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April 5, 2016, 10:36 a.m.
LINK:  ➚   |   Posted by: Laura Hazard Owen   |   April 5, 2016

Medium announced a new set of tools for publishers on Tuesday. The features, which will roll out on Thursday, have attracted a number of mostly smaller existing publishers — including The Awl and The Hairpin, Pacific Standard, and Monday Note — who will migrate their content to the platform.

“When Medium approached us about joining its new premium publisher program, we couldn’t say no,” Pacific Standard editor-in-chief Nicholas Jackson wrote Tuesday. “Medium’s easy-to-use content management system, large network, and stellar product team will allow us to reach more people, faster.”

“In many ways, the partnership gives us more room to stretch out and do things we’ve never been able to do up to now,” The Awl said in a post. “Thanks for being the kind of readers who are so fond of their publication that a note like this is necessary; it makes a big difference in what we do.”

The offerings are a solution for publishers and bloggers who want their content to reach large audiences online but don’t want to deal with WordPress, custom content management systems, web hosting, and other hassles. Medium also said it will “soon launch compatibility support for Facebook Instant Articles and Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP).” And the company will soon host “Time Inc.’s Money and Fortune Medium-native offshoots.”

The new offerings include revenue tools for certain publishers. From the post:

The first of these is Promoted Stories. Select publishers and bloggers who consistently produce meaningful, original content and maintain a loyal following of engaged readers will have the ability to host stories from brand partners on posts in their publication. Our initial brand partners include Bose, SoFi, Nest, Intel, and Volpi Foods. We see this as a first step in bringing brands and publishers together on Medium to create meaningful partnerships. Over time, we plan to expand this program and roll out additional opportunities for collaboration…

The second component of our revenue beta is Membership. We are launching with a limited number of publications on Medium who will offer members-only content and other perks to readers, in exchange for a monthly membership fee paid directly to the publication. We’re welcoming such publications as Serious Eats, True Magazine and Great Jones Street who will all be offering member-only content on Medium.

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