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Did German Chemist Dr. Andreas Noack Die After Direct Energy Weapon Attack?

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Dr. Andreas Noack created a video exposing graphene hydroxide as an ingredient of the Covid injections. Very shortly after that video was made and translated from German to English, Dr. Noack died.

While we are unable to verify events since Dr. Noack made his last video and we are unable to verify the cause of his death, fact is stranger than fiction so, below are a sequence of videos documenting circumstances surrounding his death to allow readers to decide for themselves.

Dr. Noack was a chemist and a leading authority in Europe on graphene.  Below is his last video, translated into English, exposing the graphene hydroxide.

Dr. Andreas Noack: Graphene “Razor Blades” Found in The Covid Vaccines, 26 November 2021

According to a video made by Dr. Noack’s pregnant partner the video above was originally published (in German) on 23 November 2021. A few days later, Dr. Noack was brutally “attacked” and he died as a result.  Dr. Noack died on 26 November 2021.

Dr. Andreas Noack’s partner speaks about his death, 27 November 2021

However, it appears Dr. Noack was not physically assaulted, as his partner’s first video seemed to indicate, but rather had “breathing difficulty” after making the graphene hydroxide video and died not long after. 

Quick Update on Dr. Noack (Probable Cause of Death), 29 November 2021

Dr. Noack’s partner believes he was “attacked” by a direct energy weapon.  In a video released on Telegram she explained more about the “attack”.  The video is in German however Henry Makow published a transcript translated into English.  We have copied the transcript from the YouTube video and the English translation, then matched the timestamps a set the German alongside the English.  See document below.

Ciwan233: Information on the death of Dr. Andreas Noack (German), 29 November 2021 (11 mins)

Transcript (English translation of Information on the death of Dr. Andreas Noack):

It was on the day when the Graphene hydroxide video was released and the interview with Harald Thiers took place. Then we went upstairs onto the gallery; we relaxed, talked, laughed told each other how much we love each other then he wanted to go downstairs into the kitchen to get something to nibble on, and normally he does not spent more than one minute there, so I went downstairs and said joking “you eat everything away from me again.” In that moment he started to sway and I thought he was making fun of me – it looked like he was playing (pretending SO I went to him and said, “ha ha,” Kissed him, but he did not stop it. I said “stop it, it is not funny.”

In that moment electricity went off and the whole thing happened 20 min-30 min after the interview (I did not look at the watch) and then Andreas collapsed in my arms. He began to moan, had severe pain. His body completely tensed, all of a sudden could not talk anymore. At first, I thought he might have been poisoned because he made some choking sounds. So, I instilled him with Sole (like salt water), then he vomited what he had eaten during the day. Which wasn’t much I just couldn’t do anything. I was just with him and had to watch. I have never seen anything like this. It was an ordeal for him as if he was tortured from the outside. It lasted about half an hour or so, or maybe longer as it seemed to me like an eternity. He could not speak. Was somehow like paralyzed – I cannot really describe it. I just held him so that he would not strike his head.

At some point he got calmer, his body was exhausted from the whole thing Then he could again get up, was a bit dizzy. He went upstairs, has somehow hoisted itself up then he recovered, he was very exhausted, did not want to talk, was withdrawn, and I noticed he was really very exh[austed.]

I don’t know if he recognized what had happened to him. But he needed lot of rest, but then said, he would feel good and he did not want that someone gets to know this (in I noticed his restless sleep, that he sweated, perhaps fever. But I didn’t wake him up because he needed the rest.

At some point, I can’t really say which time intervals – at some point he started breathing very heavily and to rat and I have asked him what is up, but then he had this paralysis again, he couldn’t talk anymore also this cramp was there again the breath, the terribly heavy breathing – he couldn’t breathe anymore I started to scream, I yelled at him he should get out of this condition and come back to me.  

*crying* I cried and he tried to comfort me. *crying* I was busy then to make sure Andreas can breathe well, I had to change his position so he could breathe more freely. He had more and more water in his lungs, rattled, and could not spit out the stuff. Even took it out with my hands.

Emergency called me during that time and told me to make resuscitation. So, I just did that, I did a heart massage and ventilated – just did what they told me it felt like hours. At some point his belly bloated, then he said I should stop ventilating him and only do heart massage and I couldn’t anymore but just continued. And at some point, they arrived, about 6 people, I don’t really remember, and connected him to the machines this automatic machine *crying* gave him injections, like adrenalin and other stuff.

They had their masks on all the time, I asked them to take off the masks, so they can breathe better (not literally). I asked them at some point “is he still alive,” they replied “at the moment not” but were in the course of resuscitate him. And then they had him apparently alive again and in that moment, they could transport him and bring him downstairs and then we started and the paramedic – this was also a coincidence – that he knew the way as the paramedic lives here in the valley and then we went to Wolfsberg.

