Dr. Kevin James Osborne 

I have a blog called Dreaming Together for a Better World. I'm a writer, therapist, singer, and chaplain. I use hand puppets named Dr. Teddy and Murray the Moose to get people to open up. My wife, Karen, edits my writing. I'm grateful for her help..

Below, starting at about 2:40 minutes into this video, I draw your attention to Senator Jeff Merkley asking two of President Trump’s nominees this question: Is President Trump a Russian asset? He boxes both of them in with his questions. The framing of his comments calmly and deliberately caught my attention.

This poem is dedicated to courageous Ukrainians. Slava Ukraini!

No Peace for my Family and Me
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Viktor, Canadians stand with Ukraine. Slavs Ukraini! We resist with you. Keep up the great work! In honour of the sacrifices of courgaeous Ukrainians I have posted your national anthm with its war video.


This is more than journalism. This is resistance.

Every word I write fights against the forces trying to silence Ukraine.

Every read, every share, every subscription is an act of defiance.

And I’m grateful for every single one of you here.
