Undoubtedly, you hope that your business can grow to the level where everyone recognizes your brand and what your company is about. Distinguished businesses exemplify several techniques that are universally applicable.

These businesses perform well in several categories. First, they know their target audience well. They recognize how their products can solve their problems or simplify their life. Second, they value authenticity. They avoid manipulating their target audience and instead value their input and how they can change based on circumstances. Third, they design their content so that it can be shared. Businesses that tell a story with their brand empower their customers and help them relate to what you offer.

There are numerous examples of companies that do these steps exceptionally well. In this blog post, we will highlight a few that makes their story stand out on their website and social media.

Whole Foods

Whole Foods realizes that it is more than just a grocery store. The organic supermarket knows that its customers often embrace a lifestyle of healthy living both for themselves and for the environment. Accordingly, they market their products beyond simply discussing the products they sell. Instead, they provide value to their customers in the form of their active YouTube channel.

With over 80,000 subscribers, Whole Foods produces a variety of content including this video in their Values Matter video series. This video focuses on the communities of Norwegian fishermen while emphasizing sustainable living.

Overall, Whole Foods sets themselves apart by tapping into the emotional power of peoples’ stories.


Airbnb not only makes travel easier but they also showcase what it means to tell a story with their brand.

Beyond offering a leasing and renting website, Airbnb has written an online and print magazine called Airbnb Mag.

This magazine engages its audience through vivid pictures and creative content. According to their website, the travelers’ stories inspire readers to “unleash their inner explorer” or “indulge in sweet serenity.”

A quick glimpse through their website reveals stories about places like Morocco, Japan andJordan among other parts of the world. Like Whole Foods, Airbnb takes full advantage of the story it shares by highlighting the real people that use their services to have numerous adventures.


The music provider Spotify knows that its customers love to create customizable playlists based on their music tastes.

With that in mind, Spotify created a microsite geared to college students. The site allows students to see the most popular songs, genres and playlists at various colleges. Spotify empowers its audience in this regard to tailor their content in a way that suits their needs.


The last example we will highlight is GoPro. Many recognize this brand as the camera company that allows a first-person view of day-to-day events. However, this company tells its story in an unorthodox way. Most of the content that is featured on its YouTube channel actually comes from the people who use their product.

GoPro does not have to do much to tell its story. Instead, they simply share what their audience creates with their product. For example, look at this video of someone backflipping over a canyon.

Beyond YouTube, GoPro has expanded this technique to Twitter and Instagram where it posts videos and pictures from people using their product.

Going Forward

Brand storytelling incorporates many important elements. In fact, one can even say that brand storytelling is why your company exists. Having an important story to tell can motivate you and your team members as well as build relationships with your customers.

With these examples and tips in mind, think about the story you want to share across your website and social media platforms today.