Dr.Kerrie Vytlacil,PhD 

Artist. Caregiver. Dancer. Educator. Fitness Instructor. Graphic Designer. Health Coach. Instructional Designer. MARRIED. Military Spouse. Professor. Torah Student. Virtual School Developer. Voracious Reader. Webmaster. Wife. Writer. Yeshua Follower.

This quote has stuck in my mind.

I wrote it at the top of to-do list so I’d see it every day.

Whenever I thought I was too busy to write my weekly newsletter I would read it.

“Professionals stick to the schedule.

Amateurs let life get in the way.” -James Clear

Consistency can move mountains.

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Nobody’s perfect. Many may agree to this, but when it comes to accepting imperfections that hurt, some will resist.

We have all been there, and those who experience a kind of cathartic sense of freedom, are those who make space for growth.

We can’t empty our cup if we don’t truly feel this truth to the core.

Last but not least, accepting imperfections doesn’t have to be a gloomy experience.