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You’re charging wrong: 5 ways to make gadget batteries last longer

The rechargeable batteries in phones, laptops, headphones, toothbrushes and game consoles will all wear out eventually. But they’ll last longer if you follow these tips.

August 19, 2022 at 7:00 a.m. EDT
Give your gadget's battery a little TLC and it will last longer. (The Washington Post illustration; iStock)
5 min

Your charging habits may be killing your gadgets.

After a recent column about the hidden death dates built into our devices, many Washington Post readers asked me what we can do to prolong the lives of products with rechargeable batteries.

“I have an Apple phone which I usually charge once a day, when it reaches 50 percent battery or less,” emailed Marian Levine of Silver Spring, Md. “Will it extend the life of the battery if I wait until the battery is lower?”