
Reading is powerful,

Only when paired with action.


  • shape your thoughts,

  • ignite your ideas,

  • sharpen your strategies

But reading without action,

Is just potential wisdom,

Energy that are unused and untested.

Books are like swords,

They cut through ignorance,

Light the path forward,

Only if you wield them with intent.

Knowledge is your arsenal,

Each insight a round of ammunition,

Ready to be fired at will.

Keep that arsenal locked away,

You never put your learnings to test.

They became empty rounds,

No impact, no difference made.

To benefit from what you’ve learned,

Take that knowledge,

Bring it to the front lines of your life.

That’s where theory becomes practice,

Learning becomes living,

Potential turns into power.

0 Restacks
4:00 AM
Aug 31, 2024