But I could not be with him because I could not do anything and they had to put him onto the ventilator which she w so I asked “before you bring him inside may I see him” and I asked “how he is now?” And they said “yes,” they could bring him back (to life) and it would be looking good. I asked “what is regarding his brain damage” and they replied that because I was constantly made heart massage. And then they took him out and I went to him, put my head onto his chest, he was intubated, I told him how much I love then they pushed him inside again.

I had to sit outside and not really noticed anything anymore. Then the physicians, came out, put their heads together. This was actually immediately after. They hardly had him in the hospital before he came out again. When they put their heads together, I knew. Then they said, “his large heart valve has failed completely. He had a heart attack and died from that.”

Person who filmed: “Many have understood that people had attacked him, but what you meant to say was that it was a I do not know anything about these things. It is hard to imagine how something like this works. But he had always said, that they would have these technologies.

To be continued – end of the video.

Who is Dr. Noack?

In November 2020, German Police raided Dr. Noack’s home during an online presentation.  He was a vocal critic of the lockdowns.

German Dr. Andreas Noack Arrested at Gunpoint During Live Anti Lockdown Livestream 19 November 2020

Cabin Talk’s Claudia Stauber researched who Dr Noack was in the wake of his suspicious death.

Cabin Talk: What I Have Found Out About Dr. Noack, 3 December 2021 (4 mins)

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1 year ago

[…] Ci sono numerosi studi che mostrano la presenza di grafene e di altre sostanze nocive nei vaccini covid-19. E altrettanti casi di morte strana dei medici o scienziati che ne hanno dimostrato la presenza. Uno, fra i tanti, è il chimico tedesco Dr. Andreas Noack. […]

1 year ago

[…] the lining of veins and arteries, leading to blood clots and vascular disease. German Dr. Novak died under mysterious circumstances after he alerted the world to this phenomenon. (Blood travels rapidly through the circulatory […]

1 year ago

[…] experts, who performed research into the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, were Dr. Pablo Campra and the late Dr. Andreas Noack using microscopy and spectroscopy. Both scientists discovered graphene oxide (Dr. Campra) or […]

1 year ago

[…] practitioner offered to assist in an investigation to ascertain whether the results discovered by Dr. Andreas Noack, a German chemist, and Dr. Pablo Campra, of the University of Almeria in Spain, could be […]

1 year ago

[…] practitioner offered to assist in an investigation to ascertain whether the results discovered by Dr. Andreas Noack, a German chemist, and Dr. Pablo Campra, of the University of Almeria in Spain, could be replicated […]

1 year ago

[…] se ofreció a ayudar en una investigación para determinar si los resultados descubiertos por el Dr.Andreas Noack, un químico alemán, y elDr. Pablo Campra, de la Universidad de Almería en España, podrían […]

1 year ago

[…] this topic has even been raised as a question in the European Parliament.   Meanwhile, Dr. Andreas Noack identified that it was graphene hydroxide rather than graphene […]


Adding the Hydrogen to the Oxygen to have HYDROXIDE is NOT BIODEGRADEABLE IN NATURE OR WITHIN THE HUMAN BODY. This is the most terrifying and abominable nightmare imaginable.

We require another chemist; perhaps one he is referencing out of Pittsburg specializing with Carbon and Carbon Products to provide this information. HOW DO WE REMOVE THIS NANOWEAPON FROM THE HUMAN BODY? Is CALCIUM DISODIUM EDTA CHELATION capable of removal as a Chelator for Metals? Is Methelyne Blue capable of breaking it up to remove it from the human body? Sodium Citrate?

1 year ago

[…] And this topic has even been raised as a question in the European Parliament.   Meanwhile, Dr. Andreas Noack identified that it was graphene hydroxide rather than graphene […]

1 year ago

[…] And this topic has even been raised as a question in the European Parliament.   Meanwhile, Dr. Andreas Noack identified that it was graphene hydroxide rather than graphene […]

1 year ago

[…] practitioner offered to assist in an investigation to ascertain whether the results discovered by Dr. Andreas Noack, a German chemist, and Dr. Pablo Campra, of the University of Almeria in Spain, could be replicated […]

1 year ago

[…] a proposé de participer à une enquête pour déterminer si les résultats découverts par le Dr Andreas Noack , un chimiste allemand, et le Dr Pablo Campra , de l’Université […]

1 year ago

[…] practitioner offered to assist in an investigation to ascertain whether the results discovered by Dr. Andreas Noack, a German chemist, and Dr. Pablo Campra, of the University of Almeria in Spain, could be replicated […]

