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We now have the Pandemic of the Boosted.

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The mention of Birx has prompted my outrage too! Here are two excellent short reads concerning this creature and her new book.

Fortunately, her detailed, play by play account of how she sabotaged the White Houseโ€™s efforts during 2020, mean she has effectively signed her own arrest warrant for serious charges, including the most serious one. Highly recommended:



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A friend and colleague grew up under communism in eastern Europe. Long before covid this friend spoke of how overly trusting and naive Americans are in general. We have not lived with evil directly inflicted upon us as those living in communist countries did. They are more street smart and far more able to recognize when government is lying to the people. In the first week of March 2020 he told me we wouldn't be working in two weeks, we'll be sent home and everything will lock down. He was dead on. And before the death shots were available he warned me to not take them, and that antibody dependent enhancement e as a big concern. I had no idea what that was then, but once again he was right. I would have trusted the authorities when they kept chanting "safe and effective" but his distrust and instinct that something was wrong gave me pause, and may have saved me and my family.

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Dr. Paul, since it is apparent that you never sleep, as posited by @midsit, can you look into this? https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/12100515/care-homes-accused-sedatives-coronavirus-die-quickly/

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Thank you Sir for pointing out what many of us kind of felt even before the beginning of this whole deadly charade. When I was little, there was Gestapo of which my own memory is mostly stories of my parents and family and only some of my own. Later on, communists took over and in time, in Yugoslavia, they mellowed so that by late fifties, there was no more Iron Curtain. Living in US through Kennedy, Vietnam, 9/11 some people develop a form of mistrust in the "official narrative". Of course it is known that, every form of government through history, had to practice a type of self-preservation but this plandemic seems to be just too costly for the whole world. I hope that wisdom and truth wins.

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The perfect real world evidence for long lasting antibodies to Bolshevism and government imbeciles.

By exposure and recovery.

The east more immunised than the west.

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Who knew viruses behave differently when dispersed across geographic regions! Iโ€™m sure thereโ€™s a publication in this discovery somehow. I mean, this is groundbreaking!

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The experimentally vaccinated will suffer tremendously from the toxins injected into their bodies and we have a tiny snapshot of that data at Openvaers.com

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