I nominate you as the new sheriff in town

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The United States Government Is Behaving Like a Third World Despot

“Nice precedent Joe Biden. Way to go Attorney General Merrick Garland. You guys, along with your sycophants, are transforming America from Reagan’s City of Light on a Hill into a Third World autocracy. Murderers, rapists, and pedophiles get the kid glove treatment while supporters of Donald Trump, who “trespassed” onto the grounds of the U.S. Capitol (the ironically named People’s house), are denied habeas corpus and left to rot in jail. To hell with the rule of law. The United States now is in the grasp of political partisans who use the law and the police to pursue their own special interests and to punish their political opponents.”


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It looks like a panic reaction. The evil that resides in the nation can sense their days are almost done and they will do anything under the sun to try and keep that from happening...

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They should be ashamed, it's disgraceful to treat Pres Trump this way.

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Thank you Dr. Paul Alexander. We need our leadership to act now. Thank you again for your courage and leadership.

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It is shameful to treat Trump this way. And it is shameful that Trump will not openly call for the halt to vaccines created under his watch. Our children are being maimed yet he remains eerily quiet on the subject. There is a UNIFYING subject between Dems and Republicans, and that is BODILY autonomy. But wait, maybe there isn't...I forgot about abortion rights. Ummm...Never mind.....

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

For those people who think Trump isn’t doing enough or is too weak, wake up and look around you on the international scene.

How many other Western countries have a Donald Trump standing up for their citizens?

Instead we have Trudeau, Ardern, Johnson, Macron, Morrison, Merkel, Rutte etc. and their opposition is weak and/or non-existent.

Americans don’t seem to realize when you have a good thing until you lose it.

Those whining Trump hasn’t done enough, do you think you could’ve done better?

Who do you know who can do better now?

18 months without Trump and people still complain he didn’t do enough for the country!

In Canada we have Trudeau who has run rampant over the past 7 years and we can’t seem to get rid of him because of our flawed electoral system.[He has a real popularity rating of <19% and yet still remains in power].

We’ll take a flawed DJT any day and you can keep Trudeau as a matched set with Biden(the Dumb and Dumber collector’s set).

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No,nice try but it's not both sides playing these games,It's the democrats completely possessed by the devil and doing his bidding.They are persecuting the Christian conservatives. Quess what?We will win.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

I applaud the Dems. They know how to wield political power against their enemies. The Republicrats on the other hand do not. Time to wake up to the fact that we live in an utterly corrupt banana republic. I doubt there is even a political solution anymore, but let’s hope there is..

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In case anyone missed this … posting it again …

Brandon Straka calls out Republicans in Epic, Righteous Rant

“While I have a congressman here on stage, what are YOU GUYS gonna DO ABOUT IT?”


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the video was originally from CPAC, imo CPAC was very informative and came on the heels of the AZ Patriot defeat of the rinoRats and impending defeat of the democRats. It was Too Much for the Uni-Party Deep State.


1775 by Vote or Bolt.

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There needs to be arrests, trials and sentencing for the crimes committed against the people of this country and the crimes against humanity.

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Trump needs to win a House seat in the 2022 mid terms in November. When the GOP takes over Congress, Trump should be Speaker of the House, impeach and expel Biden & Harris, simultaneously. Trump becomes President. Let the Investigations and demolition of the Deep State begin.

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We need to keep positive…God wins! It is obvious who marches by satin’s drum beats! Much has been revealed and much more is coming! Auto correct even changes to a capital letter for satan ….

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Dr Alexander, you are 100% correct. The most serious weakness of President Trump is he is soft on criminals. For a very successful business man, let go your enemies may be a wise thing to do. For being the president of the United States, it is a fatal flaw to be merciful on the criminals and traitors.

Being tough on criminals simply means there is no leniency on the leaders of the Deep State, if they have committed crimes, and they have indeed, lock them up with the toughest penalty.

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Days of virtue signalling wine and roses are way past.

The Left sought to de-legitimise any and all opposition and they succeeded.

Rudi Dutschke spoke of the 'long march through the institutions', now also achieved.

Censorship, propaganda, gas-lighting, all accepted de rigueur practice.

Good men doing nothing. You know the rest.

Secession maybe all that remains if the Constitution is to survive?

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