are actually planning a revolt behind the scenes (underground?) but acting like they are doing nothing?
One of my family members is convinced that Obama is working behind the scenes on something. I doubt it.
I've been a bit perplexed by the silence of the former presidents — including Obama, Clinton and Bush. Bernie Sanders has more character than all of them put together. I voted for Bernie in the primary in 2016; and although I supported Hillary when she was "gifted" the nomination by the DNC, I was deeply dismayed in the way the DNC achieved that goal. Bernie would have wiped the floor with Trump and we — indeed, the WORLD — wouldn't be in this mess.
Absolutely agree. Same thing in 2020, when the DNC convinced all of the Dem candidates to drop out the weekend before Super Tuesday to support Biden. All 8 of them dropped out except for Bernie. We didn’t even get a fair primary. Done with the Dems. I’m an Independent.
We HOPE that, but it never happens
Trying to think positively!!!
We wish!
Thank you Anand for all of us to focus on the truth on right and left. The end times for BS is now!!!!
I have been eagerly looking forward to watching this discussion since yesterday, and it exceeded my expectations! It will be shared far and wide, and my notes will be referenced frequently as a reminder that
- “I am NOT overreacting!”
- Not everyone can be included (which goes against my nature), because “There ARE sides!”
- “The many CAN take on the money!” to
Thank you both💖!
A national teachers strike would shut down the country more quickly than the action of any other groups strike. Parents would need to stay hometo take care of their kids. And considering what PINO has in mind for eduction I think you might get a lot of buy-in from teachers.
I think a truckers strike would have the most impact, but many of them listen to Joe Rogan (or worse) during their many hours of driving. How do we break through to them?
How can we facilitate, “Truckers&Teachers Unite!”
Amat rocks today euphorically up after two of us used protest poster and passed out fliers to ppl on large hospital campus and chatting with willing participants to call reps and send post cards to Pres and VP “you’re fired. This hospital is going to be in dire straits with nih cuts Medicaid and our state citizens will be in huge pain.
The different French Resistance factions united, despite many differences, in order to defeat the Nazis.
We are in a “bad marriage “. You finally break away and find a new way. “If nothing changes , nothing changes . “ we have to
Shared this with every resistance group I'm in on fb -- thank you!!!!
Best spots to look is asocommunications.com where we post all of our messaging guides for free. You may also like my podcast episodes, which cover messaging and strategy and ads etc, words to win by. Maybe you already knew about all that!
Other books
Don’t buy it - my book though it’s from 2012 so…
Presuasion - Cialdini
Thinking Fast and Slow - Kahneman
(If you want to go in deep!)
We Make the Future - more materials
Freedom Over Fascism toolkit linked to last interview. We also do biweekly briefings with strategy messaging and data. Email my colleague Liz@asocommunications.com to get added
WOW, thank you so so much!!! I really appreciate the list - and your time!
Thanks so much
Anat, I hate to bug you, but some friends and I are starting a messaging working group for our work at 350 Mass (a kind of working/learning/reading group really). Do you have any book/article/video/website recommendations (aside from your work and Anand's which is, OF COURSE, already on our list. ;) ) as we build our reading list and begin to learn how to message our climate work better? Both of our new priority campaigns (Make Polluters Pay and Save Money with Green Heat) should lend themselves to great messaging, and we want to learn as much as can!
Gladys, Portland OR, back and forth.... energized / scared
Hi from wilmington nc.
Anand: just call it Ink Live!!!
I have heard my marching orders! Anat, thank you for collaborating with Anand.
Free America Movement: I wrote it all down!! I’m on 🔥 🔥‼️
Thank you!! Both of you. You are leaders based in reality and have vision. You are the fighters you talk about.
Wow! I love this so much! KNOW/NO...
And Anand’s idea for visual presentation in color…
Vancouver, WA--I'm stressed, but listening to this is inspiring and gives me hope!
Anand - thank you for all you do. These LIVE conversations have been fabulous, and I see you've got three more barnburners scheduled for the coming week. You're on Morning Joe. You're in my Inbox. You seem to be everywhere, doing so much - thank you!
My “Free America” rally signs are being printed right now!
Anand - TY for creating this space to gather. I laughed when Anat was talking about how people in focus groups were feeling so grateful for the connections. I know through my work that people are craving community and connection more than they realize - until they experience it again, wherever that may be.
