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Jaw-Dropping Fact: CDC Data confirms COVID Vaccine can reduce your Lifespan by at least 24 years

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The long-term consequences of Covid-19 vaccination are now being realised…

A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed. Now they are 20x more likely and the triply or more vaxxed are 35x more likely, as the latest NSW Health stats show (see below).

Meanwhile, the latest Cleveland Clinic Data and the latest US data analysed by Josh Stirling, founder of Insurance Collaboration to Save Livess and former #1 ranked Insurance Analyst, shows a really really disturbing trend.

The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time. It continues indefinitely.

In fact, CDC All-Cause Mortality data show that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in year 2021.

So if you have had 5 doses then you were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you have had one dose then you were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you are unvaxxed then you were no more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021.

Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information reported by The Exposé to serve their own needs. Subscribe now to make sure you receive the latest uncensored news in your inbox…

By a concerned reader

The Cleveland Clinic Data

Here are the Covid infection rates for the 1st 98 days from 2022September12, when the bivalent vaccine was first offered to Cleveland Clinic employees. It was not mandated. It was offered.

So on 2022September12, 6199 employees were unvaxxed, 2359 were single jabbed, 13804 were double jabbed, 20798 were triple jabbed and 3538 were quad jabbed or penta jabbed with the original vaccine, which was designed against the Wuhan Hu1 reference virus, which was NOT isolated from a Human but was generated on a computer.

The results of their study, shown graphically above, demonstrate that the more doses of the original vaccine you took, the more likely you were to catch covid. In other words the original Covid vaccine is not merely ineffective against Omicron. It is actually anti-effective.

It is therefore not a vaccine against the present strain of Covid. It is an antivaccine. It damages your immune system in a dose-dependent manner. The more shots you took, the more damage you will have done to your immune system.

The writer first saw this from PHE Vaccine Surveillance reports and published his findings to PHE themselves AND on my website and in The Expose, on 2021October10

‘The Science’ has now been established by the Cleveland Clinic. Genetic vaccines damage your immune system and make you not less likely but more likely to be infected with Covid.

Not only that but they have horrendous side effects on the cardiovascular, neurological and reproductive systems as well.

They are nothing short of mandatory progressive euthanasia.

CDC All-Cause Mortality Data shows that every year, every vaccinated person becomes more and more likely to die at a rate of 7% PER JAB PER YEAR. That is a slow-acting genetic poison.

If people were recovering from the 1st jab, then it would not be having precisely the same effect as the 5th jab (namely a 7% increase in mortality). This is the long term problem. People are not recovering from the damage done by the shots in terms of excess mortality. 

So taking 2021 as the base line, a 5 dosed person would be 350% more likely to die in 2031 and 700% more likely to die in 2041 and 1050% more likely to die in 2051 than an unvaxxed person. It is just like compound interest.

Using this result, we can calculate the loss in life expectancy for a 30 year old male as follows… The life expectancy of a 30 year old unvaxxed male in the UK is around 80 years. So he can expect another 50 years of life.

In statistical terms, half of his cohort are dead by 80. The life expectancy of a 30 year old quintuply vaxxed person in the UK is 56 years. Assuming UK males respond to the vaccines in the same way as US people. Alternatively quintuply vaxxed US 30 year old males have likewise lost 24 years of life expectancy.

UK life expectancy data is from Statista. In the table below we add the extra 7% mortality per jab per year to the 2020 UK levels shown in Column2. So in a 5 year period, the average increase in expected mortality would be –

  • (0% + 35%)/2 = 17.5% from one jab
  • (0% + 70%)/2 = 35% from two jabs
  • (0% + 105%)/2 = 52.5% from three jabs
  • (0% + 140%)/2 = 70% from four jabs
  • (0% + 175%)/2 = 87.5% from five jabs

Life Expectancy for unvaxxed and 1-5 dosed UK males

1 jab robs 30 year old men of 13 years
2 jabs robs 30 year old men of 18 years
3 jabs robs 30 year old men of 20 years
4 jabs robs 30 year old men of 23 years
5 jabs robs 30 year old men of 24 years

That is the price you pay for trusting the NHS, trusting the government and trusting the BBC and the Main Stream Media.

