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Areas of Expertise


Focus on community energy, encompassing business modeling, financing, governance, social impact, and mitigating energy poverty.


We assist citizens, SMEs, and municipalities in the development of community energy projects.


We raise awareness, conduct educational and training activities, and build capacity and upskilling programs.


Focus on monitoring and enhancing policies, regulations, targets, and strategies related to community energy.

our work

Policy making


DURATION 2024 - 2027 / FUNDED BY Horizon Europe: Data centers are among the most significant contributors to global energy consumption and have large space demands in order to be efficient consuming a...
Community Solar Garden

Community Solar Garden

DURATION 2023 – 2026 / FUNDED BY DBU & Onassis Foundation: The project will promote small-scale community-based AgriPV systems for combining solar energy production with food cultivation in urban ar...


DURATION 2023 – 2026 / FUNDED BY LIFE Europe: The project will create community energy coalitions at the national level in Eastern European countries and support pioneer energy communities in Greece...


DURATION 2023 – 2024 / FUNDED BY Bodossaki Foundation: The project is tackling energy poverty by facilitating the participation of energy-poor families in collective self-consumption community energ...


DURATION 2023 – 2027 / FUNDED BY Horizon Europe: “Demand Response – Residential Innovation for a Sustainable Energy System” | DR-RISE’s main objective is to demonstrate the benefits of Deman...


DURATION 2023 – 2026 / FUNDED BY Horizon Europe: SolarHub Project will strengthen connections between five Greek and Turkish solar energy innovation ecosystems.


DURATION 2022 – 2025 / FUNDED BY LIFE Europe: The project will build capacity, empowering local and regional government, citizens, and other stakeholders to work together....
The Social Impact of Energy Communities in Greece

The Social Impact of Energy Communities in Greece

DURATION 2022 – 2024 / FUNDED BY Heinrich Boll Stiftung – Thessaloniki: The project consists of a series of activities with the goal to deepen the understanding of the social impacts of energy com...

Best Practice Guide for South East Europe (2022)

The goal of this publication is to illustrate good practices of energy communities in the region, to inspire other citizens to launch their own citizen energy communities, following the steps of - and...

Building Energy Communities in Greece (2019)

This guide aims to clarify the framework in which ECs operate, their role in a fair energy transition while providing both theoretical and practical information for their development.
Κοινός σχολιασμός των Περιβαλλοντικών Οργανώσεων WWF Ελλάς, Greenpeace, και Electra Energy επί του νομοσχεδίου (Απρίλιος 2024)

Κοινός σχολιασμός των Περιβαλλοντικών Οργανώσεων WWF Ελλάς, Greenpeace, και Electra Energy επί του νομοσχεδίου (Απρίλιος 2024)

ΣΧΟΛΙΑΣΜΟΣ Σχέδιο Νόμου: «Ρυθμίσεις για την αντιμετώπιση των πολυεπίπεδων επιπτώσεων της κλιματικής αλλαγής στους τομείς: α) της διαχείρισης υδάτων, β) της διαχείρισης και προστασίας των δασών, γ)...

Κοινός σχολιασμός των Περιβαλλοντικών Οργανώσεων WWF Ελλάς, Greenpeace, και Electra Energy επί του νομοσχεδίου (Απρίλιος 2024)

Τα δύο Βασικά Εμπόδια στην Πρακτική Εφαρμογή της Ενεργειακής Δημοκρατίας (Ιανουάριος 2024)

ΕΠΙΣΤΟΛΗ Τα δύο Βασικά Εμπόδια στην Πρακτική Εφαρμογή της Ενεργειακής Δημοκρατίας. Ιανουάριος 2024 ΠΡΟΣ: ΥΠΕΝ, ΡΑΕ Θέματα: 1) Ανεπαρκής εφαρμογή του εικονικού ενεργειακού συμψηφισμού & 2) Έκδοση...

Κοινός σχολιασμός των Περιβαλλοντικών Οργανώσεων WWF Ελλάς, Greenpeace, και Electra Energy επί του νομοσχεδίου (Απρίλιος 2024)

Ανεπαρκής Εφαρμογή του μοντέλου του Συλλογικού Εικονικού Συμψηφισμού (Νοέμβριος 2023)

ΕΠΙΣΤΟΛΗ Ανεπαρκής Εφαρμογή του μοντέλου του Συλλογικού Εικονικού Συμψηφισμού Νοέμβριος 2023 ΠΡΟΣ: ΥΠΕΝ, ΡΑΕ Με την παρούσα επιστολή η Οργάνωση Electra Energy και η Ένωση Καταναλωτών - Η Ποιότητα...

Κοινός σχολιασμός των Περιβαλλοντικών Οργανώσεων WWF Ελλάς, Greenpeace, και Electra Energy επί του νομοσχεδίου (Απρίλιος 2024)

Διακήρυξη Ενεργειακής Κοινωνικής Πολιτικής στην Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση (Σεπτέμβριος 2023)

ΔΙΑΚΗΡΥΞΗ Ενεργειακή Κοινωνική Πολιτική στην Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση Ο ρόλος των ενεργειακών κοινοτήτων. Σεπτέμβριος 2023 Η Ευρώπη διανύει μία παρατεταμένη ενεργειακή κρίση η οποία εξωθεί δεκάδες...

