
I agree Thank you for your patience and your great loyalty to America. Trump isn't worth the dirt under America ‘s feet.

Exactly. The “problem” with Social Security is that the rich bought themselves a nice Congress years ago, just so they can prevent the fix for the problem that they are.

There never should have been a cap in the first place

That would take care of the impending short fall due to declining birth rates.


We must scrap the cap!

What are you waiting for$$$$ Should be brought up before mid terms!

SCRAP THE CAP on Social Security contributions!

This would be a painless way to get more money into the system. The Salaried people who come across this cap can afford the additional contribution. It will not affect middle class workers.

The cap is detrimental to Social Security, which makes it detrimental to Americans.

Too easy evidently.

Scrap the Cap!

Scrap the Cap!

ARO = All Republicans Out