MEDIAWATCH: TV3 LEADERS DEBATE: Finally – where has this Chippy been!


Election 2023: Chris Hipkins and Christopher Luxon come to life in fiery leaders’ debate

And Hipkins came out firing.


Where the hell has this Chippy been?

He did what every Left wing voter wanted and that was to attack Luxon over his bullshit policies and budget holes.

We finally saw Luxon on the back foot and we finally saw the scrapper that Kiwis want Chippy to be.

The insane posturing of Luxon over Gang funerals really told us what a National party leadership would look like.

Luxon’s insane policy to have Police rip Gang patches off Gang members was tested by Paddy who asked, ‘Would you demand Police enter a Gang funeral to remove patches’.

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Luxon said yes.

Just imagine that.

500 Gang members turning up to mourn their dead comrade, and the Police descend (remember there would need to be at least 1500 Police to removes the gang patches of 500 gang members) to start an open brawl at a funeral.

Paddy made sure Luxon understood the question, and Luxon went straight down the Police State road. If he is anywhere power, Luxon’s go to is State violence that leads to radicalisation.

Sending in cops to a Gang funeral rot reip[ patches off might make tough guys feel tough, but the fucking

Chippy constantly hounded and harassed Luxon and Luxon looked like as flakey as we know he is.

When Chippy threw a NZ First candidates Māori hate into the mix and demanded Luxon answer why National will enable that level of hate.

Tellingly Luxon refuses to resign if his bullshit Foreign Buyers Tax won’t raise the revenue we have all claimed it won’t!

Luxon pretending to not know who Winston was is the highlight!

We are fucked if Luxon gets anywhere near power. He is a condescending smug prick who will pass policy that  will benefit the rich and rob the poor!

Cutting to victims in the audience was petty and beneath the mana of the moment and the panel afterwards was bland, but this is Disney after all so we should count our blessings Mickey Mouse didn’t come on stage and blow Luxon.


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  1. “We finally saw the scrapper that Kiwis want Chippy to be”, “Nicola Willis destroyed by Grant Robertson”, “it took two strong wahine to make David (Seymour) look like a silly boy” and the list goes on…
    Bomber – despite your ‘creative license’ being put on steroids this election, the ordinary voter doesn’t seem to be persuaded. Next, you will be having us believe that Phil Twyford is on the comeback trail and is going to build 100,000 houses!

    • Venerable Esteemed Auspicious his Most Glorious Lordship Moses Luxon of Nazareth the Magnificent, was a simple complicated simply complicated simple complex contender in the debate, and here are his ten commandments behold:

      1. He wants abortion to be tantamount to murder, but corporate manslaughter is no problemo!
      2. He wants to be in Te Puke, when he is really in Hawaii!
      3. He wants to reduce tax, when he is bringing in a slew of new tax!
      4. He wants to help severe weather victims with an Ombudsman, while ignoring climate change!
      5. He wants to increase trade, while putting the China FTA at risk, from his foreign buyers tax!
      6. He wants to decrease bureaucracy, while increasing bureaucracy, while cutting public servants!
      7. He wants to help renters and home buyers, by helping landlords and flippers and speculators!
      8. He wants to increase financial literacy, while jumping onto the online gambling bandwagon!
      9. He wants to have nothing to do with Winston, while putting out a giant welcome mat for Winston!
      10. He wants to help the squeezed middle, while struggling investment property holders like seven hovels Elon Luxon, the cream of the broth floating above the squeezed middle, will be the ones getting the real bucks, while bottomfeeders on minimum wage get the usual, which is usually nothing.

      I sense that Calamity Chris Luxon from the divide and conquer Coalition of Catastrophe, may also have started to feel the pinch, and could have resorted to consuming inferior grade homebrand caviar, and sleeping in his own car, that is stowed on his private jet, that is being shipped on his private yacht, that is berthed at his private marina, that gives access to his private beach, on the windward side of his private Hawaiian island – but we all have to make sacrifices – oh the humanity!

      At least we can all agree that tuff buff Luxon would be able to beat demure Hipkins in old school fistycuffs. I mean, Luxon would just get his chauffeur to sneak in front of Hipkins to trip him up, while Luxon’s butler pushes Hipkins over. Wait a second, the chauffeur and butler aren’t euphemisms for real estate moguls pumping in huge political donations for Luxon, without wanting anything in return, but simply out of the good of their hearts, and their charitable natures? Surely not, for if they have such money to burn, they would have no need for investment property tax deductibility and reduction of the brightline test. And if they have such money to burn, wouldn’t child poverty in this country, already be a distant memory? Isn’t child poverty a much greater charitable cause than Luxon? Forget about the foreign buyers tax not adding up, there’s something bigger that isn’t kosher going on!