Wasn’t able to join you live with Anat. You are a powerful duo. I watched the sotu for one reason- to see how the Democrats would behave. Al Green was the only one who made noise. I immediately donated to him and left a message explaining my reason.
The rest of our elected representatives looked disinterested. I was devastated. However, I listened to your call in, which I think was yesterday. I was so inspired by the caller who said she and her friends started a one hour protest each week and it was gaining momentum. I’m following her lead, and hope to have the same success. It’s a great way to get into the action. Comforting.
Syracuse NY
Free America: of the oligarchs, the billionaires, fight for the federal government, the working people of the US, Medicaid, Social Security, SNAP, the immigrants.
Yes, Fire the Billionaires !
From Scotland. I keep watching and, hopefully learning stuff about how to resist this hostile takeover that certainly feels like it's coming for Europe too. Thanks Anand. Take care of yourself as well.
This is the first time I've taken notes on a podcast! Thank you! --less downhearted in Bethesda, MD.
I just want to say THANK YOU for "The Ink." Listening to your conversations with Anat Shenker-Osorio, Ruth Ben-Ghiat, and others helps so much in wrapping my head around where we are and what we need to do about it. As you correctly reflect, the world has seismically shifted. Looking through the "old lens," as most of DC still does, leaves us woefully ill-prepared for the necessary work ahead.
I just finished watching this tonight. I will have to watch it again! Love the Free America from…idea. Free us from the robber billionaires! From poor health care, from poverty in Old Age! Etc.
Thank you both. I have shared.
I love The Ink and other pro-democracy outlets.
Can we stage a blackout of mainstream media? Similar to the economic boycott? Not read NY Times, Washington Post. Not watch CNN, ABC, CBS. For like a day to start. Or maybe a week. Set up a regular boycott schedule like once a week or a month. Only consume Pro-Democrat outlets like The Ink, The Bulwark etc... Say we will stop boycotting when mainstream media puts up a fight for the AP or maybe beyond on that stops trying to be fair to both sides. A lot of of their customers probably lean anti-Trump (cause it’s not Fox News), so maybe they would lose enough market share they might actually listen? Maybe this is wishful thinking….
Yahoo, this was so inspiring. So many concrete ideas. Let’s elevate the real fighters. There are so many good ones, eg JoJo from Jerz. Also, we need a common scapegoat. How about “fire the billionaires”?
"Free America" is the way.
THANK YOU so much for these conversations - both of you. Please keep bringing Anat Shenkar! So so helpful, grounding, inspiring, real.
Columbia, Missouri
Roller coaster of outrage
10 democrats votes for censure!!!!
Somerset, NJ - unfortunately, feeling anxious and angry.
Alexandria va just angry
Colorado- present moment tiredness and some focus
That Action, certainly would have shown not only Americans but the World that We, the American people lead by the Democrats are outraged to the extent that they could not tolerate to hear DjtRuMp’s speech.
Anand , don’t you think the perfect moment for our Democratic Elected Senators and Representatives to take Action, would have been to get up and Walk Out when Rep. Al Green was removed from President djtRuMp’s speech filled with lies and false promises?!
I’m becoming more disaffected as each day goes by. Senator Al Green should be applauded. At least he expressed his disapproval in front of the American people and the present Administration. I hoped and waited for Every other elected Democratic Senator and Congress member to get up, and walk out with Senator Green. Instead as Rep. Green was being removed we saw faces of his colleagues looking down or away. How very sad. I am enraged.
Isn’t it simply the democrats need a consistent marketing campaign. Love the Free America! Idea. Trump is a master at marketing. The dems just pontificate. But one thing I’ll say is that we need to change the conversation to things like this rather then which dems are doing too much or not enough. That takes us nowhere.
So encouraging to hear this discussion. Reaffirmed my sense of this weirdness Thank you
Love that slogan and all the other advice, too, thanks!
Love that name
To Democratic leaders: If you are aging - PLEASE PLAN YOUR SUCCESSION! Pick the best from your team - someone who can lead, has fire, and can win. Mentor them, promote them, then step out of the way.
Do not do a Biden, a Schumer, a Diane Feinstein, or a Ruth Bader Ginsberg!
This undermines your legacy, and it undermines our nation.
