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Dear friends,

I've been working for several years on a show called "Uncommon Denominator"at the Morgan Library & Museum in New York and it opens this Friday, February 10th. The way the press release explains it, the show "stages a conversation among works from throughout her career, artifacts of her family’s history, and objects drawn from every corner of the Morgan’s vaults." Spelunking in this museum has been an amazing process for me. There is also a beautiful catalog being published in conjunction with the show. 

There is no official public opening as such, but on Friday evenings the Morgan has free admission from 5-7 pm (reservations are free but required) and on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10th from 5-7 pm, curator Joel Smith and I are taking this as our chance to welcome you all and hang out. This will be the closest thing to a public opening we are going to have!

And there are a number of public programs happening too (you can see my show beforehand as part of the ticket):

—On February 15th, I will be a guest on Randy Cohen's radio show Person Place Thing, and the singular Brian Dewan will be performing live music as well.

—On Sunday, February 26th, I will present the Variety Show! Writers James Hannaham, Maria Popova, and Julian Lucas will offer their comments and ruminations in response to various work(s) in the show, and similarly, in musical form, Hannah Marcus, Mamie Minch, and Terre Roche will do the same. I'll be joining them on a few numbers too. 

—Finally, if you can pass yourself off as younger than 18 or if you've got teens in the house, consider the Teen Workshop I'll be leading on February 16th.

It would be lovely to see you. "Uncommon Denominator" is open from Feb 10th to May 28th, but coming this Friday would allow you to catch the incredible She Who Wrote exhibition before it closes about a week later—it's an unforgettable exhibition. 

All best. 


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