That is what Media like the Expose have been trying to prevent.

NSW Vax status 2023Jan7

The population of New South Wales in Australia was 6,505,883 in 2022. the vaccination status is as follows…

NSW Australia data for Hospital and ICU Admissions during the last 6 weeks of 2022 show dose-dependent immune system destruction 

NSW Covid ICU admissions 2022Nov19-Dec31

NSW Covid Hospital admissions 2022Nov19-Dec31

There is the proof of immune system destruction by vaccination mediated spike proteins. We see the same pattern for Hospital admissions in Australia as we see for infection rates in Cleveland. The more shots you take the weaker your immune system becomes. And that is for the target of the therapy! The above graphs do NOT address any of the side effects.


The population of NSW in Australia is 6½ million people. They are a highly vaccinated group. Looking at the Australian Government data for the last 6 weeks of 2022 we see that.

1. Those with 1 or 2 doses are 20x more likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid than those with no doses.
2. Those with 3 or 4 or more doses are 35x more likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid than those with no doses.
3. Being unvaxxed provides 100% protection from having to go to the ICU. Being vaxxed gives you a 6 in 100,000 chance of being hospitalised in the ICU.
4. Vaccines are unsafe and extremely ineffective.
5. COVID-19 vaccination is putting unsustainable pressure on hospitals and ICUs in NSW and by implication all over the world. 
6. The NHS in the UK will be destroyed unless vaccinations are banned immediately. It may already be too late.
7. The vaccines prevent herd immunity. Herd immunity will never be reached in the vaxxed. It has already been reached in the unvaxxed
8. The continuation of the pandemic is entirely caused by the anti vaccines.

The last time I looked at the data in NSW, for the last 6 weeks of 2021, the double vaxxed were 2.18x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed.

Here were are today, 12 months later in the last 6 weeks of 2022, and the double vaxxed are not 2.18x, but actually 20x more likely to catch the latest variant. And the triple jabbed are 35x more likely!

So there is the immune system destruction that I predicted in October2021. There is the progressive vaccine-mediated AIDS. These are farcical Monty Python kinds of numbers. As I understand it the Australian government is now going to stop classifying hospital data by vax status.

Talk about bury your head in the sand. In any event. It is too late. The cat is out of the bag. These figures are an accelerating immunological catastrophe.

The data we have analysed are for the disease that the vaccines are supposed to be protecting us from (Covid-19). They do not address the plethora of cardiovascular, neurological, immunological, reproductive and systemic side effects of the genetic anti vaccinations which cause further hospital admissions.

We have given control of our Health Services big pharma and they have destroyed those services. The day will come, if it has not already, when 50% of the patients in our hospitals are suffering from vaccine-mediated pathology.

The question then becomes, how many others in addition to the vaccine damaged are suffering from Big Pharma-mediated pathologies resulting from other Big Pharma ‘medications’?

The credibility and the viability of all health care worldwide is therefore entirely dependent upon the immediate cessation of genetic vaccination.

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The Lizard of Oz
The Lizard of Oz
7 months ago

These stats put a whole new meaning in the term anti-vaxx. It seems the Great Cull will be a rather drawn out affair though, over a decade or three. The aging oligarchs behind it may be tempted to help it along with some famines, more plandemics and a war or three. Duck and cover when the big flash comes…

Reply to  The Lizard of Oz
7 months ago


Reply to  The Lizard of Oz
7 months ago

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7 months ago

[…] Jaw-Dropping Fact: CDC Data confirms COVID Vaccine can reduce your Lifespan by at least 24 year… […]

7 months ago

Could you please make your articles audible? It is of great value for us, thank you

7 months ago

I really miss listening to YOU , James

Mr Ian Wightman
Mr Ian Wightman
7 months ago

Australia noted for its sheep, personally I have no sympathy for ANYONE that subscribed “and continue to subscribe” to this evil. They’ve become part of it & deservedly so.

