History, Current Events and the Future

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Britain’s ‘common’ wealth: How London ensures that Africa never prospers

By Dr Claire Ayuma Amuhaya [Originally published on Russia Today] The privatization of Africa’s state-owned companies is always linked to the US through its financial institutions, the World Bank and the IMF, with the introduction of Structural Adjustment Programs in the 1980s and 1990s. However, the British were behind the exploitation, privatization, and eventual collapse of Africa’s state-owned…

Breaking History Ep 46: Geopolitical Earthquakes

In this week’s episode of Breaking History (streamed at noon eastern time every Wednesday), Gordon and Matt unpack the context behind world events stretching from the death of President Raisi, the subverted coup d’etat in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the assassination attempt of President Fico, and the Russia-China alliance. Or watch on Bitchute here or Odyssee here…

The Enduring Legacy of the Entente Cordiale

By Matthew Ehret On April 8, 2024, UK Foreign Minister David Cameron and French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne co-wrote an op-ed for the Daily Telegraph celebrating the historic 120th anniversary of the French-English Entente Cordiale signed as a secret mutual security pact on April 8, 1904. The clown duo wrote of the 21st century entente as integral to defeating…

On Memorial Day: Honor the Fallen by Renouncing Mass Murder

By Anton Chaitkin; Originally published on Substack To honor those who have died defending what America stands for, we need to state clearly that American leaders and parties are disgracing our nation’s highest principles by arming and escalating fearful slaughter in Palestine and in Ukraine. Despite crimes committed at different times in our history, that…

Breaking History Ep 45: China-Russia Flanks and Israeli Kooks vs JFK

In this week’s Breaking History, Gordon and Matt tackle some current events, multipolar breakthroughs and analyse the roots of the Deep State of Israel with an eye towards John F Kennedy’s efforts to create a viable program of win-win development. Or watch on Odyssee here or Bitchute here Also watch for free our RTF Docu-Series “Escaping Calypso’s Island:…

Chemtrails, aliens, demons, Tesla and LaRouche

Matt and UK journalist James Delingpole (whose podcast/subtack can be found here) discuss chemtrails, whether modification, secret science and what’s up with Lyndon LaRouche. Matt and James bantered a bit about religion, the ontology of evil, aliens, Tesla (both Nikola and Elon versions), demonology and whether or not the oligarchy actually has genuine occult supernatural…

Blinken in Kiev: ‘I’m Satan to Them”

By Martin Sieff [originally published on New Kontinent] Two thousand years ago, the reviled Roman Emperor Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Now Anthony Blinken has done him one better. While Kharkhiv, second city of Ukraine, burns and literally disintegrates under Russian artillery fire and scores of thousands of people flee, that is his reaction. We…

The Occult Tesla Part 10

Tesla’s Mentor Sir William Crookes: Scientist at the Service of the Occult Part 1: Newton, Rosicrucianism and the Imperial Control of SciencePart 2: Tesla’s Eugenics (and other Black Magick)Part 3: Tesla and his Nazi Friend… The Strangest FriendshipPart 4: Tesla’s Martians and H.G. WellsPart 5: Tesla: From Extreme Empiricist to Father of A.I. GodsPart 6:…

Decoding Weaponized Philosophy with Courtenay Turner

Many people have asked me why I place such a huge emphasis on the divergent worldviews of Plato and Aristotle, or what importance philosophy has on understanding geopolitics. In this long-form conversation with Courtenay Turner, we not only answer these questions, but plunge deeply into an analysis of Lyndon LaRouche’s 1978 groundbreaking essay ‘Secrets Known…

The SCO vs. NATO: The Clash of Two Security Paradigms

By Matthew Ehret In a perverse replay of the build up to the first World War, the British are once again up to their dirty tricks and desperate to kick over the global chess board using the time-tested trick of “mutual security pacts”. Powder kegs that could devolve into a chain reaction breakdown of global…

The Occult Tesla Part 9

Thomas Huxley’s War on the Soul and the Rise of Social Imperialism Part 1: Newton, Rosicrucianism and the Imperial Control of SciencePart 2: Tesla’s Eugenics (and other Black Magick)Part 3: Tesla and his Nazi Friend… The Strangest FriendshipPart 4: Tesla’s Martians and H.G. WellsPart 5: Tesla: From Extreme Empiricist to Father of A.I. GodsPart 6:…

Hidden History: The Silencing of a Giant Voice for Peace

Over the years, the figure of Paul Robeson has risen from a baritone singer I once enjoyed, to one of the the most important figures in American history. In this presentation on the Mel K Show, I had the pleasure of introducing one of the most inspiring lessons of America’s lost patriotic renaissance traditions as…


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