
Go for it Sheila! And my suggestion is to Google your Substack setup questions. Substack has some good tutorials. Here’s one.

Good luck! Looking forward to reading yours.

Setting up your Substack for the first time

I tried to copy and paste a poem from my new book manuscript still on Word into the "reply" box on Substack and I could not? Can I? Or did I do something incorrectly? Thanks.

Setting up your Substack for the first time

Welcome Eileen 🙂

Have you thought about setting up a Newsletter? You could do your longer posts as articles and short posts as Notes. Love your diagrams!

Hope it’s ok to share the link below in case you are’nt aware of the resources/options there are on Substack.

Setting up your Substack for the first time

Somehow, someway. I stumbled across this link:

Setting up your Substack for the first time

Is it code for innocence at the very top to keep those who decided on acting upon the big genocide issue to remain repressed until we die?

Setting up your Substack for the first time

I wanted to comment of the "Psychedelics and Advanced Illness" post, though could not see a path to doing so, w/o involvement in a tech crescendo. I am also interested in perhaps doing my own writing, though am confused, even by the name itself -- the term "substack" seems nuanced with IT/web construction significance. At age 77, wonderi…

Setting up your Substack for the first time

Hi Jacqueline, I think you should set up a Substack page to tell your story. There’s a good article here with some helpful tips on how to do it:…

You could write the story a little at a time and publish each part weekly or monthly. Substack is a great platform to just try it and doesn’t cost you anything to set up the page.

Setting up your Substack for the first time

Hi Kem,

Here's a quick guide:

1. Import your mailing list.

2. Promote on social media.

Setting up your Substack for the first time
Setting up your Substack for the first time


Setting up your Substack for the first time