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Every Second Child

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Examines the effectiveness of vitamin C in helping to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and describes an Australian physician's efforts to save Aboriginal babies


First published January 1, 1974

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About the author

Archie Kalokerinos

7 books1 follower

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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews
Profile Image for Jay.
1 review4 followers
September 18, 2017
I was totally absorbed in this book and read it right through - it's an easy read.
Archie Kalokerinos was an underrated Australian medical hero! His honesty and compassion to help our Aboriginal community at a time when they were being treated so poorly by the government and general population was inspiring beyond belief.

His "on the ground" medical work and experience using vitamin c as an immune system support and lifesaving intervention can only lead the truly scientific mind to the point of questioning why there is a constant denial of vitamin c as a genuine tool for human wellbeing. Perhaps if we were to let go of our addiction to toxic resolutions to manage illness, we would find a way back to a simpler solution that has been staring us in the face all of this time.

Archies work in offering a scientifically relevant hypothesis for the 'shaken baby' syndrome was incredible and yet I see that in 2017 we still have people being jailed for this when the investigation in to 'infantile scurvy' may offer hope to those falsely accused and to those parents with infants suffering from poor health.

I highly recommend this book to all inquisitive minds. If we genuinely believe that the 'science is settled', when we have a planet full of human beings suffering from the most needless illnesses, then we all might as well pack up.

The system is broken and we have to step up and take individual responsibility for health as soon as possible.
Profile Image for Ione.
31 reviews
October 10, 2018
The eye-opening story of a doctor's work amongst a group of poor and isolated Australian Aborigines. He found the infants and children to be malnourished and suffering from infections and colds at an alarming rate. The Australian medical establishment began an immunization campaign. The children would be lined up and given vaccines. Many children died within hours. Later, the remaining children would be lined up once more & again immunized. More children died. If any children survived this, they were lined up again for more vaccines. The infant mortality rate doubled between 1970 and 1971. Literally 500 out of 1,000 children in some areas- "every second child" died. Dr. Kalokerinos began practicing in this area and he quickly noticed that all children were being vaccinated without any examination or taking of case histories or checking for nutritional deficiencies or the common cold, or noting if the child was underweight.
Dr. Kalokerinos later determined that children suffering with any of these issues, were most likely to die from the vaccines. He supplemented with Vitamin C, and for the next 2 years, no children died. An amazing story of a man who battled with an indifferent medical establishment and succeeded in saving many lives.
Profile Image for Harriet Winter.
11 reviews
January 2, 2023
It is astonishing how such simple discoveries can lead to years of ridicule and denial by your peers. This account is truly worth reading.
Profile Image for Mary Miller.
38 reviews11 followers
July 5, 2023
In 1987 I was given a copy of this book, that frankly I lost a long while ago, wishing I had a copy. This book is profoundly important in regards to understanding vitamin deficiency, the problems with being given artificial vitamin C causing Scurvy. Our basic understanding of supplements could use understanding this book to realize there is no way to supplement a diet our bodies were never designed to eat; in the case of his study Aborigines who were being supplemented with Jam for fruit, white bread and vitamin C vitamins. It kills certain population and the artificial source of vitamin C does more harm than good.
Profile Image for Penny.
231 reviews
July 14, 2017
Felt the author had one message he harped on about for the entire book. Would have liked to have heard more about his experiences rather than the singular theme.
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews

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