
Elle ressemble exactement à ça

Personne ne lui parle de Madame Josephine Baker 🙄

Why Are These Snowflakes So Upset Over Having To 'Press 1 For English?'

"The Parisienne I used to date insisted that America has yet to develop a culture."

I guess she didn't know anyone of African descent

Without (stolen) African farmers there would have been no American food that wasn't indigenous

And without the African banjo there would have been no "country" music

Why Are These Snowflakes So Upset Over Having To 'Press 1 For English?'

Unless you're not a White American, in which case people will still try to call ICE and have you deported

No, not kidding

Why Are These Snowflakes So Upset Over Having To 'Press 1 For English?'

It has been my experience that many of the same people who complain about having to “press 1 for English” are by and large the same people who salivate over vacationing in popular European destinations, will never leave the security of their flock while travelling abroad, will return home to complain about what they perceive as the natio…

Why Are These Snowflakes So Upset Over Having To 'Press 1 For English?'

We're in NYC. Not everything is Americanized.

Why Are These Snowflakes So Upset Over Having To 'Press 1 For English?'

MAGA just laser focused on things that make a difference in people’s daily lives.

Please keep ignoring your constituents’ genuine complaints, and keep making up new shiny things like this to keep them distracted! Your voters LOVE it when you assume they are dumb and treat them like children! Keep up the great work, MAGA. Stay classy.

Why Are These Snowflakes So Upset Over Having To 'Press 1 For English?'

These are the salad days for Know-nothing incurious xenophobes.

"Those of us who are capable of thinking things through have surely figured out by now that this does not mean that these people are never going to have to do that again, because the US government can’t actually tell private companies how to operate their hotlines. "

Wanna bet…

Why Are These Snowflakes So Upset Over Having To 'Press 1 For English?'

Really, "Press 1" is about the least of our problems.

Too bad Trump didn't repeal the Business Cycle by EO.

Administration chaos - Negative

Housing availability - Negative

Why Are These Snowflakes So Upset Over Having To 'Press 1 For English?'

"Personally, I love regularly seeing and hearing other languages. I love that I know the words for “cold beer” in both Polish and Spanish just by virtue of living in my neighborhood,"

Logan Square and/or Ukrainian Village for the win!…

Why Are These Snowflakes So Upset Over Having To 'Press 1 For English?'

From a transactional standpoint, shouldn't our official language be Russian ? . . .

Why Are These Snowflakes So Upset Over Having To 'Press 1 For English?'

" In 1780, John Adams proposed that English should be made the official language of the US to the Continental Congress, but it was deemed "undemocratic and a threat to individual liberty." -IFLSCIENCE

Why Are These Snowflakes So Upset Over Having To 'Press 1 For English?'

I can claim only a tiny fraction of indigenous Californian heritage, and zero linguistic knowledge of it, but given the chance I would retort "go back to England if you want to demand English"

Why Are These Snowflakes So Upset Over Having To 'Press 1 For English?'

These assholes can still press all the triggers they want. America!

Why Are These Snowflakes So Upset Over Having To 'Press 1 For English?'

Good Grief 😩

Why Are These Snowflakes So Upset Over Having To 'Press 1 For English?'

The Ugly Americans, out in force.

Why Are These Snowflakes So Upset Over Having To 'Press 1 For English?'