What is the plan for dealing with Trump when he ignores Court rulings? I think this is coming. I don't think we can wait until the election.
It needs to be made clear this is unacceptable and an Impeachable offense. But I don't know how we can fight successfully against this until (hopefully) after the election.
I have said this before, and it is only more apparent by the day. tRump is pushing to end America. Why? Because that will make him a singular person in history. One and only. THAT is HIS end goal and the rest of us can suck eggs.
It has already started with the blatant disregard for court orders. Next is martial law and suspending the midterms.
Mark my words.
I believe that, in the days, weeks, and months ahead, we need to tell these stories of the pain, heartbreak, and damage that is happening because of the Republican Administration. It is Republican leaders, representative, and senators who are doing this to US citizens and to people around the world. The Republicans are in power for the next 2 years.