Mind Over Macros Podcast

569: Coaches Compass: The Best Content Strategy in 2024

In this episode of the Coaches Compass, Mike outlines the entire content strategy that he would implement if he was starting his business from scratch today. A lot of the tactics he discusses are things he's already doing and having success with. And this entire...

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568: Why is Weight Loss so Complicated?

In this episode, Mike explains the complexity of weight loss and why it's not as simple as counting calories or an energy balance equation. The are a number of factors that make weight loss and dynamic, ever-changing process that is not easy to achieve. However,...

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567: Being & Raising Balanced Eaters with Ilana Muhlstein

In this episode, Mike is joined by Ilana Muhlstein who shares her own journey of losing over 100 lbs and keeping it off. And how that led to her helping thousands of others improve their relationship with food and create balance for themselves and their families. This...

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565: All About Insulin and Cortisol

In this episode, Mike discusses two hormones that are often made out to be the bad guys... insulin and cortisol. A lot of fear mongering exists around these two hormones because it's easy to make claims without explaining the full context of what these hormones...

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564: What it Takes to Lose the Last 10 Pounds

In this episode, Mike explains what's required to lose the last 10 lbs. Not only does he tell you what you'll need to sacrifice in order to make it happen, but he also covers some of the major caveats before even proceeding with that goal. You may decide...

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563: Coaches Compass: Answer These 4 Questions

In this episode of the Coaches Compass, Mike explains the 4 questions that must be answered for your prospects at every step of the funnel to move them through the customer journey. If these questions aren't answered, it will lead to lack of clarity and lack of...

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562: The Simplest Solution to Your Dream Body

In this episode, Mike explains the simplest solution to making progress towards your goals. There's a very specific reason why we tend to make things more complicated than they need to be. It's because of a concept called Complexity Bias. Which is often the...

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561: Understanding Behavior Change with Kate Solovieva

In this episode, Mike is joined by Kate Solovieva who explains the process of behavior change and why it's so difficult. This conversation will truly help to illuminate the barriers we face when wanting to make a change and will teach you some tools and exercises...

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559: More Diets More Problems

In this episode, Mike explains why dieting makes future weight loss more difficult. It seems counterintuitive but there are several mechanisms at play that make it more challenging to lose weight the more often, the more extreme, and the longer you diet. What's...

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558: Why Your Progress Stalled

In this episode, Mike explains why what used to work for you when it comes to losing body fat is no longer working now. There are a few main reasons why this happens and this episode breaks down each of them. Some are more obvious than others but it's important...

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