      But seriously, has Luxon ever been the single parent on a benefit, that he’s wanting to crack down on. Hmmm, judge not lest thou be judged, may apply. In other words, put yourself in that persons shoes.
      Has he ever been evicted by a landlord, or been arrested for weed, or set foot inside a gaol, or even gotten a parking ticket? His answer would probably be, that he hasn’t given it any thought.
      Does he have a true understanding of anything that many ordinary people face every day? Wasn’t he once a bottomfeeder himself? Is the only thing he cares about bottomfeeders, is grabbing their vote?
      I’m serious Chris, do you really want to bring in, no grounds minimal notice tenant evictions – imagine if you had got a knock on your door this morning, and it’s your landlord telling you to get out. Your world would be turned upside down, but you’re be happy with that, are you Chris? It’s not really what you would call, being a good Samaritan.

    • Dream on…Luxon got smashed out of the park on every single issue…

      Chippy’s dismantling job was executed with alarming ease ..

      The media are doing their best to try and nullify the beating we all witnessed by making bland overall generalisations, but there is no doubt that it was a blood bath and it just demonstrated how Luxon is not even close to being Prime Ministerial material.

      This vacuous newby numpty cannot be given control of the country!!

    • Wishful thinking and willful denial of reality by you Brom. Luxon got smashed. His true character and traits shined through – he was evasive, equivocating, slippery, condescending, and angry.

    • New+view: Children in high school – i.e. aged 13 to 17/18 years – were at primary school between eight and 13 years ago. Their formative education years (the critical time to learn fluent reading and maths) were during the last National government. When Chris Hipkins started to explain this, he was shut down by Patrick Gower.

      NZ’s low literacy and numeracy levels, which are showing up in secondary school tests, are the result of problems building up over time. The problems would have been evident at primary school and should have been addressed then.

      It seems some teachers were/are unable to effectively teach children to gain reading skills, as described in the following linked article. The balanced literacy teaching method appears to be one cause of NZ’s literacy problems. If children are unable to read properly, this will affect all areas of their learning.

      • Vienne. You can’t teach me to suck eggs. I was taught the old way. It worked for me. I also was on the board of trustees for both my kids so could see the system close up. One of my children now has three kids, two of which are at high school. I’ve made sure my grandchildren can read write and count in spite of the education system. If they are elected, this National coalition will get back to basics and improve attendance. That’s good enough for me.

        • New+view: Many parents, grandparents or caregivers don’t have the time or resources to teach their children/grandchildren to read or do maths. Clearly this is mainly the responsibility of the education system.

          As I stated, children in high school – i.e. aged 13 to 17/18 years – were at primary school between eight and 13 years ago. You haven’t addressed my point that their formative education years (the critical time to learn fluent reading and maths) were during the last National government. Also that NZ’s low literacy and numeracy levels, which are showing up in secondary school tests, are the result of problems building up over time. The problems would have been evident at primary school and should have been addressed then – i.e. when National was last in Government.

          Re your comment “If they are elected, this National coalition will get back to basics and improve attendance” how do they intend to do this?

          • Correct Vienne, how do they intend to do this when they nearly broke the Education system last time with National standards?
            If New View started his sentence with ” I believe ” it would hold more credibility but without that he’s making a statement of fact without any evidence whatsoever.

  2. Luxon is also for Net Zero (whatever that is). I don’t want global corporates coming in and carpeting our land with useless windmills, so that’s a big fat no from me too.

    • I’d almost get behind it if 100% of said windfarms were 100% manufactured in New Zealand factories from 100% New Zealand mined materials. As it stands these windfarms last about 25 years, and after that you have to dispose of the fiberglass blades (which leach toxic chemicals into the soil and connaot be recycled), and of course renewal and maintenance are completely reliant on other nations (i.e. mining and manufacture). In other words, they are simply offshoring pollution (which is all the rich Western nations are doing with their “green” initiatives) and thus cannot be conclusively shown to have any positive effect on the global environment whatsoever.

  3. I didn’t know that for Hipkins to win the election he would be in charge of a 5 headed Monster. 4 co leaders and himself.

    Makes Uncle Winston look quite good. He was the winner of the debate, just shadowing Hipkins. He might end up on 8.5% now.

