Friends from USA, be sure that Ukrainians understand very well that Trump does not speak for all of America.
We see the millions who stand with us. We hear your voices, your outrage, your massive support. We know your hearts burn just as fiercely as ours.
And that is why we do not lose hope.
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JD/Trump are thugs. And this ambush of Zelensky at the White House will do deep damage to Ukraine, to our allies and to the U.S.
Openly ridiculing and demeaning a man who has kept his country alive for three years against all the odds is a national embarrassment and runs counter to our own security interests. But they could care less that Ukraine was invaded by Russia — the second biggest military power on the planet — led by a ruthless dictator willing to sacrifice soldiers and civilians by th…
Contrary to what some in the far-right echo chamber have been saying this week, I have not been silenced. I’m right here folks. And I am ready to get started!
I just want to say thank you to everyone who has reached out with kindness and encouragement, both personally and in these social media streets. So very proud of The Reidout team, who are truly family, and all of our supporters & friends. See you tomorrow night at 7 ET, one more time ‼️
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Trump and Vance beclowned themselves in their meeting with Zelenskyy. They came across as weak, petty little bullies. Zelenskyy’s position will now be strengthened around the globe while America continues to sink further and further into disrepute.
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You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
Hương đã nói trúng ý đồ mà mình gửi gắm khi cứ cà rề cà ràng cái year review từ tháng 12 dương lịch mãi đến ra giêng mà vẫn chưa nói xong. Có ai giống mình, đến giờ vẫn còn mood làm review, thì mời đến chơi workshop sắp tới của nhà Đông nhe!
Câu này của chị Tiên làm mình nhớ đến một câu nói của giáo viên mình ngày xưa “Reflecting is not reporting.” — Đại ý giống như hình tượng cuốn phim tài liệu mà chị Tiên đưa ra.
Shout out cho một chiếc bài viết chất lượng nữa của chị Tiên — mình trộm nghĩ dù tiêu đề là Tổng Kết Năm thì logic của bài viết này dùng lúc nào cũng đượcccc