Know Your Rights

DRM works with nonpartisan organizations, election officials, and other Protection & Advocacy (P&A) agencies to ensure that everyone has the ability to vote privately and independently, whether they vote at polling places or at home. We support the right of individuals with disabilities to vote and provide resources to help voters feel more engaged and confident.

Need to Know If You’re Registered to Vote?

The Michigan Secretary of State’s Office has voter registration information, sample ballots, and more.

Have questions about voter ID laws or need help with voter ID in Michigan?

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VoteRiders can help.

Problems on Election Day?

Call the Election Protection Hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE to report any incidents you encounter at the polls.

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Navigate MI's Voting Laws is a nonpartisan resource designed to help voters navigate Michigan’s voting laws, so we can all successfully cast our ballots.

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DOJ: Voting and Elections

The Department of Justice (DOJ) remains vigilant in detecting, investigating, and pursuing violations of federal civil and criminal laws related to voting.

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Vote for Access

If people with disabilities voted at the same rate as non-disabled voters, 2 million more votes would be cast. What is getting in the way of disabled voters exercising their rights?

That’s what host Imani Barbarin uncovers in Vote for Access, a five part series addressing the problems with voting for people with disabilities, and some solutions that everyone should know about.

This video series was brought to you by Rooted in Rights, Block by Block Creative, and P&As across the country.


Visit the Vote For Access Website

How Can We Help?
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We want to hear from you! Whether you're looking for advocacy, have a question, or just want to connect, please reach out.


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