If there is a tax cut, it will be funded in deficit dollars for your grandchildren to pay. Trump and Musk could care less about that. They only care about their own billfolds. We as a people will suffer. All they need is public CONFIDENCE with which to provide cover for Republican Congresspeople to get that tax cut passed. That is their real objective. Yes, all of their work is to provide cover for Congress to pass the tax cut. That is the gist of it. That is how little they think of your intellect. They think you are the stupid. The mindless masses. While the courts are erasing and stopping their efforts, Trump and Musk will continue to lie about their exploits. You know that, and those two liars will get louder and louder until they flood the zone. Republicans always stiff the majority of the American people with these tax cuts. They kick back to their donors with these tax cuts, but this next one is way more personal to Trump and Musk.