1 year ago

[…] offered to assist in an investigation to ascertain whether the results discovered by Dr. Andreas Noack, a German chemist, and Dr. Pablo Campra, of the University of Almeria in Spain, could be […]

1 year ago

[…] practitioner offered to assist in an investigation to ascertain whether the results discovered by Dr. Andreas Noack, a German chemist, and Dr. Pablo Campra, of the University of Almeria in Spain, could be replicated […]

1 year ago

[…] offered to assist in an investigation to ascertain whether the results discovered by Dr. Andreas Noack, a German chemist, and Dr. Pablo Campra, of the University of Almeria in Spain, could be […]

1 year ago

[…] practitioner offered to assist in an investigation to ascertain whether the results discovered by Dr. Andreas Noack, a German chemist, and Dr. Pablo Campra, of the University of Almeria in Spain, could be […]

1 year ago

[…] offered to assist in an investigation to ascertain whether the results discovered by Dr. Andreas Noack, a German chemist, and Dr. Pablo Campra, of the University of Almeria in Spain, could be […]

10 months ago

[…] ein britischer Arzt an, bei einer Untersuchung mitzuhelfen, um festzustellen, ob die von  Dr. Andreas Noack , einem deutschen Chemiker, und  Dr. Pablo Campra von der Universität […]

10 months ago

[…] lost their livelihoods and reputations, endured threats and some, such as Dr. Rashid Buttar and Dr. Andreas Noack, may have even lost their […]

9 months ago

[…] practitioner offered to assist in an investigation to ascertain whether the results discovered by Dr. Andreas Noack, a German chemist, and Dr. Pablo Campra, of the University of Almeria in Spain, could be […]

2 months ago

[…] the second video, Dr. Noack’s partner further explained that she suspected he was struck by some kind of directed energy weapon (and reported at one point that the electricity went out just before he was […]

2 months ago


Graphene HYDROXIDE is the product within the Nanoweapon Injections.
This is as he claims; what will remove this from the human body? Calcium Disodium EDTA Chelation to bind metals? Methelyne Blue to break it up as it will Graphene Oxide? Sodium Citrate?

What element will remove this from the human body?

2 months ago

[…] In the second video, Dr. Noack’s partner further explained that she suspected he was struck by some kind of directed energy weapon (and reported at one point that the electricity went out just before he was […]

2 months ago

[…] In the second video, Dr. Noack’s partner further explained that she suspected he was struck by some kind of directed energy weapon (and reported at one point that the electricity went out just before he was […]

2 months ago

[…] In the second video, Dr. Noack’s partner further explained that she suspected he was struck by some kind of directed energy weapon (and reported at one point that the electricity went out just before he was […]

2 months ago

[…] In the second video, Dr. Noack’s partner further explained that she suspected he was struck by some kind of directed energy weapon (and reported at one point that the electricity went out just before he was […]

Bruce Herbert
Bruce Herbert
2 months ago

I know for a fact these direct energy weapons exist, I was attacked by one at my computer after watching a Dr Deagle warning us about the three weapons built into smart phones, this was two years before smart phones existed.

The weapon I was looking into when I was attacked was the screens in phones computers and TV’s he said were a scalar wave weapon, and the aluminium plate behind the screen was an antenna and produced scalar waves that interact directly with the brain.

when I opened up Google and typed in Scalar Waves and hit the enter key, I was hit buy a bunch of sound frequencies, that caused my body to lock up throwing my arms behind me, making my back arch to the point I had fell back in my computer chair frozen in place, still able to hear and see around me but unable to move until the sound stopped.

I am into electronics and believe it was not scalar waves used on me but microwaves, that produced a bunch of static frequencies, this is the key, it is not a single frequency but a bunch of them, about five I think.

This technology is real, and the thing they use to focus in on has been sprayed into the atmosphere under the weather management program placing carbon NANO tubes in all life, I also believe they have the tools needed to do this in space, truly evil people in control.

Bruce Herbert
Bruce Herbert
2 months ago

It is funny I got this email, I was saying to people talking about these white clots found only in the injected, they claim it seems these clots are made of skin tissue, and I talked about these NANO razor blades saying are they going around cutting up inside the arteries making the body respond by creating skin tissue to try and stop the bleeding or heal the wound inside the arteries causing the white blood clots, makes sense to me and explains all the side effects people are having, and I think if scientist look into this they will find this man was telling the truth, proving someone murdered him.

1 month ago

[…] a colaborar en una investigación para determinar si los resultados descubiertos por el Dr. Andreas Noack, un químico alemán, y el Dr. Pablo Campra, de la Universidad de Almería en España, podían […]