SATARC: A Household Survey in Four Major Indian Cities

Uploaded: over 3 years ago; Last updated: over 3 years ago ; Date of Publication: 16-November-2018

Delhi, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu

October 2015 - September 2016


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

The official records on crime and response by the police are hugely insufficient in gauging the scale of the problem due to widespread under-reporting, among other deficiencies. Safety Trends and Reporting of Crime (SATARC), IDFC Institute’s flagship survey, is an attempt to marshal evidence, in a systematic way, about the extent and nature of crime, satisfaction with police, and perceptions of safety. The SATARC survey aims to bridge this gap in public data on safety and crime.


Research Report

The survey is based on a representative sample of households across four major cities - Delhi (6,187 respondents), Mumbai (7,910 respondents), Chennai (2,433 respondents), and Bengaluru (4,067 respondents).