Templates: Metrics Assessment

Figure out what to measure in 45 seconds

Sameer Singh

--’s metrics assessment

A few months ago, I launched the first template based on’s network effects frameworks. The goal of this template was to help founders, operators and investors evaluate the strength of network effects in an easy way. Based on the feedback and responses so far, it appears to have accomplished that goal. To build on this, today I’m launching the second template in this series. This one focuses on another area where I have received a high volume of queries — metrics.

Template #2: Metrics Assessment

The metrics assessment is a simple, 5-question quiz that gives you the key metrics to measure for any early-stage network effects product.

Founders and operators can use this quiz to:

  1. Quickly identify the key metrics you need to measure.
  2. Figure out what “good” looks like.

Investors can use this quiz to:

  1. Validate the traction of a new investment opportunity.
  2. Assess the performance of your portfolio companies.

You can take the quiz here or go to This is a v1, so please email me if you have any feedback.

What you should do next…

1. Pitch me: No warm intros required

I invest in pre-seed/seed-stage startups as a Venture Partner at Speedinvest and also via the Atomico Angel Program. If your startup is built on network effects and based in Europe, pitch me here.

2. Apply for my Reforge course

Want to learn more about network effects? I run a 3-week Reforge course on identifying, bootstrapping, measuring and enhancing network effects. Sign up here!

3. Take the network effects assessment

Benchmark your network effects by answering a 1 min quiz about your startup or a potential startup investment. Try it here.

4. Book a consultation

Do you have a specific question about creating, scaling, or monetizing network effects? Book a consultation or sign up for my free weekly office hours (they tend to get booked out fast).



Network Effects Investor, Venture Partner @ Speedinvest, Instructor @ Reforge, Atomico Angel. Please direct all pitch decks to