
It seems like it should be basic human decency to just let people exist but here we are in the year of our Lord 2025 and trying to erase the most vunerable among us just because they are different.

Huh? Nobody has “denied the existence” of trans people? They have denied that sex is anything other than binary and immutable. You have to reside in a deep mental fog to equate those 2 things.

Stand With Trans Americans

There's a timeline where this is what passes for right wing in the conservative ecosystem. Say what you will of Trump or the Maga movement, but from what I see, they were largely responsible for preventing that world from manifesting.

Stand With Trans Americans


This is why the Woke HASN'T been put away.

And another example of how pathetic, grovelling, snivelling cuckservatives confirmed every ‘right side of history’ taunt from the cultural left by surrendering on gay marriage, gave them belief to think they'd always win in the end and resolve to defend our culture was always able to be b…

The Bulwark, with that THEY/THEM ENERGY!!!…

Remember, they started off not liking Trump because he wasn’t a real conservative. Now they don’t like him because he’s not an insane leftist. It’s almost like they have no actual principles.…

Stand With Trans Americans

I don’t understand why more people aren’t protesting Trump’s cruelty to trans Americans. To me, it seems like a test of our goodness. So far, we are failing.…

Stand With Trans Americans

Truly staggering to read a piece about the trans issue today which DOES NOT EVEN MENTION the two core areas of disagreement - unfairness in sports, protection of women in intimate spaces and prisons, and medical experiments on children with gender dysphoria. Just pure propaganda and lies. Using the history of marriage equality to defend …

Stand With Trans Americans

Everything he says is spot on. I should know…I have trans family members.

Stand With Trans Americans

Trump is anti-women in many ways, but so is trans-gender ideology when the demand is that men be treated as if they are women. Women have had the right to spaces and sports separate from men for good reasons.

Nobody is denying the ‘existence’ of people who think they are the opposite sex, but many of us do deny that men are women just be…

Stand With Trans Americans

Thank you 💙💗

Stand With Trans Americans

It’s not “dehumanizing” to call a man a man, and refuse to go along with his fantastical delusion that he’s actually a woman. What’s humiliating,

, is the ridiculous attempt by autogynephiles and sissy porn addicts to bully the rest of humanity into believing that they are “women,” which is an “up is down,” “sky is green,” level of ma…

Stand With Trans Americans

Don’t know transgender person question this was written for you.

Stand With Trans Americans