New FOIA Request Reveals Entire Pandemic Based on Scientific Fraud: CDC Concedes Inability to Locate Purified Isolate of SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus or Delta Variant by Koch’s Postulates, Says Viruses can be Isolated “Only by Growth in Cell Culture”

Report | Ramola D | Sep 4, 2021

In an exchange of emails with this reporter succeeding a new FOIA request made on August 7, 2021, Bruno Viana, Deputy Director at the CDC FOI Records office along with Program Staff he consulted has conceded–by way of obtuse text, prevarication, and later silence in response to this writer’s final confirmatory letter–that the Centers for Disease Control is unable to locate any information on a purified isolate of the professed SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 virus by classic microbiology standards of Koch’s and Rivers’ postulates or by any other standards.

FOI Letters earlier received and collated by biostatistician Christine Massey on this subject and some with similar wording from the CDC are recorded here: FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever/Flouride Free Peel

Correspondence with the MHRA, UK, revealing there is no virus in the experimental COVID vaccines, only substances synthesized from computer-generated DNA codes for a supposed “spike protein” on a not-isolated virus is posted here by journalist Frances Leader: EMAIL EXCHANGE WITH UK MHRA – Exposing the genomic sequence of SARSCov2

Verbiage in CDC responses to this writer suggest that according to the CDC, viruses can be isolated “only by growth in cell culture,” “do not replicate outside a host or in a pure culture (devoid of other cells)”, that Koch’s postulates “pre-date modern microbiological techniques, including the ability to isolate viruses from hosts” and that “Koch’s postulates have limitations when evaluating viruses and do not adequately account for the way viruses are isolated and propagated given that viruses are obligate intracellular parasites.”

CDC Concedes No Purified Isolate, Says No Replication Outside Host (No Transmission): SARS-COV-2 is clearly an IMAGINARY VIRUS

Yet the CDC failed to indicate how exactly “viruses are isolated and propagated” then using the modern microbiological techniques it referred to, and failed to provide the requested scientific information on any such isolate.

What the CDC did do is refer to various papers talking about the detection of SARS-COV-2, including one carrying electron microscopy images of diseased lung tissue and another suggesting SARS-COV-2 had been identified as the source of a pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan, a situation addressed and left unanswered by CDC in this writer’s confirmatory letter (reprinted below).

How on earth is something detected without being isolated and understood as an artifact or organism or unique material being in itself first? (No response from CDC on this base question in the FOIA request.)

The CDC also referred this FOI requester to genome-sequencing information at a NIH website, NCBI SARS-CoV-2 Resources/, which carries all kinds of technical genome information — all of which turns out to be computer-generated genome sequences, none taken from a purified isolate of the overly-referenced but never-isolated SARS-COV-2 virus.

Very relevant here is Dr. Wu Zunyou, Head of the Chinese CDC’s statement on NBC: “The virus has not been isolated, that’s the issue”

Dr. Wu Zunyou from the Chinese Center for Disease Control admits on camera COVID NOT ISOLATED

The language in the CDC FOIA response then is mere sleight-of-hand deflection, designed to evade the essential question while professing legitimacy and substantiveness of response: “For information about the SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence, see the NIH GenBank website (, which includes over 1 million sequences..”

What this calls into question really is not just whether a real virus was behind the sweeping pandemic–which hasn’t been swept away yet–but what a real virus may really be and whether viruses actually exist, a long-standing conundrum it turns out, which yields the surprising discovery that Virus Theory is still only a theory and not a fact, as Dr. Young pointed out in Report 255 and Newsbreak 133 recently at this writer’s channel.

Given that coronoviruses (that is manipulated genomic sequences professing to equate to such) have long been patented, as Dr. David Martin has revealed, and given that genomic sequences are now being generated by computers without basis in material substance, now might be that seminal moment in history when Germ Theory/Virus Theory finally meets its demise.

Query & First Response by CDC to Request for Information on Isolate:

This FOIA request made on August 7, 2021 and CDC responses can be read in full here at Muckrock. Responses by the CDC FOIA OFfice were made by email and posted there for public reportage.

Wording on this request initially was identical to the wording used in queries to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, reported here, and to the Office of the Governor, Massachusetts, reported here.


What CDC is Calling a Virus is “Junk Science” and Scientific Fraud

It is inexplicable that CDC program staff would assert with such certainty that “SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)” yet be unable to provide a direct response to the request for information on a purified isolate.

In consulting with a few subject matter experts in microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, and medicine on this matter, and in investigating the matter further, it appears that virus isolation by the classic “Gold Standard” of microbiology, Koch’s and Rivers’ Postulates, is not what is being used by the CDC or by the various other institutions out there pushing the Virus and Germ Theory yet unable to provide a micrograph, photograph, or spectrograph of this elusive and mythical virus.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Sally Fallon Morell, RN, and Dr. Thomas Cowan have detailed in their Statement of Virus Isolation how SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 has not been proved to exist by anyone, based on Koch’s Postulates, the “‘gold standard” in microbiology for the isolation of a virus, and detail how scientists these days are engaging in very peculiar practices of mixing sputum from sick people with all sorts of toxins, chemicals, vero cells (monkey kidney cells), then extracting a mess of random genetic material from this dubious mix and labeling it a virus.

