
The dreadful judge… judge knot! Lest ye be judged. Hahaha I had dreads for 35 years and I can tell you, those dreadheads are very judgemental. If you had dreads, they were your friend, but if not, there could be some shunning. I always had dreads just so that normal haters would shun ME, then I didn't have to worry about interacting with…

The Prophecy Of St Malachy

The kaos king. Bad for business, bad for a decent night’s rest. I dread this evening’s State of the Union “speech” — won’t watch live but will be peeking through my fingers. …. With sympathy to my Irish family.

The Prophecy Of St Malachy

Entertaining use of metaphor, at least. Currently, the Irish Republic is more akin to the other Malachy, the one who wears the collar of gold that he got from the proud invader…pleased as Punch to have been obliged to emigrate in the 70s!

The Prophecy Of St Malachy

Donald Trump is an economic anti-christ.

The Prophecy Of St Malachy