How I took my SaaS from 0$ to 5k$ MRR in 120 days using cold emails

Hello fellow builders!

I am the founder of Tweetscrape, and I'll be going over how I'm using my own SaaS to increase its revenue.

My SaaS is called Tweetscrape, and we have a little over 100 paying customers at the moment, and about 90 of them came straight from... (drum roll) COLD EMAILS!

Using Tweetscrape I get the email lists from niche email marketing and lead gen micro-influencers, they're followed mainly by my ICP and they're very niche, which makes it perfect to scrape and get really high-quality email lists.

And then I'm using Instantly to send them, at the moment I'm doing about 100 emails per day, nothing crazy, but converting at around 1% I'm getting a new customer per day on average.

Why am I sharing this?

You are probably thinking that I am a disgusting self-promoter, but wait a moment before getting angry in the comments. The only other tool that can do this is called Scrapybird, and it's really not that great compared to Tweetscrape, skim over the landing of both and you'll get why.

Anyways, I am sharing this not to market my product (as I already have a very good working funnel to do that), but to raise attention to cold emails potential, I have no idea why so few SaaS owners are doing it if it works for agencies, why would it not work for SaaS?

Coming from the agencies word, I was a bit shocked about it, and turns out it does work with SaaS too in fact.

You don't have to use my product, sign up for Apollo, Zoominfo, or any other lead scraper, sign up for Instantly, GMass, or any other cold email software, and send some emails, please!

And for the few that want, you can check out Tweetscrape here:

  1. 1

    (as mentioned in an earlier comment....

    This sounds too good to be true...

    How can you possibly find 8 emails per 10 followers? If it's from hacked data, you (and your clients) will be in deep legal trouble, Twitter and law enforcement will not be amused.

    Please think twice before continuing.

    Seriously, you mention tweetscrape LLC without company number or address as company. If that company does not exist, YOU will be liable.

    But maybe I'm wrong and you have a legitimate way of finding emails from Twitter profiles? Then please explain.

  2. 1

    What specific tools you gonna use?

    1. 1

      To send the emails I use Instantly

  3. 1

    Would this work for B2C customers as well you think?

    1. 1

      Yes! It scrapes both business and personal emails!

  4. 1

    Looks neat. Simple question: What's the source for the scraped emails? I suppose it's something else beside the user's own Twitter profile.

  5. 1

    Don't you need a permission from those people first? Both from the perspective of privacy laws like GDPR, but also ending up marked as spammer by eg. Google?

    1. 1

      'need' is an interesting word... and GDPR doesn't apply to everyone.

      One factor not mentioned here is called 'email warmup'. A lot of automated outbound email services provide it. The purpose of it is to send a bunch of emails from your email address to other people using the service, and the service will open, reply, and if an email ends in spam will 'save' it from spam and put it in inbox. So it's like a community of people all using the same service to help their email rating. It's used to increase your email address' 'deliverability rating' so that when you do send the cold emails to real people they won't get auto-marked as spam and will end up in the recipient's inbox.

  6. 1

    I have test your tool its great you have done a great work.

  7. 1

    Could you elaborate on what this means?

    Using Tweetscrape I get the email lists from niche email marketing and lead gen micro-influencers, they're followed mainly by my ICP and they're very niche, which makes it perfect to scrape and get really high-quality email lists.

    I genuinely have no idea -- I'd definitely appreciate a concrete example!

    1. 1

      Let's say that I sell a service to french photographers, I would go for example to the NikonFR Twitter page, and scrape its followers emails with Tweetscrape.
      This means that the people that will receive my email will likely be interested, as I know they are french photographers!

    1. 1

      nice, already scrapped 100 emails.

      What tool do you recommend to send the emails out? Don't wanna do 1 by 1 but something more automatic that looks personalised. Thoughts?

      1. 1

        I use Instantly, but you should check out also GMass, might be a bit more user friendly

        1. 1

          Any free solution? Just looking to test an outreach to 100 ppl

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