Please visit Massachusetts Department of Health Reports “No Responsive Documents” to FOIA Request for Information on Purified Isolate of Professed SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus & Delta Variant Forming Basis for all State COVID Restrictions for a detailed discussion of this subject.


Dr. John Reizer, who has spoken and written frequently on the inefficacy of the PCR tests, the dangers of the COVID vaccines, including on Newswatch LIve 2 — Newswatch Live 2 with Dr. John Reizer: No Virus for COVID Has Been Isolated, Mass Hypnosis via Media/Govt Psy Op Fixated on False PCR Test is Underway–Intent? To Push Dangerous RNA/DNA-Altering Vaccines, Boosters on All–and on Newsbreak 107: Newsbreak 107 | Feb 12, 2021 | Unsafe Vaccines in Light of Vaccine Injuries: Focus on COVID Vaccine Adverse Events & Deaths with Dr. John Reizer, offered the following elucidation on the CDC’s response posted above:

“Andy Kaufman is probably the best person to quote regarding how they CGI the viral structure. For all intents and purposes, what they have done is take a lung specimen from someone who they believed had the disease and looked at a plethora of genetic materials. They had no idea if what they were looking at were viruses or something else. Then they used a computer to assemble the fragments into a much larger genomic sequence and photographed the finished product. This they claim is the virus.

The papers and studies they are citing are the published results of computer modeling a genomic structure. Mainstream science is saying that viral isolation is considered valid when scientists are using computers to model and create viruses.

The testing protocols (PCR technology and antigen tests) are incapable of diagnosing real viral infections, in my opinion.” — Dr. John Reizer

Dr. Reizer’s call to halt the misleading COVID-19 testing is a must-read: Dr. John Reizer | Covid-19: Stop The Damn Testing!

Dr. Reizer commented further on the misleading methodology being used by mainstream science in modeling and creating viruses:

“(M)ainstream scientists…produce garbage studies that are published by the publications they own or have tremendous influence over and that’s their proof.

No matter what logic you try to introduce to them, they will claim the nonexistent virus has been isolated. It’s junk science.” — Dr. John Reizer

In closing their Statement of Virus Isolation, Drs. Cowan, Kaufman and Sally Morell had this to say:

Dr. Robert Young, whose educative podcasts at this writer’s channel are currently waking the world to the dangers of the COVID vaccines, as evidenced in recent scientific reports covered here, Newsbreak 133: Team of Scientists Confirm Presence of Toxins Graphene, Aluminium, Cadmium Selenide, Stainless Steel, LNP-GO Capsids, Parasites, Other Toxins Variously in 4 COVID Vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, also offered insightful guidance on how further to clarify the request to the CDC, making reference to Christine Massey’s FOIA requests, which information guided the clarification of the query to the CDC, posted below.

Clarification of Query to CDC

From: Ramola D <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 12:53 PM
To: FOIA Requests (CDC) <>
Subject: Clarification of Request/Re: Response to FOIA Request HQ-REF-21-00145

Dear Bruno Viana,

Thank you very much for your response below, which I have perused carefully, and the web links to papers and databases; however they do not answer my request.

You have stated “SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Active infection with SARS-CoV-2 is detected by diagnostic tests. Currently there are two types of diagnostic tests – molecular tests that detect the virus’s genetic material and antigen tests that detect specific proteins on the surface of the virus. For current data showing the total number of SARS-CoV-2-positive cases and deaths, visit the CDC COVID-19 Data Tracker, which shows cases and deaths in the United States broken down by state  and county, daily trends in the number of cases by state, and other parameters.

I am not seeking information on diagnostic tests at all whether molecular tests or antigen tests. I am not seeking information on numbers of positive cases or deaths. I am not seeking information on any samples from people with pneumonia.. I am not seeking information on electron microscopy images of lung and upper respiratory tissues. I am seeking information on the isolation of the SARS-COV-2 virus which you (CDC) say causes COVID-19, on the pure isolate of this virus taken from someone you (CDC) recognize as afflicted with this disease, someone labelled as diseased or dead from this specific virus.

To more fully clarify and rephrase and emphasize the intent of my request, which a medical microbiologist has helped me rephrase accurately:

I am requesting that you locate and deliver ANY records, research and/or findings– for ANY “viral” isolation and purification (by anyone, anywhere, anytime in the World) from a patient sample via maceration, filtration and/or the use of an ultracentrifuge or what is called the ‘Gold Standard’ for isolating and identifying a pathological micro or nano organism. The ‘Gold Standard’ for isolating and identifying microbes is referred to as Koch’s and Rivers Postulates which was established many years ago.

