Stand with #ScienceSaves today and tell your governor you want March 26, 2024, designated National Science Appreciation Day in your state. Why March 26? On that date in 1953, Jonas Salk revealed the successful development of his polio vaccine. It was a landmark achievement of science and continues to make life healthier and safer even today, nearly 70 years later.

Help us raise science appreciation and promote public policy based in science by recognizing this world-changing achievement. Read the full proclamation, add your name today, and share #ScienceSaves.

See the sample petition we’re asking each State Governor to certify:

National Science Appreciation Day 2024 Proclamation

WHEREAS, on March 26, 1953, American medical scientist, Dr. Jonas Salk, announced he had developed a vaccine against polio; 

WHEREAS, the CDC estimates the polio vaccine has prevented an estimated 20 million cases of paralysis and saved more than 1.5 million lives worldwide since 1988;

WHEREAS, science has brought humanity vaccines, antibiotics, surgery, sanitation, increased agricultural yields, pasteurization, safe drinking water, and thousands of other interventions that have doubled the human lifespan in little more than a century;

WHEREAS, people have experienced longer and healthier lives, greater convenience and comfort, and enhanced prosperity due to the benefits of science;

WHEREAS, the State of [STATE] invites residents to show their appreciation for our workers in the fields of research, technology, science education, and medicine.

WHEREAS, residents are encouraged to reflect on and share how science advances have bettered their lives and those of their loved ones. 

NOW, THEREFORE, I, [NAME OF GOVERNOR], do hereby proclaim March 26, 2024, as National Science Appreciation Day 2024 throughout [STATE], and I call this observance to the attention of all our citizens.

IN WITNESS, WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and cause the Seal of [STATE] to be herein affixed.

Sign Our Petition