Κοινός σχολιασμός των Περιβαλλοντικών Οργανώσεων WWF Ελλάς, Greenpeace, και Electra Energy επί του νομοσχεδίου (Απρίλιος 2024)

Σχολιασμός της Electra Energy Cooperative σχετικά με το Αναθεωρημένο Εθνικό Σχέδιο Ανάκαμψης (Αύγουστος 2023)

Σχολιασμός της Electra Energy Cooperative σχετικά με το Αναθεωρημένο Εθνικό Σχέδιο Ανάκαμψης Αύγουστος 2023 Προς: Αναπληρωτή Υπουργό Εθνικής Οικονομίας και Οικονομικών, Νίκο Παπαθανάση Με το παρόν...

Κοινός σχολιασμός των Περιβαλλοντικών Οργανώσεων WWF Ελλάς, Greenpeace, και Electra Energy επί του νομοσχεδίου (Απρίλιος 2024)

Κοινός σχολιασμός Δέσμης Ενεργειακών Κοινοτήτων για τον νέο νόμο (Φεβρουάριος 2023)

Κοινός σχολιασμός για τον νέο νόμο Φεβρουάριος 2023 Προς: κύριο Αλιάγα Ως εκπρόσωποι ενεργειακών κοινοτήτων και σχετικών εθνικών και ευρωπαϊκών υποστηρικτικών φορέων, αναλαμβάνουμε την πρωτοβουλία...

Κοινός σχολιασμός των Περιβαλλοντικών Οργανώσεων WWF Ελλάς, Greenpeace, και Electra Energy επί του νομοσχεδίου (Απρίλιος 2024)

ΜΑΙΟΣ 2022:Ανοιχτή επιστολή προς ΥΠΕΝ για την ενίσχυση του θεσμού των Ενεργειακών Κοινοτήτων

Ανοιχτή επιστολή προς ΥΠΕΝ για την ενίσχυση του θεσμού των Ενεργειακών Κοινοτήτων Μαϊος 2022 Προς: κύριο Σκρέκα Αξιότιμε κύριε Σκρέκα, Ως εκπρόσωποι ενεργειακών κοινοτήτων και σχετικών εθνικών και...

People or Planet: A False Dilemma

CHRIS VRETTOS | December 2023 | As the world grapples with runaway climate change, growing inequalities, and a resurgent far right, the political establishment feels increasingly outdated...

Our work in numbers

Energy Communities and citizen-led initiatives we work with:

Energy communities & citizen-led initiatives supported

Advocacy actions

Citizens Engaged

Community power (MW)

our news


Working with our member Electra Energy Cooperative is always a true pleasure. Our relationship has been exemplary and inspiring, with an incredible milestone highlighted last year: the jointly organized Community Energy Spring Gathering in Athens. Bringing the – for us so important – cooperative values into practice, Electra’s team exhibits dedication, passion, and professionalism, adding substantial value and experience to our European network of energy communities. Pioneering community energy in Greece, Electra extends invaluable insights and unwavering support to cooperatives in the Balkans and beyond. Together, we’ve achieved remarkable outcomes: strengthening policy recognition, establishing enabling frameworks, and promoting inclusivity within the community energy movement.

Sara Tachelet
We are a research organisation that tackles a broad spectrum of collaborative organisational activities in society. Electra has been an invaluable partner in projects related to community energy. They have greatly expanded our understanding of the practical considerations of community energy but also how to approach citizen engagement in a successful and meaningful way. As researchers primarily engaging in action research, this has been immensely helpful. Their commitment to their social goal for energy sustainability and justice is abundantly obvious in their intense devotion to the work, often to the detriment of their personal lives!

Vasilis Kostakis

P2P Lab
CommonEn, our energy community, would not be created and thriving without the support of Electra. They have gone above and beyond with guiding us through the labyrinthine process of establishing the community in Greece, but also in starting our first energy projects and managing them too. They are a bastion for energy democracy and sustainability and definitely a key actor in the success of genuine energy communities in Greece and abroad.

Chris Giotitsas

President of CommonEn Energy Community
Electra Energy has been an invaluable partner, steadfastly supporting Hyperion throughout our journey. Thanks to them we have managed to overcome several obstacles when forming our community and developing our solar park, we have benefited from international projects focused on research and empowerment and have gained confidence as an engaged community. Electra stands as a trusted partner, not just for us but for every citizen-led energy community. The uniqueness of their values—democracy, fairness, and inclusivity in the energy transition—resonates with and aligns perfectly with our vision.

Takis Grigoriou

President of Hyperion Energy Community
Minoan Energy Community has had the fortune and pleasure to work with Electra Energy on a number of projects and, in general, to team up with them on the path of a just and democratic energy transition for local communities. We consider Electra Energy as one of our key partners and supporters of our effort, which, in practice, is a joint effort, as well as one of the most important actors of the solidarity-based energy economy in Greece. We will continue together until our final validation, which is none other than the distribution of the energy wealth in Greece with absolute priority to its citizens!

Dimitris Katsaprakakis

Member of Minoan Energy Community

ZEZ and Electra  share several mutual projects that are strategically aligned, aiming to achieve a greater collective goal. Working with their team is always a standout experience, highlighted by their deep understanding, expertise, and collaborative spirit.  They consistently offer insightful knowledge and explore new opportunities with a positive, motivated attitude. Their commitment to exceeding expectations and nurturing a constructive partnership has significantly empowered our energy community and strengthened our partnership. This collaboration has not only advanced our shared objectives forward but has also established a new standard for what true partnership can accomplish in the renewable energy sector.

Erica Svetec

Project manager, ZEZ

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