

Tulsi Gabbard Is Here To Lecture Europe About (Kremlin) Values!

Pop That Toosie Tulsi loves to lecture doggy style and on her knees.…

Tulsi Gabbard Is Here To Lecture Europe About (Kremlin) Values!

The Greed-umvirate is trying to cut billions in Medicaid and food stamps to BUY CRYPTO on the back of your tax dollars and GIVE THEMSELVES TAX CUTS…

Tulsi Gabbard Is Here To Lecture Europe About (Kremlin) Values!

Ta, Marcie. There's no way I'm watching video of Russia's Girlfriend. She's probably the only American who cried that Assad is no longer dictator of Syria. I think I'm going to lurk in the non comments for a bit, then read my book for a while, then curl up in my adorable husband's arms. Thus I bid you good night, beloved Wonketteers. I l…

Tulsi Gabbard Is Here To Lecture Europe About (Kremlin) Values!
Tulsi Gabbard Is Here To Lecture Europe About (Kremlin) Values!

ST:TOS s3e23 - All Our Yesterdays. A sun is about to go nova, and Enterprise is checking on an inhabited planet. Kirk, Spock and McCoy are surprised to find no one home, only one inhabitant left in the library they beam down to - the librarian, Mr. Atoz. A woman screams, and Kirk springs into action, thru a portal and into the past. The …

Tulsi Gabbard Is Here To Lecture Europe About (Kremlin) Values!
Tulsi Gabbard Is Here To Lecture Europe About (Kremlin) Values!

I hated Tulsi Gabbard before it was cool.…

Tulsi Gabbard Is Here To Lecture Europe About (Kremlin) Values!

So, basically, for Republicans Russia has been a lot like abortion, something to fund raise off of, scare folks about to get elected, but at the end of the day not really give a shit about beyond their ability to control people.

How refreshing that the opposite party has such unserious people, regardless of those that get hurt . . .

Tulsi Gabbard Is Here To Lecture Europe About (Kremlin) Values!

Don’t threaten me with a good time.

I call shenanigans though. He’s the type to think he’ll never die.

However, if true …

I’m on record with my opinion that he is one of the vilest creatures to ever cast a shadow. But wanting to really make his mark and have an impact before shuffling off is one of the most relatably human … Oh wait, this i…

Tulsi Gabbard Is Here To Lecture Europe About (Kremlin) Values!

That'll get worse

Start making your own tortillas, folks – the Chump Triumvirate are bullying Mexico into creating genetically modified corn again – it’s a global battle for food safety, it’s agricultural colonialism, and it’s not even a fair fight…

Tulsi Gabbard Is Here To Lecture Europe About (Kremlin) Values!

And this is why this Russian asset is one of the most dangerous members of President Klan Robe's Maladministration 2.0. People followed privilege and/or clout at their peril. We were all warned about Gabbard specifically during the campaign.

Tulsi Gabbard Is Here To Lecture Europe About (Kremlin) Values!

Americans can’t really believe anything from our current government Impeach Trump and Vance and fire their sycophants!

Tulsi Gabbard Is Here To Lecture Europe About (Kremlin) Values!