Fun to be part of building something new here in Miami 🌴! And yes, always trying to bring more Israeli 🇮🇱 founders here. More and more enterprise tech founders quietly moving, burgeoning cybersecurity community, one of 4 cities with direct flights from US to Israel, easy access to NYC and west coast, easier to manage time zone change, great weather, and capital allocators all here. What's been most interesting aspect is the "random walk" idea of connectivity. There are so many conferences, offsites, sales kickoffs, management meetings that you never know who's in town week to week and that variability keeps it quite interesting and one connected. So much more to do - come check it out and join us!
Venture capitalists turn Miami into a hub for Israeli startups. As Calcalist כלכליסט's Tech & Invest Conference approaches on November 13-15, CTech connects with investors Ed Sim, founder of boldstart ventures, and David Blumberg, founder of Blumberg Capital, making waves in Miami, examining how their presence is transforming the city into a hub for innovation and venture capital.
Yay excited to see you there
Go boldstart ventures ! go Miami ! go Israeli enterprise tech 🦾🌴!
Miami’s vibe is buzzing, huh? The mix of tech founders really spices things up. What events are you hitting next?
A compelling and relevant event
I advise most Israeli founders I work with who naturally see NYC as their potential relocation point/US HUB to consider Miami.
Go Ed!
Since Miami is 1 of 4 with a direct flight then we also look forward to hosting you here in Tel Aviv soon 😉
Let’s goo
The best investor ever!