Safe commuting by bike

London’s employers supporting protected bike routes for staff in London. 

We need StreetSpace to get London moving cleanly and safely.

London businesses support protected bike lanes

Over 200 employers from across the finance, technology, creative, education and healthcare sectors support the need for protected and segregated cycles lanes in London.

Employee demand

Our employees cycle and they deserve appropriate infrastructure. The quality and availability of workplace cycling influences the career decisions of more than half of employees. (Cycling and the Modern Workplace, PDF)

Reduced congestion

580,000 journeys are made by bike in London every day, increasing this number will continue to reduce congestion on crowded tubes and bus routes, especially at peak times. That means we can all get more done.

Healthy lifestyles

Londoners work hard and are short of time.  Fitting exercise into a daily commutes makes for healthier, more productive teams.

A world-class city

In recent years, major world cities like New York, Copenhagen and Paris have used cycling facilities to improve their citizens’ lives. This is London’s chance to do the same.

Our environment

We love this city. We want to be able to walk, eat, and laugh on its streets. Poor air quality and noise pollution affect businesses as well as residents.

Supporting retailers

Cyclists and pedestrians spend more money in local retailers than drivers do. Increasing cycling will help support the small businesses that help our city to thrive. (The Pedestrian Pound, PDF)



Latest Updates

Excellent plans for pedestrian, cycling and bus flow improvements have been made by Transport for London in close coordination with the London Boroughs of Hounslow and Hammersmith and Fulham. The plans deliver many pedestrian improvements and protected bike lanes from beyond Chiswick, along King Street and on towards central London. Many more residents will be… Read More

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What if the theatres. hospitals, universities, banks, law firms, developers and churches in your city asked for a safer more human city at once?  It’s an amazing story.

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In a significant moment for London, all four of the Major Trauma Centres which provide emergency healthcare for the city have called for the completion of fully protected cycle lanes, as proposed by the Mayor, Boris Johnson. St George’s Trust, in South London today joined Barts & The Royal London, Kings College, Imperial College as well as… Read More

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WSP are a global engineering and project management firm based in Canada. A few of their more high-profile projects have included the Hungerford Bridge, the New York Times building in Manhattan, and the Shard. Earlier this year WSP announced their acquisition of Parsons Brinckerhoff, the New York construction giant. Parsons Brinckerhoff have decades of experience with huge transportation engineering projects including… Read More

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Leigh Day is a leading law firm that has been based in Clerkenwell for the past 25 years.   Sally Moore, Partner and Management Board Member explained why kerb segregated cycling in the heart of the capital is so important to the team: We provide legal advice to hundreds of cyclists injured on the UK’s roads as… Read More

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The London Metropolitan University becomes the latest large educational institute to fully back plans for safer cycling. The university which has over 15,000 students and 2,000 staff in central London has fully backed the plans for the two new proposed routes for protected cycling In a letter to Transport for London, John Raftery Vice Chancellor… Read More

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Opinions on the plans

Cycling safety needs a higher profile. Progressive Media Group supports the proposals to implement segregated cycle super-highways in London, including two routes close to our headquarters across Blackfriars Bridge and along the Victoria Embankment.

‘I have been commuting to work by bicycle ever since I first worked in London at the age of 17, now over 38 years ago… based in the Rolls Building on Fetter Lane. I urge TfL to have no hesitation in introducing this long overdue improvement, and hope you will do so as soon as possible.’

‘Both the proposed north–south and east–west routes will help us attract and retain the employees our business needs to continue to thrive’

‘The staff and directors of Pollard Thomas Edwards cycle over 5000 miles per month on London’s streets….. These proposed dedicated cycleways will enhance London’s reputation as a forward-thinking sustainable capital city, and make travel safer for our cyclists.’

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