You’re married to an immigrant, yet you turn around and attack others like her—people who speak a different language. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds. In America, we speak truth without fear, but you only speak lies. We stand by our allies—Ukraine, Canada, and the rest of the world—but you’ve done everything to weaken those relationships for your own selfish gains. Let speak truth on this: this country would be better off if you just resigned and took your executive order with you. You are a disgrace. A pathetic, repugnant excuse for a President. You’ve failed us all, and it’s time for you to go. Americans are Americans—whether they came here as immigrants or were born here. No matter their race, religion, or background. Americans are Americans. You can try to define what it means to be American, but you’ll never understand it yourself. You stand for none of the values that make this country what it is. So, on behalf of every true American: F*ck you, Mr. President.