Brownstone Institute

Renters and Owners Live in Separate Economies

Renters and Owners Live in Separate Economies


In short, renters are in dire straits financially, while homeowners are “continuing to reap the rewards” of cheap pandemic money that left renters with nothing but inflation.

BMJ Exposes Scientific American’s Editor-in-Chief

BMJ Exposes Scientific American’s Editor-in-Chief


In a shot across the bow against Scientific American’s continued descent into unscientific twaddle, a BMJ investigation documented over a dozen social media posts by editor-in-chief Laura Helmuth promoting transgender care for children, despite scientific evidence showing such treatment has had “devastating consequences” for minors.

Two Sides of the Same Corrupt Coin

Two Sides of the Same Corrupt Coin


The people in the governments, organizations, and companies working on biodefense were involved in interrelated gain-of-function and medical countermeasure research. It follows that those who knew about the SARS-CoV-2 lab leak and initiated the cover-up were part of the network that dictated the entire Covid response, with a monomaniacal focus on mRNA genetic vaccine platforms.

Which Way, Africa?

Which Way, Africa?


In the 19th and 20th centuries, Western imperialism dispossessed the peoples of Africa of huge tracts of land through treaties that it made them sign under duress or deception. For example, the Anglo-Maasai treaties of 1904 and 1911 obligated the Maasai to relocate to reserves in Laikipia and Loita plains. In this way, the British colonisers moved the Maasai away from their own ancestral lands for exclusive occupation by European settlers. We the peoples of Africa must now guard our health sovereignty with all that we have against recolonisation by demanding that no international legal instrument violates our right to sovereignty in its multiple dimensions, public health included.

Brownstone Institute Logo

Brownstone Institute for Social and Economic Research is a nonprofit organization conceptualized in May 2021. 

Its vision is of a society that places the highest value on the voluntary interaction of individuals and groups while minimizing the use of violence and force even including that which is exercised by public authority.

This vision is that of the Enlightenment which elevates learning, science, progress, and universal rights to the forefront of public life, and is newly threatened by ideologies and systems that would take the world back prior to the triumph of the ideal of freedom. 

Not Just This One Crisis

The motive force of Brownstone Institute is the global crisis created by policy responses to the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020. That trauma reveals a fundamental misunderstanding alive in all countries around the world today, a willingness on the part of the public and officials to forgo freedom and fundamental human rights in the name of a public health crisis. The consequences are devastating and will live in infamy.

It’s not just about this one crisis, but past and next ones as well. The lesson we should learn concerns the desperate need for a new outlook that rejects the rights of the legally privileged few to rule over the many under any pretext, while preserving  freedom, free speech, and  essential rights even in times of crisis.

Why “Brownstone?”

The name Brownstone is from the malleable but long-lasting building stone (also called “Freestone”) used so commonly in 19th-century American cities, preferred for its beauty, practicality, and strength. 

Brownstone Institute regards the great task of our times as rebuilding the foundation of liberalism as classically understood, including core values of human rights and freedom as non-negotiables for an enlightened society.


The mission of Brownstone Institute is constructively to come to terms with what happened, understand why, and how to prevent such events from happening again. Lockdowns have set a precedent in the modern world and without accountability, social and economic institutions will be shattered once again. 

An institution such as Brownstone Institute is essential in preventing the recurrence of lockdowns by holding decision makers intellectually to account. 

In addition, Brownstone Institute hopes to shed light on a path to recovery from the devastating collateral damage, while providing a vision for a different way to think about freedom, security, and public life.

Brownstone Institute looks to influence a post-lockdown world by generating new ideas in public health, scientific discourse, economics, and social theory, to defend and promote the liberty that is critical for an enlightened society from which everyone benefits. 

The purpose of Brownstone Institute is to point the way toward a better understanding of essential freedoms – including intellectual freedom and free speech – and the proper means to preserve essential rights even in times of crisis.

The Road Ahead

The world needs Brownstone Institute now to prevent the next “snap” lockdown and make the case for an open and free society. 

The idea is to correct and compete with the mainstream media and take on the technocratic disease managers, or anyone else who believes rights and liberties can be violated, at the discretion of political leaders, to central plans.

The research and content at Brownstone are sophisticated but accessible. Operationally, Brownstone’s mode is no fluff in the budget, no bureaucrats, no cronies, only a highly competent small team working to change the world. 

The institute will have media reach and call on scientists, intellectuals, and others who are dedicated to this task.


Brownstone Institute’s goals are accomplished through research and publishing, including essays, articles, reports, media, and books, and by organizing conferences and retreats.


Stay Informed with Brownstone Institute
Stay Informed with Brownstone Institute