The Bigger Picture 

Welcome to my kitchen table. Have a seat. Let's discuss matters that don't get the proper attention or analysis from legacy media.

President Musk, PINO Trump, and all their enablers are the true enemy of we, the people.

A second American Revolution is coming because it needs to happen. A more secure nation with guardrails in place to prevent another fascist takeover like the one we are experiencing now.

Light up those congressional switchboards. Resistance is neither futile nor optional.

I have another new rant coming out today. US intelligence is being ordered to disarm from Russian spies and cyber attacks. They are literally disarming us.

The exKGB dictator’s spies are in the building and they are leading America off of a cliff. We might not survive this

A Second American Revolution is coming … to save the Nation that rose up from the first.

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It’s worrying to think Trump is acting like Putin. More important to keep in mind is that he wants to BE Putin.