Politics, Middle East

Lebanon does not want to go to war, says premier

Maintaining security and stability is essential for Lebanon, says Najib Mikati, amid Israel and Lebanon trading fire along their shared border

Idiris Okuduci  | 14.10.2023 - Update : 14.10.2023
Lebanon does not want to go to war, says premier

BEIRUT, Lebanon

Lebanon does not want to go to war, said the country’s prime minister on Saturday.

Speaking on recent developments in neighboring Israel and Palestine on Lebanese TV, Najib Mikati said security and stability is essential for Lebanon, but added: "However, I could not get assurances about the developments from any party because the situation is constantly changing."

Saying that Israel should stop its provocative cross-border attacks on Hezbollah, he added: "Because Lebanon does not want to go to war."

Over the last week tension has flared along the Israeli-Lebanese border, with Israeli forces and the Hezbollah group exchanging fire multiple times in the deadliest confrontations since a month-long war in 2006.

The tension arose a week ago, when Israeli forces launched a sustained and forceful military campaign against the Gaza Strip in response to a military offensive by the Palestinian group Hamas in Israeli territories.

The conflict began when Hamas initiated Operation Al-Aqsa Flood – a multi-pronged surprise attack including a barrage of rocket launches and infiltrations into Israel via land, sea and air.

Hamas said the operation was in retaliation for the storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem and Israeli settlers’ growing violence against Palestinians.

The Israeli military then launched Operation Swords of Iron against Hamas targets within the Gaza Strip.

That response has extended into cutting water and electricity supplies to Gaza, further worsening the living conditions in an area that has reeled under a crippling siege since 2007.

Over 3,500 people have been killed since the outbreak of the conflict on Oct. 7, including 2,215 Palestinians and 1,400 Israelis.

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