I am requesting all studies and/or reports in the possession, custody or control of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and/or the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) describing the purification of any “COVID-19 virus” (including “, “8.1.351”, “P.1” and any other “variant”} {via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge; also referred to at times by some people as “isolation”), directly from a sample taken from a diseased human, where the patient sample was not first combined with any other source of genetic material (i.e. monkey kidney cells aka Vero cells; fetal bovine serum). Please note that I am not requesting studies/reports where researchers failed to purify the suspected “virus” and instead: * cultured an unpurified sample or other unpurified substance, and/or * performed an amplification test (i.e. a PCR test) on all the RNA from a patient sample or from a cell culture, or on genetic material from any unpurified substance, and/or * sequenced the total RNA from a patient sample or from a cell culture or from any unpurified substance, and/or * produced electron microscopy images of unpurified things.

I trust I have clarified my request. I look forward to receiving your information.

Thanks very much for your attention.


Ramola D


Ramola D

Investigative Sci-Tech Journalist | Writer | Poet | Educator | Illuminator

Editor & Publisher, The Everyday Concerned Citizen

Reporter, Ramola D Reports on Bitchute, Brighteon, Lbry, Odysee

Twitter: @EccEveryday

Facebook: Ramola Dharmaraj

Author Website: Ramola D

Thought makes the word come into power.

                                                         –Edmond Jabes

Second and Final Response by CDC to Clarified Query

Confirmatory and Admonitory Letter to CDC and Rochelle Walensky, CDC Director

This writer’s confirmatory and candidly admonitory letter to the CDC and Rochelle Walensky, CDC DIrector can be read at Muckrock and is in the PDF file posted below, along with some of the earlier emails.

Essentially it confirms what the CDC has confirmed, that they have no purified isolate of this imaginary virus which has caused grief the world over, and have no proof either of the famed Delta variant which Rochelle Walensky calls “highly contagious.”

CDC did not respond to this confirmation.

Response from Department of Health and Human Services

Finally, just located, an August 10, 2021 email from the HHS FOIA Office referring this writer’s query (identically worded as in initial wording posted above) available on Muckrock here, to the CDC.

This report therefore concludes the FOIA request and response from the CDC and the DHHS regarding the imaginary virus a purified isolate of which neither can produce.

In Conclusion: Known to Millions Now, CDC and WHO are Perpetrating Worldwide Fraud on the People

Mass deception on unprecedented scale is currently being conducted by government and international institutions on the people of the world. There is no evidence of a virus, but an experimental drug-in-a-syringe laden with deadly toxins is being forced on all despite mounting reports of deaths and disability it is producing.

The purpose of these FOIA requests and reportage of responses has been to broadly publish the truth of the matter as it can be found, and it has now been found. It is up to the educated, the thoughtful, the insightful the world over to assimilate and act on this information to return sanity and truth to the world.

The alternative would be to exist in subjugation to the medical and scientific fraud emanating from the CDC, and somehow, that is not going to be appealing to Americans imbued with the spirit of freedom or anyone else so inclined anywhere else in the world.

Rochelle Walensky, professing the Delta variant is highly infectious: another tall tale with very dark intent
In contrast, Dr. Michael Yaedon speaks of all “variants” as “samiants” and cautions all about the vaccines, boosters, and vaccine passports seeking complete control of your life, health, and activities–“a system being brought in on lies” and “the end of human freedom” | Former Pfizer Chief’s Stark Warning:

Closing note in the confirmation letter to the CDC (full letter in PDF above):


Office of the Governor, Massachusetts Admits They Have No Information on Isolate of SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus –and No Basis Therefore for All COVID Restrictions, Mandates, Vaccine-Pushes by Governor and Government

Massachusetts Department of Health Reports “No Responsive Documents” to FOIA Request for Information on Purified Isolate of Professed SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus & Delta Variant Forming Basis for all State COVID Restrictions

CDC, DHHS and Massachusetts Governor, Dept. of Health Queried for Information on Isolation & Transmission of “SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus” & “Delta Variant” Behind all “Public Health Guidance”

MAJOR NEWS as COVID Crumbles in Canada: Public Health CMO Deena Henshaw and State of Alberta, Canada Forced to Retract ALL COVID Mask, Vaccine, Quarantine Mandates On Lack of Material Evidence to Prove COVID-19 Virus Exists in Canadian Patriot Patrick King Court Case

NewsBreak 105 | Jan 15, 2021 | Frances Leader on UK MHRA Info: COVID Vaccine Uses Computer-Generated Codes, No Virus

One response to “New FOIA Request Reveals Entire Pandemic Based on Scientific Fraud: CDC Concedes Inability to Locate Purified Isolate of SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus or Delta Variant by Koch’s Postulates, Says Viruses can be Isolated “Only by Growth in Cell Culture”

  1. Rhonda Piccola 02/23/12 – Dr. Hildy SPECIAL: Diagnosing Exposure To Nano Materials (aka Morgellons) and CDC ‘Unexplained Dermopathy’ Report

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