Was Brihaspati the Patron Of the Charvaka Materialists?

How do we prevent our sense-organs from leading us astray? That was the concern of the spiritualists. For materialists, the spiritualists were people seeking power by controlling others. …

Tirthankar: Jain Dharm Par 63 Vichar

by Devdutt Pattanaik (Author), Mihir Nilum Jajodia (Translator) …

The Forgotten Women Who Helped Shape Jainism

Jainism follows the path revealed by 24 sages known as Tirthankara, who appear in every …

  • Kingdom Is Responsibility, Not Property

    Kingdom Is Responsibility, Not Property

    Dharmic Leadership (is) different from Conventional Leadership. Dharmic Leadership is not prescriptive. It is introspective…

  • No Leather In Temples, But Silk?

    No Leather In Temples, But Silk?

    Recently, at a temple, a monk wearing ochre-saffron, to advertise his ‘celibacy’, yelled at a girl for wearing a leather belt and entering the temple. Somehow, he had given himself the authority of purity. It struck me how this arrogant gatekeeper of culture, rather than appreciating the girl’s devotion, was busy drawing attention to himself,…

  • Love Poetry

    Love Poetry

    Love is missing in the Veda. Vedic gods did not care much for it…

  • How the Kama Gita Evolved to Become the Kama-sutra

    How the Kama Gita Evolved to Become the Kama-sutra

    Everyone mentions Krishna’s Bhagavad Gita from the Mahabharata, but no one talks about Kama Gita also found in the Mahabharata…

  • Cheraman Juma Masjid, the Temple-like Mosque of Kerala

    Cheraman Juma Masjid, the Temple-like Mosque of Kerala

    Mosques were built by sailors during the lifetime of the Prophet, since the 7th century, along the coasts of India. The most famous of these is the Cheraman Juma Masjid in Kerala’s Thrissur district, widely believed to be the oldest mosque in the subcontinent…

  • Unlock the Magic of Myth: T-shirts from Devdutt Pattanaik

    Unlock the Magic of Myth: T-shirts from Devdutt Pattanaik

    Dive into a blend of mythology and art that’ll make your feed pop! Trust us; you don’t want to miss out on these vibrant visuals…

New Books

Devdutt Pattanaik writes and speaks on the relevance of mythology in modern times, especially in areas of management, governance, and leadership.