The average of age of Democratic US Senators is 66 years old. As an Oregonian, we've had two incredible Senators, but Sen Wyden is 75, and Sen Merkley is 68. I love them! They have been phenomenal public servants, AND, it's time to strategize a passing of the torch.
I’m in the kNOw! Make this button.
We need the equivalent of the yellow plastic LIVESTRONG bracelet when it was first seen everywhere. Not another bracelet at this point, of course! The other day, I saw a friend wearing a button that said this: In a world of Putins, be a Zelensky. It's too long, but it's the right idea. Maybe we have buttons that say this: BaZ. It could catch on. It's inspiring. It encourages people to stand up and fight for freedom. We need some creatives to design this!
What do fighters look like? Yes! I want to know!
Free America movement! Positive side of No Kings. I like it. I agree.
Appeal to the public not “stuck in a rut Dems!
Define direct action?
It is too easy to press a heart and feel like you have “done your duty.” Will you fight for me works only if you understand what fighting means.
How do we get out the message? Yes yes—delivery is the problem. You mean use “pass it on”?
Do you mean have a war? Obama says Dems need to be more forceful. What do you mean “forceful”?
I love you both very very much. The silverware on the plate or the spoon in the cereal bowl makes listening really difficult
Thank you for the very way you phrased this! I didn’t have any silverware nearby - just a cup of coffee so I’ll try and sort out source of sound before next live.
I think it was your son eating maybe? I have a son. They are loud. It happened 2 weeks ago too! Maybe it’s at Anand’s! Perhaps plastic wear for when you are live? 😂. I absolutely LOVED your message today. So many great takeaways. 🙏🩷
It may actually be my husband’s table saw. He makes (gorgeous!) custom furniture and his workshop is our garage. How’s that for extraneous info you didn’t need? :) Will figure it out!
Ok so now you’ll need to share this custom furniture! 😁
NOT a great website (I'm always remiss at updating and not an expert) but...http://www.osoriowoodwork.com/home.html
WOW!!! Absolutely beautiful! Wish I knew you when I lived in Half Moon Bay! The wine rack built under the stairs! Everything is so beautiful. Love his story too! So happy I heard loud things! 🤩🩷
The battles for democracy & the rule of law will require resilient resistance…Please no circular firing squads.
While Trump & Musk trash the economy & betray allies, Russia cheers the kleptocratic corruption & self dealing.
The Kremlin patted Trump on the head for betraying our democratic ally & aligning the U.S. with dictators & kleptocrats. #VladsPoodle https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2025/02/sec-fraud-prosecution-chinese-crypto-entrepreneur-justin-sun-donald-trump-world-liberty-financial-tokens/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-9tiGDuwCc Thanks Sen Merkley
Great! Take on what resistance can look like.
I am so relieved to hear someone talking about withholding labor. How does this idea gets more exposure? I've been wondering, Is there a way to encourage Americans to slowly pull back at work in order to do the work of democracy? And, are we brave enough to be clear and honest with bosses and co-workers about our reasons for doing so? "No, I can't take on that extra class this term because I am becoming more active in supporting our immigrant students..." "I'm not in a place to consider a promotion because ..." I dunno. Maybe that's what mass resistance will look like in its nascency. I don't see us going from workaholics to general strikers in three months.
Still, I like to fantasize about scenarios where teachers/the teacher's union would have been ready to walk out after the appointment of Linda McMahon... Can you imagine all the people who would have had to take off from work because their students' school was closed? There's your social proof! Thank you both. I'm here for it all, even (esp.?) the gallows humor.
Spot on conversation. Free from x, x, feels like the best and liberating path forward.
Zen koan!🤣
I am so sorry to bother you publicly, but I have yet to receive a response to my multiple requests for refund since you changed the permissions for paid subscribers. Please follow up via email or DM. 🙏
Don’t see where it shows 1600 people watching(?)
Stephanie, you can only see the number while it's live.
Dems SQUASH fighters in deference to perceived propriety
Trumper Reps LIGHT WILD FIRES no
matter what the kindling
Perhaps some of you have seen this before. I happened upon it about five years ago. I thought that I would post in the comments after listening to the live call today. Amen to this!
The unwillingness to confront that syndrome led to Kamala's loss....she failed to define the high ground the unifying leader.