  4. Did Chippy mention that He Puapua and 3 waters are all go after they win the election , and that Nanaia Mahuta, Willy and co are ready to pick up where they left off , before they were shunted into the background after Jacinda Adern ran out of puff…Leading with cutting edge policy like this should be at the forefront of Labours electioneering, showing to the country how the future should be and will be when they get back into power…..Go Labour…you have done some much for us in the last 6 years, especially the last 3 years….

  5. Taking patches of gang members at a tangi was an absolute shocker and is totally irresponsible there would be kids and women and other innocent bystanders at these tangihanga. Luxon’s approach would end in a blood bath and not fair on our police either. If National get in power with that mongrel war monger mercenary Mitchell in charge of our police, we will see gun wars with big bloody shoot ups. Our people need to encourage all of their whanau to vote too many don’t vote and are disenfranchised and that includes all the gangs and their whanau.

  6. The Newshub poll is showing 68% of voters thought Luxon won. It’s currently sitting on just over 28000 votes.

    I too enjoyed this version of Hipkins. But I don’t think it played well to the wider audience sadly.

    • Not a good endorsement of Newshub, as a blind man on a galloping horse in the dead of night could see that Luxon got an absolute caning, highlighting that fact that he is not ‘fit for purpose’…
      ….but may also demonstrate the low level of intellect possessed by the people who follow Newshub and participate in their polls…

      Which means their polls have no credibility whatsoever…

  7. It won’t change the trajectory nor I doubt persuade the undecided one way or the other. Neither had a solid argument for law and order, the economy, health or “Climate Change”. Both tribes will be satisfied with their hit out and their wasn’t a killing blow either way.

  8. Luxon has been allowed to endlessly spout his meaningless scripted slogans for 18 months. Journalists have either been too timid or too busy cheerleading to challenge him – except for Tame once. Good to have it publicly confirmed that all the slogans are just a low-grade disguise to deflect from what has always been the sacred mission of the National Party – to redistribute wealth upwards.

    • AB you have hit the nail on the head. For the most part journalists work for business organisation’s and the one thing we know is that business organizations are whole heartedly behind right wing parties, thus no one holding anything Luxon says to account. No matter where you look or listen, TV or radio, the promotion of Luxon is endless. It’s actually very embarrassing.

  9. Yes Sam that would be the squeezed middle and the very rich who have backed the right-wing parties.
    I saw the poll and we all know who they are the many selfish voting for themselves last time national were in power our country got run down and inequalities increased not good enough seems some dumb kiwis haven’t learnt their lesson and are going back for more.

    • Seems Bob the first is in denial on this. But then again he admits he’s biased so anything he posts here is irrelevant.

  10. Yes Sam that would be the squeezed middle and the very rich who have backed the right-wing parties.
    I saw the poll and we all know who they are the many selfish voting for themselves last time national were in power our country got run down and inequalities increased not good enough seems some dumb kiwis haven’t learnt their lesson and are going back for more.

  11. Finally!

    After weeks of sleepwalking to election defeat, Chippie begins his campaign to remain leader of the Labour Party in opposition.

    I mean, really?

    On losing the election that was Labour’s to win, Chris Hipkins should do the honourable thing and resign as the leader of the Labour Party.

  12. Wasn’t that the national standards debacle introduced by the National party when Hekia was in charge of M.O.E. And didn’t the teachers at the time call it mediocracy. Also, Tolley cut the funding for remedial reading recovery and this program was actually working.

  13. Wasn’t that the national standards debacle introduced by the National party when Hekia was in charge of M.O.E. And didn’t the teachers at the time call it mediocracy. Also, Tolley cut the funding for remedial reading recovery and this program was actually working.

  14. My ma was a midwife during the furious wars between them and birth doctors and obstetricians in the 80s and 90s.

    Reading party lists I came across Karen Guilliland in the Women’s Rights Party. Even those hyper pricky surgeons wouldn’t go near her during her 30 years as the director of the Midwifery College. Her ferocity was a model of how to speak for the people. Everyone was scared of her.

    I also recommend the female mayor of Chch, gentle as Karen was fighty. The Left has a lot on it’s side. Just not organised.

    • Hilarious reading Bob attacking Labour like a rabid rat. At least Luxon is doing what Key is telling him to do or is he in denial?

  15. too late. the politics is done. just propaganda and persona now, with a bunch of persuasion. policy is all wrong on all sides from all parties. there’s only one policy that matters. governance. we are being governed by party muppets. what’s in it for MY party and MY leaders. take me to your leader. all your base, are belong to us. we are the borg!


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