Get ready for the future of post-cookie marketing with TikTok and Dentsu Digital

March 10, 2023
Dentsu X-Stack

By now, we're all familiar with cookies—those little pieces of data that provide marketers with the information they need to personalize the user experience and target ads to the right audiences. But things are changing. Online data privacy is becoming increasingly protected, with Google and Apple announcing plans to phase out third-party cookies. This signals a significant shift for conventional ad tracking tools and the accuracy of ad delivery. To help advertisers better prepare for a world without third-party cookies, TikTok has partnered with global marketing agency Dentsu Digital to integrate TikTok's Events API into Dentsu Digital's cookie-independent X-Stack Connect measurement platform globally.

Understanding cookies 

Cookies are small pieces of information that are generated and stored on the computer by default when a user is browsing a website. First-party cookies are generated and used within a single website, whereas third-party cookies are shared across different domains. First-party cookies help you to learn about what a user did on your website, see how many times they visited, and gain insights into where you could develop an effective marketing strategy. But simply knowing a user's behavior on your own website may provide a partial picture. Third-party cookies help build a more comprehensive profile of a user's overall online behaviors, such as the websites they visit frequently, purchases they make, and interests they've demonstrated on various websites, leading to more efficient targeting.

What is Dentsu Digital X-Stack Connect?

Dentsu Digital's X-Stack Connect is a server-side measurement platform that helps advertisers measure online behaviors on websites using server access logs with user consent. Profiles can be built around actions like website visits, logins, and form entry information. Dentsu Digital clients using X-Stack Connect also enjoy the fast and easy implementation of TikTok's Event API. "For advertisers, this will improve ad measurement, which has been affected by cookie restrictions, and improve ad delivery performance," said Chiharu Koyama, Manager at Dentsu Digital data science group. "This will allow them to deliver more optimized ads to TikTok users."

Dentsu Digital X-Stack Connect: Measurement infrastructure for the privacy-conscious cookie-free era

What is TikTok Events API?

TikTok Events API is a secure server-to-server interface that allows you to send events from your website directly to TikTok for measurement. Events API offers multiple benefits:

  • Improved stability and security: All conversions can be measured without being affected by browser or other connection issues.

  • Flexible privacy control: Advertisers can choose which data is shared and when, with privacy controls based on business objectives.

  • Optimize through measurement: Events API allows you to accurately measure events and optimize ad targeting.

Follow our best practices to learn more about how to get started with Events API.

Get started

To learn more about X-Stack Connect and how it can help your business thrive in a cookieless future, contact Dentsu Digital for details. Don't have a TikTok Ads Manager account? Click here to get started.