Reply to  Mr Ian Wightman
4 months ago

I pity those that took the clot shot to save a job and pay a mortgage to provide for their family..

Mark Deacon
Mark Deacon
7 months ago

Been saying this all along … once mRNA vaxxed every subsequent infection will cause further injury and inevitable death.

7 months ago

[…] Truth: CDC Knowledge confirms COVID Vaccine can scale back your Lifespan by at the least 24 years The harm to well being attributable to every vaccine dose doesn’t reduce over time. It […]

Chris C
Chris C
7 months ago

How can someone “catch” a virus when it is created only in a computer In Silico, and in Nature not one single virus particle has been isolated, purified, imaged, sequenced and shown to cause disease?

Will most of We the People be deceived forever?

7 months ago

Let’s make one thing clear to those who may still have their heads up their arse. The agenda which has been ongoing since late 2019, is to murder as much of the population that they can by 2030. 
With that in mind, why are banks continuing to lend to Governments for war when the dollar and all other fiat currencies are collapsing?
If there might be a debt jubilee when it does collapse, are the banks likely to forget all that purported debt?
Let’s go back in history for a moment to 1933. The U.S Government was bankrupt and couldn’t borrow any money from the banks. In order to do so, they gave the banks the future labour of the people as collateral. This began the birth registration process in America for that purpose and the introduction of the IRS to collect on that debt.
So, what can Governments use today as collateral and a promise to the central banks as collateral?
The money tied up in Trusts associated with the legal fiction person.
The banks can’t collect on that large sum of money until the recipient/legal fiction person attached to that trust, is dead.
While the population continue to pretend to be someone they are not for fictitious benefits, they are in the crosshairs of those who seek to profit from the death of the wo/man using NAME’s that are not nor were ever them.
Everybody has a choice. Have Faith in the Primal Creator.
Or continue to have a false belief in the Satanic system where the prize of that support is death. Physically and spiritually. 

Tracey R
Tracey R
Reply to  john
7 months ago

Your head is up your arse if you think this assault against humanity only started in 2019. WMD, 911, AIDS, GFC……

7 months ago

[…] Jaw-Dropping Fact: CDC Data confirms COVID Vaccine can reduce your Lifespan by at least 24 years The long-term consequences of Covid-19 vaccination are now being realised… A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed. Now they are 20x more likely and the triply or more vaxxed are 35x more likely, as the latest NSW Health stats show…the latest US data analysed by Josh Stirling…shows a really really disturbing trend. The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time. It continues indefinitely. […]

7 months ago

[…] Jaw-Dropping Fact: CDC Data confirms COVID Vaccine can reduce your Lifespan by at least 24 years […]

7 months ago

[…] And even if Deagel’s 2025 depopulation forecast turns out to be largely overstated, we still have to worry about the fact that U.S. Centers for Disease Control data officially confirms that COVID-19 vaccination can reduce your …. […]

7 months ago

[…] This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Daily Exposé. […]

7 months ago

[…] Și chiar dacă prognoza depopulării lui Deagel pentru 2025 se dovedește a fi în mare măsură supraevaluată, trebuie să ne îngrijorăm totuși cu privire la faptul că Datele Centrelor pentru Controlul Bolilor din SUA confirmă oficial că vaccinarea împotriva COVID-…. […]

7 months ago

[…] And even if Deagel’s 2025 depopulation forecast turns out to be largely overstated, we still have to worry about the fact that U.S. Centers for Disease Control data officially confirms that COVID-19 vaccination can reduce your …. […]

7 months ago

Inventors Covid Death Vax- Chaim Ben Pesach new…-vid backup
The JWO FILE Jew World Order

Jeff the Beast
Jeff the Beast
7 months ago

Hahahaha…stupid antivaxxer bullshit…not being vaccinated equals the death penalty…

Reply to  Jeff the Beast
7 months ago

thick as….

Reply to  Jeff the Beast
6 months ago

I pray you and your children are vaxxed and boosted.

For your safety of course.

7 months ago

[…] CDC Data confirms COVID Vaccine can reduce your Lifespan by at least 24 years […]

Katherine Green
Katherine Green
7 months ago

I personally came to the conclusion that the toxic genetic jabs were harmful to human health by design, after seeing the results of their rollout, and delving into their methods of action.
Forcing your own cells to manufacture the highly toxic Spike Protien, indefinitely.
Disabling your immune system to do so.
Wrapping the gene instructions in toxic LNPs that cross every cell membrane in the human body- even the brain. That alone proves intent to harm.
And then there is the endless promotion of variants by utilizing a leaky vaccine in the middle of a pandemic. Sherri Tenpenny found many mechanisms by which these injections can cause death & disability
It is Democide, no doubt.
Frankly I think we all need to listen to David Icke more carefully and re-read both Rudolph Steiner & Revelations.

Reply to  Katherine Green
6 months ago

David and Alex Jones are like 93% correct on their “Wild Crazy” theories, yet the media still pretends that they don’t matter.

7 months ago

[…] Und selbst wenn sich Deagels Prognose für die Entvölkerung im Jahr 2025 als weitgehend übertrieben erweisen sollte, müssen wir uns immer noch über die Tatsache Sorgen machen, dass die Daten der US-Zentren für Seuchenkontrolle offiziell bestätigen, dass die COVID-19-Impfung die Lebenserwartung um mindestens 24 Jahre verkürzen kann. (Vgl. The Exposé) […]

7 months ago

[…] And even if Deagel’s 2025 depopulation forecast turns out to be largely overstated, we still have to worry about the fact that U.S. Centers for Disease Control data officially confirms that COVID-19 vaccination can reduce your …. […]

6 months ago

At first I thought I could save a few friends and family members from taking it…All nodded and then went to go get them because “It be easier.”

To travel, to work, to go to school or just because they thought it would bring peace of mind.

Yesterday I mentioned to my GF that my co-workers have lung clots, strokes, heart attacks, crazy high blood pressure, edema from cardiac muscle damage, my sis and BIL have like 5 things wrong with them now, both my uncle and aunt have cancers etc…It’s all bad.

I love them all, but decisions were made and paths were chosen.

Let the Dead bury the Dead.

The only great thing is most of the rabble rousers, vax pushers in the medical field and SJWs are dropping like flies now.

By 2030, most of the Western World will be in full population/worker collapse.

Most of the White Race has been poisoned and made infertile…FACT.

6 months ago

Arrest Walensky, Birx, Fauci and all CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.
Fraud and homicide are not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!
RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

6 months ago

[…] And even if Deagel’s 2025 depopulation forecast turns out to be largely overstated, we still have to worry about the fact that U.S. Centers for Disease Control data officially confirms that COVID-19 vaccination can reduce your …. […]

6 months ago

[…] And even if Deagel’s 2025 depopulation forecast turns out to be largely overstated, we still have to worry about the fact that U.S. Centers for Disease Control data officially confirms that COVID-19 vaccination can reduce your …. […]

6 months ago

Quite funny: on page 4 of the 2022-12-31 review, the 0-dose people had 0 admissions, 0 ICU, and of those 0, 6 died. It’s the only group where death numbers are higher than that of admissions. Where were they?

6 months ago

[…] Dane CDC: Covida-szpryca może skrócić życie o co najmniej 24 lata […]

4 months ago

Tracking Down the Origin of Wuhan Coronavirus | Documentary
Apr-15-2020 – – – – Glad I saw this early on!

As the world is gripped by the ongoing pandemic, many questions remain about the origin of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus—commonly known as the novel coronavirus.
Join Epoch Times senior investigative reporter Joshua Philipp as he explores the known facts surrounding the CCP virus and the global pandemic it caused.

In his investigation, Philipp explores the scientific data, and interviews top scientists and national security experts. And while the mystery surrounding the virus’s origin remains, much is learned about the CCP’s cover-up that led to the pandemic and the threat it poses to the world.